Студопедия — EXERCISES. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. Translate the sentences from English into Russian
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EXERCISES. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. Translate the sentences from English into Russian

Translate the sentences from English into Russian


1. Could you please stop making so much noise? 2. I don't enjoy writing letters. 3. Does your work involve meeting a lot of people? 4. I considered taking the job but in the end I decided against it. 5. If you walk into the road without looking you risk being knocked down by a car. 6. I don't fancy going out this evening. 7. The batteries of this radio need changing. 8. Do you think the grass needs cutting? 9. Before going out I phoned Ann. 10. Tom left without finishing his dinner. 11. I wonder what prevented him from coming to the party. 12. The arrested man was suspected of breaking into houses. 13. Have you ever thought of getting married? 14. I had difficulty in finding a place to live. 15. Do you think this book is worth reading?


1. This habit of discussing other people's affairs may damage reputations and ruin friendships. 2. Well, don't go if you don't feel like going but for God's sake stop talking about it. 3. Can't you see how perfectly useless it is trying to save the shop now? 4. I see no harm in letting them enjoy themselves in vacation time. 5. So you like the part and want to play it. But is it worth going to such lengths to get it? 6. He was only thanking me for taking his part at lunch. 7. Once he gets elected there will be no holding him. 8. You can't learn to skate without falling. 9. It's no use trying to make you see my point. 10. It's different for you. You're used to walking. 11. As to me, I simply love cooking. 12. My job is not teaching you manners. 13. She can't stand being contradicted. 14. She washed her face and combed her hair before going downstairs again. 15. Of course I'll go. I'd go any place if there's the slightest chance of getting this job.


Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary



1. She only succeeded... blocking the way. 2. She showed no intention... leaving. 3. There is no point... staying. 4. He did not object... being examined. 5. I was not used... driving a big car through crowded streets. 6. She was surprisingly clever... finding out things. 7. How can I prevent her... going there? 8. I was thinking at the time... selling the place. 9. I can find that out... asking. 10. After all I'm personally responsible... bringing you back safe and sound. 11. They positively insisted... visiting all the rooms. 12. What are your reasons to accuse her... taking the papers? 13. Everything depends... being on the spot. 14. I thanked him again... lending me the car.


1. Jones insisted... shaking hands. 2. I take all the blame... not seeing further than my nose. 3. Unfortunately I haven't succeeded... making much impression on you. 4. He made a point... never sounding disappointed. 5. His mission had very little to do... winning the war. 6. He had never had much difficulty... getting jobs. The trouble had always been... keeping them. 7. She thanked him... taking her out. 8. He did not object... seeing Francis. 9. I shall look forward... seeing your book. 10. I thought... taking a trip up the Scandinavian coast. 11. Jack hesitated, then decided... talking. 12. I told him that we were about to be turned out of our flat... not paying the rent. 13. Quite late, when he was on the point... going upstairs, the door bell rang. 14. He put the note under a saucer on the table to keep it... blowing away.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 3455. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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