To eliminate
| to remove or get rid of completely
Turning point
| a particular time or incident that marks the beginning of a completely new, and usually better, stage in somebody’s life or in the development of something
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| a sum charged for instruction at a school or university
Pl. Curricula
| the subjects taught at an educational institution, or the elements taught in a particular subject
| the act of watching over a particular activity or task being carried out by other people and ensure that it is carried out correctly
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| a teaching session spent individually or in a small group under the direction of a tutor
| somebody who is equal to another person or to other people in some respect such as age or social class
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| somebody who or something that has very similar characteristics to another person or thing, or plays a very similar part in a different system or organization
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Extracurricular activities
| activities done or happening outside the normal curriculum of a school, college, or university
Entrance requirements
| requirements one needs to fulfill in order to enter an institution.
To admit
| to allow somebody or something entrance or access
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Course transcript
| an official document showing the educational work of a student in a school or college
| careful and thorough
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To secure
| to obtain something, especially after using considerable effort to persuade somebody to grant or allow it
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To assess
| to examine something in order to judge or evaluate it
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| somebody’s reputation or position, for example, in society or business
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b) Look through the chart describing the postsecondary education in most countries. What does ETCS abbreviation mean? Does this chart correspond with the degree structure in Russia? What do you know about the academic degrees in Russia?