ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Переведите следующие образные выражения. Определите способы их перевода
(Can’t talk?) (express one’s opinion loudly)
(по материалам сайта www.xvatit.com) ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Проверьте себя: насколько легко вы можете перевести без подготовки следующие фразеологические единицы: 1. That guy, Fred, is a real banana. 2. The guy is out to lunch. 3. His ideas are OK on the surface but when you start to look at them you realize that they are really Swiss cheese. 4. He is in a real stew. 5. Many happy returns of the day! ЗАДАНИЕ 4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на фразеологические единицы и их определения: 1. The proposal went over big with big business (to go over big – to succeed; big business – the world of large, powerful business organizations). 2. Let’s deal him in and give him a piece of cake (to deal smb in – to include somebody in an activity; to give smb a piece of cake – to share or divide profits with another person). 3. The manager has put our project into a cold storage, so it is still up in the air (to put into a cold storage – to put off for a later date; up in the air - unsettled). 4. All we understood from his double-dutch was that it was supposed to be a Dutch party (double-dutch – speech that sounds meaningless and cannot be understood; a Dutch party – a meal when everybody pays for himself). 5. The company has gone on the hook recently (to go on the hook – to start having debt). 6. If you think he is a soft touch, you have another guess coming; he is something of a shylock (a soft touch – a person who freely lends money; to have another guess coming – to be mistaken; shylock – a greedy person).