The cost of attending colleges and universities steadily … (increase) since the 1980s. Since private institutions in the United States … (not receive) public funds, they generally … (charge) students higher tuition and fees than do public institutions. In Canada, public and private institutions usually … (charge) comparable tuition and fees because the provincial and federal governments subsidize student costs for both types of institutions. In the United States, the average tuition with room and board at a four-year public college for in-state residents during the 1978-1979 academic year … (be) $1, 994. By the 1996-1997 school year, the figure … (reach) $7, 331. At private four-year schools, tuition, room, and board nationwide … (increase) from an average of $4, 514 to an average of $18, 476. In Canada, the cost of higher education … (vary) significantly from one province to another. In the 1996-1997 academic year tuition fees (without room and board) at four-year institutions … (rang) from $1, 170 in Quebec to more than $2, 800 in Nova Scotia. Tuition fees at private four-year colleges and universities in Canada … (range) from about $2, 800 to $5, 700. More than 10 percent of full-time college students … (work) full-time to pay for their college education. Most others … (work) part-time to help offset the costs of attending college. However, higher tuition and a decline in the purchasing power of minimum wage jobs … (make) it increasingly difficult for students to pay for college by working part-time. To provide some assistance in financing higher education costs, a number of states … (establish) programs that allow families to prepay college tuition years in advance by purchasing special contracts or tax-exempt bonds. Exercise 10. Read through the passage about tuition again and find English equivalents to these words and phrases: 1. назначать плату за обучение 2. сопоставимая плата за обучение 3. работать полный / неполный рабочий день 4. возмещать стоимость посещения университета Exercise 11. Compare the cost of attending colleges and universities in the USA and Canada with that in Russia. Exercise 12. Before you listen to the student speaking about money for education use the words and phrases in the table to complete the sentences below.
1) difficult but rewarding 2) extra money paid on a loan or bank savings 3) fight 4) getting a better job or salary within a company over time 5) money a student pays to a university 6) money borrowed from a bank or finance company 7) money paid back on a loan 8) money paid for a week’s work 9) regular monthly or annual pay packet 10) work between academic years