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Exercise 2. Read the definitions of the words. Translate and memorize them. - absence – 1) the state or a period of being away; 2) non-existence, lack;

- absence – 1) the state or a period of being away; 2) non-existence, lack;


- to anticipate – 1) to be aware of a future event and take action; to regard as possible; to look forward to; 2) to act or happen before;


- apparent – 1) easily seen or understood; evident; 2) seeming real or true;


- to arrive – 1) to reach a place at the end of a journey; 2) to be brought or delivered to a place;


- artificial – 1) made by humans, especially as a copy of something natural; 2) lacking true feelings, insincere; 3) happening as a result of human action, not through a natural process;


- to assume – 1) to accept as true without proof; suppose; 2) to take responsibility or control; 3) to begin to have (a specified quality, appearance, extent);


- backboard – a board used to support or straighten a person’s back;


- bandage – a strip of woven material used to bind up a wound or protect an injured part of the body;


- to bleed – to lose blood;


- to calm down – to make or become quiet, untroubled;


- cervical – relating to the neck;


- to check – 1) to test, examine the accuracy, quality, condition; 2) to stop, control, hold back, restrain;


- to choose – 1) to pick out as being the best of two or more alternatives; 2) to decide;


- collar – the part of a shirt, dress, coat, that stands up or folds down round the neck;


- to collide – 1) to crash violently; 2) to come into disagreement, be opposed;


- to discover – 1) to find something that already existed but was not known about before; 2) to find out (a fact, an answer, etc.);


- except – 1) not including, leaving out; 2) apart from;

- to extricate – to set free from a constraint or difficulty;


- fracture – the cracking or breaking of a bone;


- heartbeat – the action or sound of the heart as it pushes the blood round the body;


- immediate – 1) done or needed at once and without delay; 2) nearest in time, space or degree; next;


- to impale – to run a sharp stick or weapon through someone’s body;


- laboured – showing signs of effort and difficulty;


- to lodge – 1) to stay usually for a short time in return for paying rent; 2) to settle or become fixed firmly in a position;


- to maintain – 1) to continue to have, do as before; 2) to keep in good condition by making repairs and taking care; 3) to support with money;


- neck – 1) the part of the body by which the head is joined to the shoulders; 2) the part of a garment that goes round the human neck;


- to observe – 1) to see and notice; 2) to act in accordance with;


- power - 1) control over others, influence; 2) governmental control; 3) right to act given by law, rule or official position; 4) ability to do something or act in a particular way; 5) physical force, strength; 6) energy that is produced by mechanical, electrical or other means;

to power – to supply power to (especially a vehicle);

power point – socket;

high-powered – showing great force, ability;

power station (plant) – an installation where electricity is generated;

power cut – a temporary withdrawal or failure of an electrical power supply;


- to receive – 1) to come into possession, get; 2) to experience, undergo; 3) to accept as a visitor or member, welcome;


- to spill – 1) to pour out accidentally; 2) to spread beyond limits;


- spine – the row of bones in the center of the back of human beings and certain animals that supports the body;


- to support – 1) to bear the weight; 2) to provide money to live on; 3) to show the truth or correctness; 4) to be loyal by attending matches or performances;


- threat – 1) an expression of an intention to hurt, punish, cause pain; 2) a person, thing or idea regarded as a possible danger; 3) a sign, warning, possibility of coming danger;


- tourniquet – a band of cloth, that is twisted tightly round an arm or leg to stop bleeding;


- vehicle – a thing used for transporting people or goods on land;


- witness – someone who is present when something happens;


- to wreck – to bring to a ruined or unusable state, destroy;


- wrist – the joint between the hand and the lower part of the arm.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 631. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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