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1. Translate into Ukrainian.
  Joint Chiefs of Staff  
  National Security Council  
  Secretary of Defense  
2. In this exercise we’ll concentrate on the words and word combinations to be sure you know what they mean. Glossary: commands and warnings.
  Make ready! Cock your weapon.
  Take cover! Find yourself some protection from enemy fire.
  Unload! Remove all ammunition from the weapon and ensure that it is clear.
  Halt! Stop moving immediately.
  Tank action! Prepare to engage armoured vehicles.
  Open fire! Start shooting.
  Gas! Gas! Gas! A chemical agent has just been used.
  Fire for effect! Shoot as quickly as possible (artillery or mortars).
  Go firm! Stop moving and adopt a position of defence.
  Cease fire! Stop shooting.
  Abandon ship! Get into a lifeboat; the vessel is about to sink.
  Debus! Get out of your vehicle.
  Rapid fire! Shoot as quickly as possible (infantry).
  Make safe! Remove the magazine from the weapon and check that the breech is clear of ammunition. Pull the trigger and apply the safety catch, then replace the magazine on the weapon.
  Incoming! Shells are about to land on our position.
  Action stations! Go to your battle position immediately.
  Adjust fire! Fire one round, so that the fall of shot can be observed (artillery or mortars).
  Contact! The enemy has been sighted.
3. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian.

Organization – Headquarters, Department of the Army

The headquarters, Department of the Army (DA), housed in the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. is the place of final decision as to Army affairs, and the nerve center for control of execution of the military missions pertaining to the Army. It is an organizational component of the Department of Defense (DOD). Located together are the command and control elements of the DOD, and the DA, Department of the Navy (DN), and Department of the Air Force (DAF), so they may work together in easy teamwork, and operate together in jointly planned and executed combined operations.

The Secretary of the Army (SA), a civilian, is the head of the Army who has the primary responsibility for the affairs of Army establishment. He is assisted by other civilian officials and by the Army Staff, which is the professional military staff at the HQ, DA. It consists of the Chief of Staff (CofS), the Army General Staff, the Special Staff and the Personal Staff.

The Chief of Staff is the highest military assistant or advisor to the Secretary of the Army. He occupies the pinnacle position within the Army. He is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) and as a member thereof is adviser to the President, the National Security Council (NSC), and the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF). As Chief of Staff, United States Army (CSUSA), his responsibility is to the SA and includes the worldwide Army mission as well as its administration, training, and supply.


4.s Answer the questions.


1. What is the mission of HQ, DA?

2. What does the Army Staff consist of?

3. Who is the highest military adviser to the SA?

4. What are the responsibilities of the continental armies?


5.ó ® Match the columns.


  Adjust fire! a. Cock your weapon.
  Go firm! b. Find yourself some protection from enemy fire.
  Open fire! c. Remove all ammunition from the weapon and ensure that it is clear.
  Incoming! d. Stop moving immediately.
  Action stations! e. Prepare to engage armoured vehicles.
  Unload! f. Start shooting.
  Cease fire! g. A chemical agent has just been used.
  Rapid fire! h. Shoot as quickly as possible (artillery or mortars).
  Take cover! i. Stop moving and adopt a position of defence.
  Gas! Gas! Gas! j. Stop shooting.
  Debus! k. Get into a lifeboat; the vessel is about to sink.
  Abandon ship! l. Get out of your vehicle.
  Fire for effect! m. Shoot as quickly as possible (infantry).
  Contact! n. Remove the magazine from the weapon and check that the breech is clear of ammunition. Pull the trigger and apply the safety catch, then replace the magazine on the weapon.
  Halt! o. Shells are about to land on our position.
  Tank action! p. Go to your battle position immediately.
  Make ready! q. Fire one round, so that the fall of shot can be observed (artillery or mortars).
  Make safe! r. The enemy has been sighted.


6. Read the text and write a short summary.


The Army initiated a reorganization of its major field commands in 1973. As a result of the reorganization, the old Continental Army Command, the Combat Developments Command, and the US Third Army were abolished. In their places, the new organization provides the US Army Forces Command, US Army Training and Doctrine Command, US Army Development and Readiness Command, US Army Security Agency, US Army Communications Command, Military Traffic Management Command, US Army Criminal Investigation Command, US Army Health Services Command, US Army Military District of Washington.

The three remaining continental armies now have the prime responsibility for supervising the operations and readiness of Army reserve units. Subordinate to Forces Command (FORSCOM), these armies operate through nine Army Readiness Regions. The geographical boundaries of the armies, First, Fifth, and Sixth, as well as Army Readiness Regions, are. Each Readiness Region has a small staff to control Readiness Groups which will assist and advise Army Reserve and National Guard (NG) units on a day-to-day basis. The continental armies are also responsible for civil defense planning, defense of the Army areas, support of forces engaged in civil disturbances, and planning for and support of relief operations for wide-spread natural disasters.


7. Translate into English.


Штаб, підрозділ, взаємодія, штаб сухопутних військ, управління, командування сухопутних військ США, реорганізація, континентальна частина США, матеріально-технічний, міністерство оборони США.



8.ó ® Describe the picture.


http: //www.google.com.ua/imgres? imgurl=http: //media.defenseindustrydaily.com/images/GEAR_US_Army_Combat_Uniform_w_Descriptions_lg.gif& imgrefurl=http: //www.defenseindustrydaily.com/us-exercises-977m-in-options-for-acupat-coats-trousers-



Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 632. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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