WHO AND WHAT QUESTIONS NOTE: target – subject. Simply replace the subject of an affirmative sentence by Who, What.
Example. I bought something. Who bought something? 1. Somebody broke the window. 2. Something fell off the shelf. 3. Somebody wants to see you. 4. Somebody took my umbrella. 5. Something made me ill. 6. Somebody is coming. 7. John has told me everything. 8. Peter has been learning French since 2008. 9. Ann will visit her parents tomorrow. 10. Future carriers probably won’t be as large or expensive as the current super carriers.
Example: I bought something. Who bought something? (subject) I bought something. What did you buy? (object)
1. Somebody lives in this house. 2. I phoned somebody. 3. Something happened last night. 4. Somebody knows the answer. 5. Somebody did the washing up. 6. Jill did something. 7. Something woke me up. 8. Somebody saw the accident. 9. I saw somebody. 10. Somebody has got my pen. 11. This word means something.