Vocabulary. sole proprietor – собственник, владелец, частный предприниматель
sole proprietor – собственник, владелец, частный предприниматель sole proprietorship – собственность, частное предпринимательство to own – владеть, иметь, обладать to operate – работать, действовать, управлять failure – провал, неудача to be responsible for – быть ответственным за profit – прибыль losses – убытки to deplete – истощать, исчерпывать personal assets – личный капитал to make decisions – принимать решения to pay taxes – платить налоги incapacity – неспособность to inherit – наследовать legally – законно, легально to save money – копить, собирать деньги to borrow money – занимать деньги enterprise – предприятие to adapt – приспосабливать, адаптировать to exercise initiative – проявлять инициативу to be one’s own boss – быть самому себе хозяином, начальником to meet needs – удовлетворять потребности artisan – ремесленник, мастеровой weary – уставший, потерпевший терпение accountable – ответственный, подотчетный
Say True or False 1. A sole proprietor is entirely responsible for his success or failure. 2. Even if the losses are greater than the investment, a sole proprietor will not deplete his personal assets. 3. Sole proprietorships pay more taxes than a corporation does. 4. Legally the business dies with the sole proprietor. 5. Small businesses are particularly well suited for meeting specialized local needs.
Answer the following questions to the text 1. What are sole proprietorships? 2. What are advantages of this form of business organization? 3. If you inherited a business, what would you do with it? 4. What kind of persons would be good sole proprietors? Give your own reasons. Next to the sentences below write a word or a phrase from the text which you can use instead of the word or words in italics. 1 If losses are greater than the investment, the individual is responsible for paying them, even if this depletes his own capital. 2. He doesn’t have a boss. He works for himself. 3. He had many losses last year, and he asked a bigger company to give him money. 4. An individual businessman can make decisions quickly without having to consult others. 5. Sole proprietorships can provide individualized products for customers who have become tired of mass-produced goods. 6. To have your own enterprise is a very difficult and responsible business. In the text find the synonyms to the following words and phrases. Use them in the sentences of your own. *entrepreneur *income *misfortune *a business of your own *personal capital *according to the law Look through the text again. Divide the text into several parts and name each of them. Give their summary in 3-5 sentences.