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Question Tags are short questions at the end of affirmative or negative statements. We use them to ask for confirmation or agreement.

Question Tags are formed with an auxiliary or modal verb and an appropriate personal pronoun.

You can see the exercise ground, can’t you?

She drives a BMW, doesn’t she?

He went to Brazil, didn’t he?

After affirmative statements we use a negative question tag.

He is an air-force officer, isn’t he?

After negative statements we use a positive question tag.

You haven’t fed the dog yet, have you?

When the sentence contains words such as: never, hardly, rarely, etc. the question tag is positive.

They rarely watch TV, do they?

The question tags of some verbs are formed differently. Study the examples below.


rule example
I am → aren’t I? I am clever, aren’t I?
Imperative → will / won’t you? Be quiet, won’t you?
Don’t → will you? Don’t yell at me, will you?
Let’s → shall we? Let’s order a pizza, shall we?
I have (got) → haven’t I? (=possess) He has got a sleeping bag, hasn’t he?
I have → don’t I? (other meanings) She had breakfast, didn’t she?
There is / are → isn’t / aren’t there? There is a book on the table, isn’t there?
This / that is → isn’t it? That is Tom’s house, isn’t it?

Intonation: when we are sure of the answer and expect agreement, the voice goes down in the question tag. When we aren’t sure of the answer and want to check information, the voice goes up in the question tag.


6. Underline the correct answer, as in the example.


1. You haven’t seen my keys anywhere, haven’t you / have you?

2. You won’t forget to send me a postcard, won’t you / will you?

3. John didn’t leave the shopping in the car, did he / didn’t he?

4. You will be home early tonight, will you / won’t you?

5. Jane is a lovely girl, isn’t she / is she?

6. Sam went to the park today, did he / didn’t he?

7. The Crisps haven’t got any children, haven’t they / have they?

8. Dad is sleeping, isn’t he / is he?

9. Let’s go to the circus, shall we / will we?

10. You’ve got a CD player, haven’t you / have you?


7. Fill in the question tags, as in the example.


1. This is a lovely dress, isn’t it?

2. Let’s go for a walk, __________?

3. Jenny has got a canary, _________?

4. You don’t like watching TV, _______?

5. Don’t be long, ________?

6. This is Tommy’s bicycle, ________?

7. He exercises every day, ________?

8. Martha hasn’t got a car, ________?

9. I’m not late, ________?

10. We aren’t invited to their wedding, ________?


8. Fill in the correct question tags and short answers, as in the example.


1. Frank has got a brother, hasn’t he? – Yes, he has.

2. Susan isn’t a mechanic, ________? – No, ________.

3. Lynn and Ian don’t live here, ________? – No, ________.

4. You’ve been to Greece, ________? – Yes, ________.

5. They rarely go to the beach, ________? – No, ________.

6. This is Doug’s briefcase, ________? – Yes, ________.

7. He’s not ill, ________? – No, ________.

8. There is a dog in the garden, ________? – Yes, ________.

9. They got married, ________? – Yes, ________.

10. You aren’t old enough to drive, ________? – No, ________.

11. That is Bill’s car, ________? – Yes, ________.

12. You will remember to call me, ________? – Yes, ________.


9. Fill in the gaps with the correct question tags, as in the example.


A Natalie’s coming home this weekend, isn’t she?
B Yes, I can’t wait. You haven’t seen her in ages, ________?
A No, the last time I saw her was at Christmas.
B She has called you since then, ________?
A Oh, yes. We speak to each other every week.
B Well, you know her parents are having a party on Saturday, ________? Everybody’s going. You and Dave will be there, ________?
A Definitely! Johnny’s playing the music, ________?
B I’m not sure. But if he is, it’s going to be a great party.


10. Fill in the gaps with the correct question tags.


1. The box was in the car, ________?

2. There isn’t any bread at home, ________?

3. It’s interesting to travel, ________?

4. I am tall, ________?

5. He has got a car, ________?

6. She has painted her room, ________?

7. There are a few apples on the plate, ________?

8. You’re allergic to cats, ________?

9. Bob didn’t lose the key, ________?

10. Let’s play football, ________?

11. Let’s go to the cinema, ________?

12. The boys weren’t hurt, ________?

13. Nobody knows about it, ________?

14. She has to get up early now, ________?

15. Listen to me, ________?

16. Paul, you will do the shopping, ________?

17. She won’t tell us the truth, ________?

18. He never speaks rudely, ________?

19. They live next door, ________?

20. Helen could speak good French last year, ________?

21. She has breakfast at 8, ________?

22. There will be a new hotel here, ________?

23. They aren’t working in the garden, ________?

24. He had ironed all the linen by 5 yesterday, ________?

25. He had to spend a lot of money on education, ________?


11.ó ® Answer the questions and make up a story about travelling.


1. Why do people travel?

2. Are you fond of travelling?

3. Which is the best way of travelling?

4. When do people usually travel by plane?

5. What are the advantages of travelling by train?

6. How do different people spend their holidays?

7. Do you like hiking?

8. Why do some people like to go to the mountains?

9. What do you enjoy most of all while travelling?

10. Do you agree that travelling broadens our minds?

11. Where have you been?

12. When did you go abroad for the first time?

13. What language did you speak there?

14. What countries are you interested in visiting?

15. What means of transport do you prefer?

16. Aren’t you frightened to fly in an airplane?

17. Do you like to explore new places?

18. Do you make friends while travelling?

19. Are you a good mixer?

20. Do you prefer travelling with your family, friends or all by yourself?

21. Have you seen much in your country?

22. Do you miss your home while travelling?


12.ó ® Fill in the question tags, then read the sentences with the correct intonation.


    sure not sure
  You walk to school, ________? +  
  That man is very handsome, ________? +  
  She graduated last year, ________?   +
  They’re coming, ________?   +
  You’ve posted the letters, ________? +  
  He lives in Rome, ________?   +
  Your mother is a teacher, ________? +  
  He’ll drive me to the bank, ________? +  
  You don’t like fish, ________?   +
  That’s Pete’s dog, ________? +  



13.ó ® Describe the picture.




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