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A World of Gestures

As the global village continues to get smaller and cultures mix more and more, it is necessary to become more culturally sensitive and aware of body language and gestures that surround us on a daily basis. As many of us cross over cultural borders, we are obliged to respect, learn and understand more about the power of this silent language.

In the world of gestures, the best advice would be to remember to ask and be aware. If you see a gesture that is confusing, ask a local person what it means. Then, be aware of the many body signs and customs around you in order not to offend others.

Nor is it acceptable to shout in anger or show excessive behaviour of any kind. Furthermore, blowing one’s nose in public is also unacceptable and will certainly be seen as an act of rudeness.

Another interesting example of silent body language is that used in lifts. If there are one or two people in a lift for example, they tend to lean against the walls of the lift and four people together will probably choose a corner each. A slightly larger number will more than likely face the door while a crowded lift will show silent people touching only at the shoulders and generally looking upwards to avoid eye contact.

However, we also live in a world of more lively gestures, such as those of drivers of all ages and types. Arms will certainly be flying showing each other who did what, fingers will be pointing to indicate guilt and heads will be shaking in negative disbelief at the dreadful quality of the other’s driving!

Without gestures the world would be totally colourless. Apparently, 60% of all communication is nonverbal.

Body language and gestures communicate messages just as well as words, perhaps even better. It is quite natural to use our bodies to get a message across. From calling a waiter over to our table to the teaching gestures of parents to children; we all use this system of communication.

Gestures are a basic part of our social lives too, with the ‘vocabulary’ sometimes being informative or entertaining, as in the case of street mime. Take, for example, the gestures and body movements of two young children playing in the park or a policeman directing traffic.

Of course, there is one particular gesture that carries certain welcoming characteristics and is unlike any other gesture that we know of. It is a healthy gesture and can get you out of many a sticky situation. This giant of all gestures is, of course, the smile. Use it freely and often and win the hearts and respect of others wherever you travel.

From Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

III. In pairs, take turns in making different gestures to show that you agree, disagree, don’t care, are angry / pleased / nervous / impatient/unsure / disappointed /surprised / shocked / suspicious, while your partner tries to guess the message.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 3553. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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