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Exercise 5. Study the list of words and word combinations and match them with the definitions

1. Degree(to receive / get / earn / obtain a ~ confer a ~) a. student at a college or University who has not taken a first and esp. a bachelor’s degree
2. Bachelor’s degree bachelor's degree / BA = Bachelor of Arts / BSc= Bachelor of Science b. an area of land that contains the main buildings and grounds of a university or college, or one of the sites on which such buildings are located
3. Master’s degree master's degree / MA = Master of Arts / MSc = Master of Science / MPhil = Master of Philosophy c. higher-educational institutions that provide preparation in such fields as law, theology, medicine, business, music, and art.
4. Doctoral degree doctor's degree / PhD = Doctor of Philosophy d. main subject
5. Undergraduate e. a qualification awarded by a university or college following successful completion of a course of study or period of research, or a similar qualification granted as an honor
6. Graduate/post graduate students f. a student holding the first University degree who is engaged in studies beyond Bachelor’s degree.
7. University or college campus g. an institution of postsecondary education provided after the completion of secondary education, usually affording, at the end of a course of study, a named degree, diploma, or certificate of higher studies.
8. Residence hall (student hostel, dormitory) h. a mark or rating given for work in school or college, usually using the descending scale of A, B, C, D, and F
9. Compulsory subjects i. subject left to individual choice
10. Optional subjects j. a building used as living and sleeping quarters by college students
11. Major k. a) a unit of study, often equivalent to an hour of class time, in a course of higher education b) official recognition that a student has satisfactorily completed a course of study
12. Professional school l. the act of watching over a particular activity or task being carried out by other people and ensure that it is carried out correctly
13. Graduate school / Higher-educational institution / postsecondary institution m. subjects required by law or an authority
14. Postgraduate studies/course n. a university or university division for advanced students who have obtained a bachelor’s degree
15. Mark / grade Passing mark o. requirements one needs to fulfill in order to enter an institution.
16. Credit p. an official document showing the educational work of a student in a school or college
17. ECTS q. a teaching session spent individually or in a small group under the direction of a tutor
18. Correspondence course r. a degree awarded on the successful completion of an undergraduate course at a college or university
19. Tuition s. a sum charged for instruction at a school or university
20. Curriculum Pl. Curricula t. the highest level of university degree that can be studied for, awarded to somebody who has successfully completed a lengthy piece of original research.
21. Supervision u. a college degree, usually awarded after one or two years of postgraduate study/" master's" degree (which involves one to two years of postgraduate study) or a doctoral degree (which involves two to four years of study and other requirements).
22. Tutorial v. an educational course in which the teaching organization sends lessons and tests to students by mail and students return completed work in the same way
23. Extracurricular activities w. the subjects taught at an educational institution, or the elements taught in a particular subject
24. Entrance requirements x. European Credit Transfer System
25. Course transcript y. activities done or happening outside the normal curriculum of a school, college, or university


Exercise 6. Look through the chart describing the postsecondary education in most countries. What does ECTS abbreviation mean? Does this chart correspond with the degree structure in Russia? What do you know about the degrees in Russia?

Exercise 7. Choose one of the texts about systems of higher education in different countries and fill in the table after the text.. Get ready to present your results to other students.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 1910. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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