Студопедия — II. a) Learn to distinguish between these synonyms. Then read the explanations below to see the difference
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II. a) Learn to distinguish between these synonyms. Then read the explanations below to see the difference

profession, field, job, occupation, specialization, trade, vocation, work (работа, занятие)

Profession suggests a position that cannot be taken without a considerable amount of education and involves one’s creativity in mental rather than manual labor.

Vocation specifically stresses dedication. It can sound high flown: e.g. He chose painting as his vocation and earned his living by waiting on tables.

Occupation is neutral possibility for vocation. It does not sound over elegant.

Trade, work, job by contrast may suggest a range of occupations from skilled labor to the most menial of position. Of the three trades implies the dignity of learned skill in which inventiveness and manual labor are combined. Work is, of course, very general. Job is commonly used to refer to any sort of employment permanent or temporary, single task or regular position of employment.

Field is an informal and specialization a formal word for referring to smaller groupings within occupation: a medical student who intended to study in the field of obstetrics; a general knowledge of law but with specialization in divorce cases.


b) Translate sentences where these synonyms are used:

1. You must also be willing to retrain and to enter an entirely new occupation. 2. Perhaps you could obtain a summer or part-time job doing the type of work you are trained at the University. 3. It would be wise for you to begin developing aspects of your personality that are not related to the type of work you expect to be doing while you are in school. 4. Educating yourself for the future also means being prepared to enter an occupation for which college has not specially trained for. 5. One study of college graduates found that most liberal arts majors – English, psychology, art, sociology, history – who are now employed as managers are generally quite satisfied with their jobs. 6. Higher-educational institutions include not only universities and colleges but also various professional schools that provide preparation in such fields as law, theology, medicine, business, music, and art.7. Such diverse professions as engineering, teaching, law, medicine, and information science all require a college education.


c) Use appropriate synonyms:

1. Perhaps you could obtain a summer or part-time doing the type of work you are trained at the University (profession, field, job, occupation, specialization, trade, vocation, work). 2. Educating yourself for the future also means being prepared to enter …. for which college has not specially trained for (profession, field, job, occupation, specialization, trade, vocation, work). 3. Higher-educational institutions include not only universities and colleges but also various professional schools that provide preparation in such as law, theology, medicine, business, music, and art (profession, field, job, occupation, specialization, trade, vocation, work). 4. Such diverse as engineering, teaching, law, medicine, and information science all require a college education(profession, field, job, occupation, specialization, trade, vocation, work).


III. Discuss in pair. Do you like to study? If not, why not? If so, when and where do you like to study?

a) You are going to watch a video about ways to study. What three great ways to study are mentioned?

b) Are these sentences true or false? Watch the video and check your answers.

1. There are many kinds of computer programs to help students, but the Internet is not very useful for research.

2. Technology offers more flexibility in when we study.

3. Technology does not really help students who are learning languages.

4. Studying in groups is better than studying alone.

5. Large groups are better than small groups for studying.

6. Few universities offer tutors to help struggling students


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