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Possible engine failures

Exercise 3.6.1 Read and translate the text.

SATAL is west of Moscow. The jet is heading southeast on airway R11 which skirts the southern boundary of Moscow’s terminal airspace. The skies over western Russia are quiet tonight. Suddenly, another aircraft’s anti-collision lights break the darkness ahead. The jet zooms past 1, 500 ft overhead and just as quickly as it appeared, it is gone again. Like two aerial strangers passing in the night, the origin of this flight is unknown: its destination can only be guessed at. Frankfurt or Paris perhaps. London is a possibility.

The FMC allows the crew to review a number of “what if” scenarios. It shows, for example, that an engine failure at this point would cause only a minimal performance penalty. The jet would have to descend to FL 280 and the cruise speed would slow to Mach 0.81. With 4, 529 nm left to go, the trip to Hong Kong on three engines would take an extra 15 minutes and burn six more tonnes of fuel. Yet while the pilots could conceivably continue to their destination it is doubtful they would risk the trip on three engines. The loss of another engine would reduce the cruise speed to Mach 0.67 and more importantly, force the jumbo down to FL 180, below the safety height for the high terrain that lies ahead.

Flying westbound, back to London, it would be a different story. If the pilots were well along in their journey and lost an engine, it is likely that they would select to continue to Heathrow. This would get passengers to their destination and get the jet back to its home base where maintenance crews could make a speedy repair.

At 20.08 UTC the jet is 80 nm of Moscow where according to the latest reports it is overcast and snowing and the temperature is a chilly -5° Celsius. The frequency changes occur often along this stage of the trip. Victor Alpha flies from one non-directional radio beacon (NDB) to another and responsibility for the flight is transferred along a succession of controllers. It passes the Yukhnov NDB (UK) and turns for Zakharovka NDB (IP), 50 nm ahead. The tailwind has picked up. It is blowing at 67kt and as a result the jet is making a slightly faster progress with a groundspeed of 549kt.

Exercise 3.6.2 Answer the questions.

1. What part of Moscow is SATAL?

2. Is the jet heading southeast or northeast on airway R11?

3. What broke the darkness?

4. Was the origin of the flight known?

5. What was a possible destination of the unknown jet?

6. What would an engine failure cause?

7. What FL would have the jet descend to?

8. Would the cruise speed be slow?

9. What is the distance to Hong Kong?

10. How many extra minutes would it take to fly to Hong Kong?

11. How much fuel would the jet burn?

12. What would the loss of engine cause?

13. Where is the jet at 20.08 UTC?

14. What is the weather like?

15. What is the temperature?

16. Do frequency changes occur?

17. Is responsibility for the flight transferred along a succession of controllers?

18. What beacon does Speedbird 25 pass?

19. How many nautical miles are there to IP?

20. What is the tailwind speed?

21. Why is the jet making a slightly faster progress?

Exercise 3.6.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones.

1. SATAL is east of Moscow.

2. The jet is heading southeast on airway R11.

3. Airway R 11 skirts the northern boundary of Moscow’s terminal airspace.

4. The skies over western Russia are not quiet.

5. Another aircraft’s anti-collision lights break the darkness.

6. Unknown aircraft appears unexpectedly.

7. Nobody knows the destination of an unknown aircraft.

8. Engine failure wouldn’t cause a serious problem.

9. In case of emergency the jet would have to descend to FL 280.

10. The trip to Hong Kong on three engines would take an extra 30 minutes and burn six more tonnes of fuel.

11. The loss of another engine would reduce the cruise speed to Mach 0.67.

12. If the jet flew back to London, it would be a different story.

13. At 20.08 UTC, the jet is 70 nm south of Moscow.

14. According to the latest reports, it is overcast and snowing and the temperature is chilly -5° Celsius in the vicinity of Moscow.

15. Responsibility for the flight is transferred along a succession of controllers.

16. The tailwind has picked up.

17. The wind is blowing at 67 knots.

18. As a result of the tailwind the jet is making a slightly faster progress with a groundspeed of 649 kt.

19. Frequency changes often occur along the route.

Exercise 3.6.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Западнее Москвы; на трассе; курс; юго-восточное – направление; граничить; вдруг; внезапно; нарушить темноту; быстро; неизвестный; догадываться; возможность; отказ двигателя; крейсерская скорость; на трех двигателях; дополнительно 15 минут; сомнительный; рисковать; заставить кого-то сделать что-то силой; безопасная высота; местность; потерять двигатель; аэродром вылета; ремонтные бригады; быстрый ремонт; в соответствии с …; последняя сводка погоды; сплошная облачность; идет снег; иметь место, происходить; на этом участке пути; ответственность за полет; передача управления от одного диспетчера другому; попутный ветер; путевая скорость; реактивный самолет летит заметно быстрее.

Exercise 3.6.5 What do the following abbreviations stand for?

R 11 ft FMC FL nm UTC NDB kt

Exercise 3.6.6 Match the word combinations and expressions in column A with those in column B.

1. break the darkness a. высокая местность
2. as quickly as b. сплошная облачность
3. the origin of smth c. уменьшать
4. guess d. ответственность
5. engine failure e. потеря двигателя
6. high terrain f. происхождение чего-то
7. loss of an engine g. догадываться
8. overcast h. так быстро, как возможно
9. responsibility i. нарушить (пробить) темноту
10. reduce j. отказ двигателя

Exercise 3.6.7 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and expressions.

Border; calm; at once; as fast as; foundation; permit; allow; problem; reduce; fly; additional; press, oblige; choose, select, prefer; in accordance with; chain, sequence; backwind; change; take the passengers to their destination.

Exercise 3.6.8 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. The jet is _________ (flying, cruising, heading) southeast on airway R 11.

2. SATAL is _________ (north, east, west) of Moscow.

3. An engine _________ (breakdown, failure, fault) would cause only a minimal performance _________ (fine, punishment, penalty).

4. The trip on three engines would take an _________ (additional, appropriate, extra) 15 minutes.

5. It is _________ (problematic, questionable, doubtful) they would risk the trip on three engines.

6. Flying back to London, it would be a different _________ (statement, story, legend).

7. They would __________ (take, bring, get) the passengers to their destination.

8. The frequency changes __________ (happen, appear, occur) often along this stage of the __________ (journey, trip, travel).

9. Responsibility for the flight is transferred along a __________ (chain, sequence, succession) of controllers.

10. The tailwind has made slightly faster ___________ (flight, trip, progress) with a ground speed of 549 knots.

Exercise 3.6.9 Fill in the gaps with the related words.

1. Suddenly, another aircraft’s anti-collision lights break the _________ ahead. (DARK)

2. The jet zooms past overhead and just as _________ as it appeared. (QUICK)

3. London is a _________.(POSSIBLE)

4. An engine failure would cause only a minimal _________ penalty. (PERFORM)

5. It is _________ they would risk the trip on three engines. (DOUBT)

6. __________ for the flight is transferred along a succession of ___________ (RESPONSE + CONTROL).

7. The loss of engine would force the jumbo down to FL 180, below the ________ height for the high terrain. (SAFE)

Exercise 3.6.10 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Пункт обязательного донесения САЕАЛ расположен западнее Москвы.

2. Воздушное судно следует по трассе Р 11.

3. Вдруг огни другого самолета пробили темноту ночи.

4. Гул реактивного самолета сверху исчез так же быстро, как и появился.

5. Появление этого самолета было неизвестно.

6. Париж или Франкфурт, возможно, были его пунктом назначения. Об этом можно было только догадываться.

7. Если бы у экипажа был отказ двигателя, то это не вызвало бы серьезную проблему, которая могла бы повлиять на выполнение полета.

8. Самолет должен был бы снизиться до ЭП 280.

9. Полет до Гонг Конга занял бы еще дополнительно 15 минут и потребовалось бы сжечь еще 6 тонн топлива.

10. Вызывает сомнение, что пилоты рискнули бы продолжить полет на трех двигателях.

11. Потеря другого двигателя уменьшила бы крейсерскую скорость воздушного судна до скорости по Маху 0.67, и, что более важно, самолет вынужден был бы снизиться до ЭП 180.

12. Если бы пилотам пришлось возвращаться в Лондон, это было бы другое дело.

13. Очевидно, они бы выбрали Хитроу.

14. Борт вернулся бы на базу, где ремонтные бригады могли бы произвести быстрый ремонт.

15. Согласно последним сводкам погоды, над Москвой была сплошная облачность, шел снег и температура была минус 5° по Цельсию.

16. Смена частот происходила очень часто на этом этапе (участке) пути, т.к. борт летел от одного радиомаяка к другому.

17. Ответственность за полет передавалась по маршруту следования по цепочке – от одного диспетчера к другому.

18. Попутный ветер дул со скоростью 67 узлов.

19. Благодаря попутному ветру самолет летел быстрее.

20. Путевая скорость самолета составляла 549 узлов.

Exercise 3.6.11 Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combination.

West /North /South /East of …; terminal airspace; break the darkness; as quickly as; origin of …; unknown; to guess; engine failure; cause a minimal performance penalty; cruise speed; to burn fuel; the safety height; the high terrain; loss of an engine; maintenance crews; to make a speedy repair; according to; the latest reports; overcast; frequency changes; occur; responsibility; succession of controllers; make a faster progress.

Exercise 3.6.12 Retell the text.

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