Exercise 18. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the constructions with the infinitive
а) 1. Engineers think this fire hose to be very reliable. 2. We thought these fireproof materials to be produced in Kyiv. 3. The method proposed by the young scientists is known to be very effective. 4. He considers this ladder to be made of aluminum. 5. The engineers wanted this phenomenon to be investigated in their laboratory.
b) 1. Electronics is thought to be a young science. 2. The electric generator is known to be a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. 3. Due to these experiments this substance was shown to be a good conductor. 4. This scientist is expected to make a report on extinguishing properties of different materials. 5. The designer is said to construct a new device.
c) 1. 8 minutes are required for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth. 2. Nearly a month is required for the Moon to circle the Earth. 3. The satellite of Neptune is too far for its size to be known with any accuracy. 4. For combustion to be rapid, the fuel and oxidant must be quickly mixed. 5. At present the only thing for you to do is to work systematically.
Exercise 19. Translate the sentences. 1. Вважається, що він найкращий спеціаліст у цій галузі. 2. Мені це важко запам’ятати. 3. Говорять, що він приїде завтра. 3. Я бачив, як він зайшов в будинок. 4. Бачили, як він переходив вулицю. 5. Я хочу, щоб ви зробили це сьогодні. 6. Мені не подобається, коли він говорить так повільно. 7. Ця машина дуже дорога, я не можу її купити. 8. Текст досить простий, ви можете прочитати його без словника. 9. Повідомляють, що делегація прибула до Києва. 10. Для походу у ліс погода була дуже погана. 11. Я не думав, що ти запізнишся. 12. Здається, що ти не розумієш мене. 13. Моя мати не хотіла, щоб ми знали один одного. 14. Учитель змусив нас вивчити текст напам’ять. Exercise 20. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the constructions with participle. 1. Stabilizing the life-threatening conditions of the victim, the rescuer began extrication. 2. The sudden ignition occurring when more oxygen is made available is called back draft. 3. Obtaining new data is necessary for future investigations. 4. Having been warmed to zero, ice began to melt. 5. I want to have my bike repaired. 6. The speed of light being very great, we cannot measure it by ordinary methods. 7. Some radioactive materials have been found in nature, uranium being one of them. 8. Being equipped with modern instruments the laboratory carried out important experiments. 9. Being perfected the device operated successfully under all conditions. 10. The operation of the device influenced by a number of factors was discussed by engineers.