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Vocabulary practice. 1. Put the appropriate unscrambled words into the sentences on the right. covreer evitartalen lailtsner emagad mumide 1

1. Put the appropriate unscrambled words into the sentences on the right.

  covreer evitartalen lailtsner emagad mumide 1. Because you backed up only data files you must manually ___ all your software before restoring your data files. 2. You need a backup plan that helps you ___ data that’s been wiped out by operator error, viruses or hardware ___. 3. Store your backups in a safe place or a fire or flood that ___ your computer could also wipe out your backup. 4. A workable ___ to a full system backup is a selective backup that contains only your most important data files. 5. A backup is usually stored on a different storage ___ from the original files.


2. Fill in the blanks choosing from the variants given.

1. A backup is usually … (detected/stored) on a different storage medium from the original files.

2. A workable alternative to a full system backup is a … (selective/overall) backup that contains only your most important data files.

3. Storing your backups at a different locations is … (not a good/the best) idea.

4. The backup device you select depends on … (how much data you can afford to lose/the value of your data/your current equipment and your budget).

5. A full-system backup … (can be done in no time/takes a lot of time).

6. Under normal use most people schedule … (an everyday backup/once-a-week backup).


3. Match the beginnings and the endings of the instructions/steps given and put them into correct order.

1. Your backup schedule depends on a) that is tailored to your particular computing needs.
2. No single backup plan fits b) most people schedule a once-a-week backup.
3. You can’t always prevent data disasters c) how much data you can afford to use.
4. You must devise your own backup plan d) everyone’s computing style or budget.
5. Under normal use e) but at least store them in a room apart from your computer.
6. The best idea is storing your backups at a different location f) so you need a backup plan that helps you recover data that’s been wiped out.


4. Fill in the gaps in the text.


A backup is a copy of one or more files that has been made in case the original files become damaged. For safety, a backup is usually stored on a different storage medium from the original files. A good backup plan allows you to ___ your computing environment to its pre-disaster state with a minimum of fuss.

No single backup plan fits everyone’s computing style or budget. Your personal backup plan depends on the files you need to back up, the hardware you have available to make backups, and your backup software. In any case, it is a good idea to back up the Windows ___ and make sure your files are free of ___. Backups should be stored in a safe place, away from the computer.

Backups can be recorded on floppy disks, writable CDs and DVDs, networks, Web sites, a second hard disk, or tapes. Many computer owners depend on writable CDs for backups, and use My Computer or Windows ___ to simply select files and copy files to the backup. ___ drives and backup software are typically used in business situations when a full-system backup is desirable. Backup software differs from most copy routines because it ___ all the files for a backup into one large file.

In addition to file backups, you should have a ___ disk containing the operating system files and settings needed to start your computer without accessing the hard disk.


Speaking. Discuss the following questions.

1. Why do you need to make backups?

2. What are the major strategies and plans of backup? What does their choice depend on?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of different backup devices?

4. What can you say about network and internet backup?

5. What can you say about backup software?

6. What is a boot disk? How can it be created?


Critical thinking. Read the article and express you opinion on the problem.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 652. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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