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Characters — Mr. Priestley, Lucille, Frieda, Pedro, Olaf, Hob

Lucille: What splendid seats! We'll be able to see everything from here.

Pedro: Yes, Jan has certainly looked after us well. We'll have to take him out to dinner after the match.

The others: Good idea, Pedro, we certainly must.

Hob: And we must shout for his team. I hope Jan is in form today.

Mr. Priestley: Ihope he is. I hear they are to choose the players tomorrow for the international match and if he plays well today Jan may be chosen.

Pedro: Yes, I heard that the Selection Committee would be at the match and I told Jan he was to play his best today because they were watching him.

О1af: It must be exciting to play in an international match.

Pedro: Here are the teams coming out. Jan is leading the London team. He must be the captain.

Frieda: Yes, he is.

Hob: Jan must be a good player.

Olaf: He is; you have to be a good player to be captain of London team.

Luсille If Jan is chosen for the international match, will he have to give up his studies and go into training?

Frieda: He mustn't do that. He must go on with his studies. They are more important than football.

Mг. Ргieslley: He needn't give up his studies. He has been playing regularly and is in good form.

Hob: Jan's lost the toss and the Oxford captain has de­cided to play with the wind.

Olaf: Oh, well, they'll have to play against the wind in the second half. I see Jan is playing centre-forward. He's just getting ready to kick off. There they go.

Hob: Come on, London!

(About an hour and a half later)

Mr. Priestley: This has been a grand game. I hardly remember ever seeing a better one. Jan has played the game of his life.

Lucille: I've nearly lost my voice with shouting " Come on, London! " Oh, I wish London could win.

Mr. Priestley: I don't think they can. It must be near­ly time now. It's one goal each, and the Oxford defence is magnificent

Olaf: Yes, if my watch is right, they have three minutes to go.

Frieda: Look! Jan has got the ball. He's going like lightning towards the Oxford goal. Oh, go on, Jan!

Pedro: That Oxford centre-half is trying to stop him.

Lucille: Go on, Jan. You mustn't let him stop you.

Mr. Priestley: Jan passed the ball to the inside right, a wonderful pass.

Luсil1e: Oh! The inside-right is down; he's had to part with the ball.

Olaf: Look, Jan's got it again, he's beaten the fullback and is racing towards the goal.

Hob: Shoot, Jan, shoot! It's a goal!

Pedro: Oh, what a shot! The goal-keeper hadn't a chance.

Mr. Priestley: And there's the whistle for full time, and London have won. Well, they have to choose Jan for the international match now.

(From " Essential English for Foreign Students", Book 4, by C. E. Eckersley. A bridged)

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