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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Abdominal surgery.

1. Classification of postgastoresection and postvagotomical syndromes.
2. Dumping syndrome. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.

3. Dumping syndrome. Approach to treatment.
4. Postgastoresection asthenia. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.Approach to treatment.

5. Afferent loop syndrome (organic). Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.Approach to treatment.

6. Afferent loop syndrome (functional). Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.Approach to treatment.
7. Peptic gastrojejunostomic ulcer. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.
8. Gastro-intestinal-colonic fistula. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.

9. Recurrence of ulcer after vagotomy. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.
10. Postvagotomyc diarrhea. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.Approach to treatment.
11. Complications of peptic ulcer after partial gastrectomy. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.

12. Classification of injuries of the abdominal cavity.

13. Diagnosis of closed injuries of hollow organs of the abdomen. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.

14. Diagnosis of open injuries of hollow organs of the abdomen. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.

15. Therapeutic tactics in closed injuries of hollow organs of the abdomen.

16. Therapeutic tactics in open injuries of hollow organs of the abdomen.

17. Surgical methods for treatment of injuries of the spleen.

18. Diagnosis of pancreatic injuries. Approach to treatment

19. Clinical manifestations and auxiliary methods of diagnosis in injuries of the liver,

extrahepatic bile duct, gall bladder.
20. Surgical treatment of liver injury.
21. The clinical picture of hemorrhagic shock depending on severity.

22. Treatment of hemorrhagic shock, depending on severity.
23. The basic mechanisms of damage of the abdominal cavity.

24. Classification of postcholecystectomy syndrome.
25. Postcholecystectomy syndrome. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.
26. Syndrome of obstructive jaundice. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment. 27. Classification, clinical manifestations of jaundice syndrome.
28. Minimally invasive techniques in treatment of obstructive jaundice syndrome.

29. Methods of diagnosis of acute gastrointestinal bleeding
30. Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.
31. Methods of surgical treatment of acute gastrointestinal bleeding

32. General principles of infusion-transfusion therapy of acute gastrointestinal bleeding.
33. Surgical methods for treatment of ectopic pregnancy.
34. Classification of causes of portal hypertension syndrome.
35. Portal hypertension due to intrahepatic block. Etiology. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.

36. Bleeding from esophageal varices. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.
37. The tactics and choice of treatment intrahepatic portal hypertension.
38. Posthepatic portal hypertension (Chiari's disease, Budd-Chiari). The clinic, diagnosis and treatment.

39. Pre-hepatic portal hypertension. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.
40. The value of the symptom of pain in different parts of the abdomen in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of abdominal diseases.

41. Symptom of vomiting - the value in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of abdominal diseases.
42. Diagnosis and treatment of surgical complications of typhoid fever.
43. Violations of the act of defecation syndrome - significance in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of abdominal diseases.

44. Surgical complications of abdominal tuberculosis. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.
45. Surgical treatment of portal hypertension syndrome.
46. Surgical tactics in acute obstruction of the colon.
47. Outer intestinal fistula. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.
48. Therapeutic tactics in chronic obstruction of the colon.

49. External intestinal fistula. Approach to treatment.
50. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of acute obstruction of the colon.
51. Chronic pancreatitis. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.
52. Diagnosis of acute mechanical intestinal obstruction.
53. Chronic pancreatitis. Approach to treatment.

54. Differential diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction with thromboembolism of mesenteric vessels, food poisoning.
55. Liver failure in surgical diseases, methods of prevention and treatment.
56. Methods of surgical treatment of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

57. The differential diagnosis of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer with acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis, acute intestinal obstruction.
58. Diagnosis of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
59. Phase of the clinical course of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

60. Differential diagnosis of strangulated inguinal hernia with orchitis,

orhoepididimitis, acute edema of the spermatic cord and testicular membranes
61. Differential diagnosis of acute appendicitis with kidney and uterus diseases,

enterocolitis, food poisoning, pleuropneumonia.

62. Differential diagnosis of strangulated femoral hernia with inflammation of the

femoral lymph nodes, abscesses, pronounced nodular veins in the area of the femoral triangle.
63. Atypical perforations of ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Clinic. Diagnostic

methods. Approach to treatment.

64. Acute appendicitis. Clinical features in children, pregnant women, elderly and senile age. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.
65. Complications of acute cholecystitis. Clinical features of pregnant women, elderly and senile age. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment. Medical tactics and methods of surgical treatment of complicated acute cholecystitis.
67. Peritonitis. Classification. Features of the clinic, depending on the etiological factorand stage of disease. Diagnostic methods.
68. Peritonitis and its complications. Approach to treatment depending on the etiological factor and stage of disease.

Thyroid disease.
1. Endemic goiter. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.
2. Endemic goiter. Approach to treatment.
3. Toxic goiter. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.

4. Toxic goiter. Approach to treatment.

5. Nodular toxic goiter. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.
6. Multinodular goiter. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.
7. Hashimoto's goiter. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment
8. Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods.Approach to treatment.

9. Riedel's goiter. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.
10. Thyrotoxic crisis. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.
11. Complications of thyroid surgery. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.
12. Hypoparathyroidism. Etiology. Clinic. Diagnostic methods. Approach to treatment.

Источники учебной литературы:

1. Хирургия. Том ІІ. Учебник под ред. Я.С. Березницкого, М.П. Захараша, В.Г. Мишалова.- Днепропетровск, Днепр-VAL, 2007.

2. Лекции по госпитальной хирургии в 3 томах. Под ред. В.Г.Мишалова. «Асканія», Киев, 2008

3. Хирургия. Учебник под ред. М.П. Захараша, О.И.Пойды, М.Д.Кучера. Киев, «Медицина», 2006, 656 с.

4. Хирургические болезни. Учебник под ред. П.Г.Кондратенко. Х., «Факт», 2006, 816 с.

5. Шпитальна хирургия. Учебник под ред. Л.Я.Ковальчука. Тернополь, «Укрмедкнига», 1999, 560 с.

6. Клиническая хирургия. Под ред. Л.Я.Ковальчука Том 1. Тернополь, «Укрмедкнига», 2000, с.536

7. Клиническая хирургия. Под ред. Л.Я.Ковальчука Том 11. Тернополь, «Укрмедкнига»,2000.


  1. Методы исследования и манипуляции в клинической медицине. Под ред. Г.В. Дзяка и Я.С. Березницкого.- К.: Здоровье, 1998.
  2. Унифицированные клинико-статистические классификации болезней органов пищеварения. Ведомственная инструкция. Дзяк Г.В., Березницкий Я.С., Филиппов Ю.О. с соавт.- Киев, Днепр-VAL, 2004.
  3. Методика курации и схема написания учебной истории болезни (медицинской карты стационарного больного). Симптомы и синдромы при хирургических заболеваниях. Учебно-методическое пособие. Березницкий Я.С., Кабак Г.Г., Сулима В.П.- Днепропетровск, Антиколостома, 2004.

4. Хирургическое обследование. Ю.Хегглин.- Г.: Медицина, 1991

5. Клиническая ангиология. А.И.Грицюк -“Здоровья”, 1988

6. Хирургические болезни. Учебник под ред. М.И.Кузина. Г., «Медицина», 2005

7. Частная хирургия. Учебник под ред. Ю.Л.Шевченко. С.-Пб., 2003, «Специальная

литература», т.1

8. Частная хирургия. Учебник под ред. Ю.Л.Шевченко. С.-Пб., 2003, «Специальная

литература», т.2

9. Хирургия. Под ред. Ю.М. Лопухина, В.С.Савельева. Г., ГЭОТАР МЕДИЦИНА, 1998.

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