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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Pathology of the great arteries.

1. Etiology and pathogenesis of obliterative atherosclerosis of lower extremities.

2. Etiology and pathogenesis of obliterating endarteritis of the lower extremities.

3. Classification of chronic ischemia on Fountain-Pokrovsky.

4. Methods for controlling blood coagulation system, their characteristics.

5. Methods of examination of the arterial system.

6. Complication of obliterative atherosclerosis of lower limb arteries and methods for their prevention.

7. Leriche syndrome. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Treatment tactics.

8. Early postoperative complications of reconstructive operations on arteries of lower extremities.

9. Conservative treatment of obliterating diseases of lower limb arteries.

10. Rehabilitation of patients who underwent reconstructive surgery on the aorta and major arteries.

11. Modern methods aortoarteriografy, complications and methods of prevention.

12. Causes of acute embolism and thrombosis of major arteries.

13. Clinical characteristics of acute thrombosis and embolism of major arteries.

14. Classification of acute lower limb ischemia by VS Savel'ev.

15. Differential diagnosis of acute embolism and thrombosis of major arteries.

16. Surgical tactics and methods of surgical treatment of acute embolism and thrombosis of major arteries.

17. Features of the postoperative period after surgery for acute embolism and thrombosis of major arteries.

18. Conservative treatment of acute embolism and thrombosis of major arteries, the drugs are used.

19. Anticoagulants, fibrinolytic and thrombolytic drugs.

20. Diagnosis of acute disorders of mesenteric circulation.

21. Clinic of acute disorders of mesenteric circulation.

22. Therapeutic tactics in acute mesenteric circulation violation.

23. Chronic disorder mesenteric circulation. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.

24. Therapeutic tactics in chronic violation of mesenteric circulation.

25. Syndrome of the aortic arch. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.
26. Treatment of aortic arch syndrome.
27. Raynaud's syndrome. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.
28. Treatment of Raynaud's syndrome.

29. Clinical and diagnostic utility of multifocal atherosclerosis.
30. Treatment of obliterative atherosclerosis of cerebral arteries, coronary, renal, mesenteric arteries and the arteries of the lower extremities.
31. Clinic, diagnosis of aneurysms of the abdominal aorta.

32. Treatment of aneurysms of the abdominal aorta.
33. Complications of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.
34. Closed injuries of the arteries. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Treatment tactics.

35. Open injuries of the arteries. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Treatment tactics.
36. Methods of stopping arterial bleeding at the stages of care.
37. Definition, clinical characteristics and methods of surgical treatment of Leriche syndrome.

38. Functional tests for the diagnosis of chronic lower limb ischemia.
39. Definition, clinical characteristics and methods of surgical treatment of obliterating endarteritis.
40. Disease causing the syndrome of "steal" the brain. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Treatment tactics.

Diseases of the main veins.
1. Treatment of various forms of pulmonary embolism.

2. Clinical manifestations and diagnostic methods of pulmonary artery branches thromboembolism.
3. Indications and choice of treatment lymphostasis.
4. Etiology and pathogenesis lymphostasis. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Treatment tactics.

5. Clinical manifestations of postthrombotic syndrome. Classification. Diagnostic methods. Treatment tactics.
6. Features of venous hemodynamics in patients with postthrombotic syndrome.
7. Etiology and pathogenesis of postthrombotic syndrome.

8. Prevention of deep vein thrombosis of lower extremities in the early postoperative period.
9. The peculiarities of surgical treatment ileofemoral thrombosis.
10. Conservative treatment of deep vein thrombosis of lower extremities.

11. Differential diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis of lower extremities and lymphostasis.
12. The etiology, clinical characteristics and treatment of Paget's-Shretter syndrome.
13. Clinic thrombosis of the inferior vena cava. Diagnostic methods. Treatment tactics.

14. Clinical manifestations of ileofemoral thrombosis. Diagnostic methods. Treatment tactics.
15. Conservative treatment of thrombophlebitis of the saphenous veins of the lower extremities.
16. Treatment of postinjection thrombophlebitis of subcutaneous veins of the upper extremities.

17. Clinical manifestations of deep-vein thrombosis of shin. Diagnostic methods. Treatment tactics.
18. Indications for surgical treatment of acute thrombophlebitis of subcutaneous veins of lower extremities.
19. Etiologic and pathogenetic factors of deep vein thrombosis of lower extremities.

20. Differential diagnosis of thrombophlebitis of subcutaneous veins of lower extremities and lymphangites.
21. Differential diagnosis of thrombophlebitis of the saphenous veins of the lower limbs and erysipelas.
22. Differential diagnosis of thrombophlebitis of the subcutaneous and deep veins of the lower extremities.

23. Clinical manifestations of acute thrombophlebitis of deep veins of the lowerextremities. Approach to treatment.
24. Clinical manifestations of acute thrombophlebitis of subcutaneous veins of lower extremities. Treatment tactics.
25. Surgical interventions, used in the surgical treatment of varicose veins of lower extremities.

26. Indications and contraindications for surgical treatment of varicose veins of lower extremities.
27. Treatment of complications of varicose veins caused by chronic venous insufficiency.
28. Complications caused by chronic venous insufficiency. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.

29. Conservative treatment of varicose veins of lower extremities.
30. Differential diagnosis of varicose veins, and congenital dysplasia.
31. Differential diagnosis of varicose node groin and femoral hernia.

32. Functional tests to determine the status valve surface, communicating and deep veins of the lower extremities.
33. Complications of varicose veins. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.

34. Clinical characteristics of chronic venous insufficiency of III stage.
35. Clinical characteristics of chronic venous insufficiency of II stage.
36. Clinical characteristics of chronic venous insufficiency of the I stage.

37. Clinical characteristics of varicose veins of lower extremities.
38. The pathogenesis of venous hemodynamics in patients with varicose veins.
39. The etiology of varicose veins.
40. Factors that ensure the normal venous hemodynamics.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 402. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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