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A) Choose the correct answer

1.What is the main idea of the text“The Legal Profession in Russia”?

a) The Ural State Law Academy trains lawyers.

b) Graduates of Russian law schools have a wide choice of career opportunities.

c) Our graduates can work at the Prosecutor’s office.

d) Lawyers inform clients about legal matters and draft contracts.


2. Which statement corresponds to the text “The Legal Profession in Russia”?

a) Any lawyer in our country has the right to represent a person in court.

b) The profession of a lawyer is the most popular profession nowadays.

c) Our graduates have the right to work only at law enforcement agencies.

d). The work environment and salary are different in various types of legal profession

b) Complete the sentences according to the textThe Legal Profession in Russia”.

1. Judges preside in the courtroom, ….

a. and supervise the correct application and observance of the law.

b. conduct legal proceedings, resolve disputes and pass judgments.

c. and defend those accused of committing a crime

d. mediate and negotiate settlements.


2. Advocates act for the client in court and out of court, …….

a. conduct legal proceedings, resolve disputes and pass judgments.

b. and supervise the correct application and observance of the law.

c. mediate and negotiate settlements.

d. and defend those accused of committing a crime.


3. Prosecutors and prosecutor’s assistants work at the Prosecutor’s office

a. conduct legal proceedings, resolve disputes and pass judgments.

b. and defend those accused of committing a crime.

c. and supervise the correct application and observance of the law.

d. mediate and negotiate settlements.


4. In-house lawyers inform clients about legal matters, draft contracts and other documents, …

a. conduct legal proceedings, resolve disputes and pass judgments.

b. and defend those accused of committing a crime

c. and supervise the correct application and observance of the law.

d. mediate and negotiate settlements.


5. Notaries work at the notary offices and ……

a. perform notary actions.

b. defend those accused of committing a crime.

c. supervise the correct application and observance of the law.

d. mediate and negotiate settlements.


6. Commercial court judges work at different levels of Commercial courts and

a. perform notary actions.

b. defend those accused of committing a crime.

c. supervise the correct application and observance of the law.

d. settle disputes between legal entities


7. The main task of law enforcement is to prevent, investigate and

a. defend those accused of committing a crime.

b. supervise the correct application and observance of the law.

c. solve crimes.

d. settle disputes between legal entities


Exercise 10

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 664. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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