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Formed nearly 160 years ago, the 3d Armoured Cavalry Regiment (the 3d ACR) is the second oldest unit in the United States Army. Originally designated the Regiment of Mounted Riflemen, the Regiment first saw action during the Mexican War in 1847 and it was during this conflict that they earned the title, The Brave Rifles. This is still on the Regiment’s insignia today.

At the end of the Mexican War, the Regiment returned to Missouri and after rebuilding, took up its original mission of escorting settlers westward to the new Oregon territory. In 1851 the Regiment was ordered to Texas to defend the settlers from the Indians. In August 1861, after the outbreak of the American Civil War, the Regiment of Mounted Riflemen was renamed the 3d United States Cavalry Regiment. This was a difficult time, as many officers and men joined the rebels and soldiers found themselves fighting their former comrades. At the end of the Civil War, the Regiment returned to the Western frontier where they were stationed for 30 years.

At the outbreak of World War 1, the 3d Cavalry was deployed to Europe but the use of trenches, barbed wire, gas and machine guns meant that horse cavalry fought in few engagements during that conflict. Although the Regiment was still a horse cavalry unit at the outbreak of World War 2, it was soon converted to mechanized cavalry and re-equipped with armoured vehicles before deployment to Europe. The Regiment was redesignated as the 3d Armoured Cavalry Regiment in 1948.

In the ‘60s and ‘70s – while the war raged in Vietnam – the Regiment was stationed in West Germany, providing rear area security for the 7th US Army and patrolling the East / West German border. The Regiment moved to Fort Lewis, Washington in 1968 and to Fort Bliss, Texas in 1972. The Regimental Support Aviation Troop was combined with the Air Cavalry Troop to form the 4th Aviation Squadron on the 16 October 1988. On 19 May 1996, the Regiment celebrated its 150th anniversary and the 3d ACR moved to its current base, Fort Carson, Colorado.


3.s Answer the questions.


1. When did the Regiment get their nickname?

2. Why wasn’t the Regiment involved in many battles during World War 1?

3. When did the Regiment exchange their horses for armoured vehicles?

4. What was the Regiment doing during the Vietnam War?

5. How many wars does the text refer to?

4. Match the words with the definitions.
engagement outbreak rebel suppress uprising

1. A situation where a group of people use force to oppose their government.

2. Another word for battle.

3. Someone who opposes their government with force.

4. The sudden beginning of a conflict.

5. To stop opposition using military force.

5. Study the examples. Then complete the text with during, while or for.


The Regiment first saw action during the Mexican War.

In the ‘60s and ‘70s – while the war raged in Vietnam – the Regiment was stationed in West Germany.

The Regiment returned to the Western frontier where they were stationed for 30 years.


In March 2000, the 3d Squadron, the 3d Armoured Cavalry Regiment, deployed to Bosnia (1) ____ six months. (2) ____ it was serving in Bosnia, the Squadron formed part of a multi-national Division. (3) ____ the rotation, soldiers carried out presence patrols. Elections were held (4) ____ the Squadron was in Bosnia. The Squadron was based at Camp Dobol (5) ____ the rotation.


6. Match the columns.
battle A war fought between people from the same country.
civil war The sudden beginning of a conflict.
engagement Someone who opposes his government with force.
guerilla A major fight between armed forces during the course of a war.
outbreak An armed conflict where a country uses all its national resources and military strength.
rebel A fight between two small units of opposing armed forces.
uprising A member of an irregular military group that fights with sudden, unexpected attacks on the official armed forces.
war A situation where a group of people use force to oppose their government.
7. Write the corresponding words.
verb adjective or noun

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