Group antonyms in pairs. Major, definite, warmer, available, necessary, possibility, less, to permit, improper, unable, insufficient
Major, definite, warmer, available, necessary, possibility, less, to permit, improper, unable, insufficient, aware, to shut, to simplify, minor, quickly, conscious, comfort, suitable, hazardous, top, more, to open, upward, unaware, to forbid, sufficient, unavailable, able, slowly, unnecessary, downward, impossibility, back, minimum, maximum, indefinite, unsuitable, cooler, to complicate, safe, unconscious, front, bottom, proper, discomfort.
Exercise 9. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the word “air”. Name parts of the speech. 1. There was a smell of burning leaves in the air. 2. Leave the clothes out to air. 3. It’s quicker by air than by sea. 4. There was an air of excitement at the meeting. 5. He explained the procedure with the weary air of a man who had explained it many times before. 6. We aired the room by opening the windows. 7. We will be on air in five minutes. 8. He jumped into the air. 9. We may be going skiing at Christmas, but it’s still in the air. 10. The television interview with the President will be aired in the evening.
Exercise 10. Make word combinations with the word “ventilation”.
Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps. The main tasks of firefighters are … rescue victims and to extinguish fires. … helps to fulfill these objectives. It … a systematic and planned release and … of heated air, smoke and toxic …. Smoke and fire gases endanger trapped …. Proper ventilation simplifies and expedites the … of victims. The removal of smoke, … and heat permits to locate the … rapidly and extinguish it. Confinement and … buildup of heated gases in an … being depleted of oxygen create a … draft. Top ventilation must be provided … prevent this critical situation. Ventilation reduces … possibility of mushrooming.
Exercise 12. Translate the following sentences. 1. Наша основна мета була загасити пожежу з мінімальними пошкодженнями від води, диму та тепла. 2. Належна вентиляція зробить умови безпечнішими для вогнеборців. 3. Він сказав, що вентиляція зменшує перешкоди, які заважають пожежникам. 4. Двері потрібно відкривати повільно і обережно. 5. Він спитав, чи досягли вже вогнеборці місця пожежі. 6. Пожежники вже визначили напрямок поширення вогню. 7. У будинку накопичується дим та пожежні гази. 8. Дим поширився горизонтально, чи не так? 9. У верхній частині будинку буде зроблено отвір. 10. Потрібно було застосувати відповідні вогнегасні речовини.
Exercise 13. 1. Give definitions of the terms “ventilation”, “back draft”. Write the annotation to the text. Prove that ventilation is necessary during rescue operations.