B) Describe people in Appendix 3
C) Compare two pictures in Appendix 4. Use comparative degrees. V. a) Do you know any twins? If so, are they identical or not? What kind of relationship have they got? b) Read the text “Parallel Lives” about the twins. What surprised you most?
c) Translate the words / phrases from Russian into English: Возраст; близнец; жениться / выходить замуж в один и тот же день; почерк; воспитываться в разных семьях; женщина средних лет; гены влияют на нашу жизнь; разводиться; вступить в брак вторично; приемный, усыновленный сын; индивидуальные особенности личности; выражение лица; совпадение; иметь много общего.
D) Ask five types of questions to the paragraphs (A-F). e) Which similarities have you faced / may occur in the lives of the twins? Read the similarities in the lives of Jim Springer and Jim Lewis from Ohio in the USA. What surprised you most? VI. a) Would you like to be brought up in a large or a small family? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these families? Discuss this question in pairs or in groups of three / four.