ХIII. Write questions about the text, using new words and phrases in each question. When asking and answering the questions use the map
XIV. Give English equivalents of the Russian word мелкий in its different meanings. Use them in sentences of your own. XV. a) Read and translate the following text: The warm currents in the Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of Great Britain. The winters are not severely cold, while summers are rarely hot. Rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year. The percentage of the cloudiness is high, well over half the days of the year being overcast; fogs along the coast as well as occasionally in the interior frequently hide the sun. The fogs of London, often made severe by mixture with city smoke (smog), have a world-wide reputation, but one not to be envied. b) Talk (or make up a dialogue) on the climate " of the European part of Russia using the terms from the text above. XVI. Translate these sentences iato English: 1. Разные люди, которых мы не ожидали, появились в зале. 2.. Ангара вытекает из озера Байкал и впадает в Енисей. 3. Едвали вы найдете в нашей стране такой район, где бы не выращивались сельскохозяйственные культуры. 4. Просто удивительно, как может водиться столько рыбы в таком мелком озере. 5. Орел — большая птица, сильная, с острым зрением. Он обычно живет в скалах или на вершинах гор. 6. Этот одинокий утес напоминает мне по форме древнюю башню. 7. Если бы вам удалось защитить эти тюльпаны от жары, они бы не завяли (fade) так скоро. 8. Гористый ландшафт встречается главным образом на юге и на востоке нашей страны. 9. Он не раз видел, как олени бродят по тундре (the tundra). 10. Детей следует ограждать от дурного влияния. 11. Теперь уже едва ли вы найдете на карте белые пятна (blank spaces). XVII. Fill in: a) to change, to vary or to differ. 1. The soil... within a few miles in many districts, producing sharp contrast of scenery and flora. 2. The climate of Great Britain... greatly from that of the Continent. 3. The weather... very often in England. 4. The face of Scotland... from that of South East England. 5. The educational system of Great Britain... from that of the United States. 6. Tastes.... 7. He looked exactly as she remembered him, as young, as frank, but his expression was.... 8. The average winter temperature... between — 3°C and — 7°C. 9. What can have happened to... him so much? 10. That is a point on which you and she would certainly.... b) different, various or varied: 1. Russia has a... climate because of its vast territory. 2.... branches of industry are found in Greater London. 3. This good wheat land is quite... from those being cultivated in northern regions. 4. Britain is immensely... within a small area. 5. The insect fauna in Britain is less... than that of Continental Europe. 6. He has been to... places of the extreme North. 7. A glance at the map is enough to see how... the surface of England is. 8. A home in the country is very... from an apartment in the city. 9. I have come across him in recent years on... occasions. 10. The young man asked me... kinds of questions. 11. The newspapers carried... reports of the storm. 12. What we wear nowadays is quite... from what our ancestors wore. 13. He started to teach me German. He would tell me the German for the... objects we passed, a cow, a horse, a man and so on, and then make me repeat simple German sentences. 14. Through many years of... conditions he kept thinking of his family. 15. Having tried... topics of conversation I felt exhausted. c) to value or to appreciate: 1. She told Count Borcelli that her necklace was... at eight thousand pounds. 2. Judging by his words he... your help. 3. Being asked what he thought of a possible change in the plan he said he... it 4. But I would not like him to think that I do not... the honour that he has done me. 5. The picture is... at a thousand dollars. 6. I suppose only a Frenchman can... to the full the grace of Racine and the music of his verse. 7. Jane Austen's work is to be... primarily as satire. 8. Mr. Cook... his secretary for her accuracy. d) lonely or alone: 1. She stayed... in her room refusing to come downstairs. 2. Theirs was a... house isolated by the mountains. 3. He felt miserable and.... 4.... in the house was Miss Sarie Villier. 5. Elliot in his well-cut dinner jacket looked elegant as he... could look. 6. " Do you know that meeting you for the first time is to me like a... traveller coming across some bright flowerlet in the desert! " — said Sir Francis. 7. He was... when I was ushered in. 8. Frau Becker seemed to look for opportunities of being... with Larry. 9. The British farmhouse is often some distance from a public road. The life there is hard and.... 10. Young Jolyon... among the Forsytes was ignorant of Bosinney's nickname. XVIII. Translate the sentences into English: 1. Чем лучше обрабатывается почве, тек выше урожай. 2. Обширная равнина простирается от Уральского хребта до реки Енисей. 3. Волго-Донской канал — одна из наших главных водных магистралей, он судоходен на всем своем протяжении. 4. Во Владивостоке прекрасная гавань, многие российские иностранные пароходы бросают в ней якори (cast anchor). 5. Па-де-Кале отделяет Великобританию от материка, а Северный пролив — Шотландию от Ирландии. 6, Эта культура ценна как корм для скота. 7. Едва ли приходилось вам наслаждаться более живописными видами. 8. Большая часть пахотной земли в этом районе занята под пшеницей. 9. Уже на расстоянии мили от берега мы видели отчетливые очертания кораблей, стоящих в гавани. 10. Линия побережья Каспийского моря сравнительно ровная, только у устья Волги берег изрезан и имеет много островков и бухт. XIX. The table below (April, 1981) shows some similarities and differences between the four countries of Great Britain:
We can point out the similarities like this: In spite of the obvious differences in size and population, the countries of the UK have quite a lot in common. Wales and Northern Ireland are fairly similar in size, though the area of Wales is slightly larger. There isn't much difference in population between Cardiff and Belfast, though Belfast is just a little larger. Scafell Pike and Snowdon are more or less the same height, though Snowdon is just a few metres higher. Both Snowdon and Ben Nevis are over 1, 000 m height, though neither of them is all that high compared with the Alps, for example.