Exercise 4Make upfive sentences from each table.
Exercise 5 Make the following sentences interrogative and negative. 1. The children drink coffee in the evening. 2. Her sister dances very well. 3. Our grandmother grows potatoes. 4. The pupils remember this rule. 5. Nick goes to bed at ten.6. They listen to the radio in the morning. 7. You meet him every day. 8. it often snows in November. 9. You want to play chess with him. 10. His mother teaches geography at school. 11. My cousin wants to become a doctor. 12. She takes a bus. Exercise 6 Ask questions as in the models. Models: Ask me if I work here.— Do you work here? Ask me if my sister works here. — Does your sister work here? Ask me: 1. if I remember my first teacher; 2. if my brother lives in Odessa; 3. if I spend my holidays in the Crimea; 4. if my pupils make many mistakes in their dictations; 5. whether I speak French; 6. whether my daughter speaks French;7, whether my children speak French; 8. if I live in a newhouse. Ask one of your classmates: 1. if he goes in for sports; 2. if he likes to play volley-ball; 3. if he travels much; 4. if he collects stamps; 5. if he wants to become a tractor driver; 6. if he wants to take a walk; 7. whether he plays tennis; 8. if he comes home late; 9. if his mother comes home late; 10. if his parents come home late; П. if his friends like to dance; 12. if his father works at a factory. Exercise 7. Make up five sentences from each table.
Exercise 8. Ask questions as in the models. Models: Ask one of the boys where he lives.— Where do you live? Ask one of the girls who lives in that house.— Who lives in that house? Ask one of the boys: 1. when he gets up; 2. what he wants to become; 3. where he keeps his books; 4. why he sometimes misses classes; 5. what he does on Sundays; 6. at what time he does to bed; 7. what his sister does in the evening; 8. when his friends go to the cinema; 9. where his uncles live; 10. why his brother doesn't go to school; 11. who makes his bed; 12, when he does his homework. Ask one of the girls: 1. where she spends her summer holidays; 2. how she gets home from school; 3. whom she invites to her birthday party; 4. when she cleans her room; 5. what kinds of sports she goes in for; 6. at what time her brother goes to bed; 7. what she does in the evening; 8, who helps her with her studies;9. who washes her dresses; 10. where her aunt lives; 11. why she doesn't go to the theatre; 12. which of her friends plays the piano best of all. Exercise 9. Ask questions about the time of the action. Models: They skate in winter. — When do they skate? Nick gets up at six. — At what time does Nick get up? I. The pupils plant trees in autumn. 2. The teacher corrects our dictations in the evening. 3. Peter comes to school at eight. 4. Our family go to the Crimea in July.5. His father usually comes home at five. 6. They discuss films after classes. 7. We listen to the news at ten o'clock 8. Her parents gather mushrooms in summer. Exercise 10. Ask questions about the place of the action. Model: His son works in Kiev. — Where does his son work? 1. Her brother studies in Rivne. 2. The wolf lives in the forest. 3. They spend their holidays in the country. 4. Her mother works at a textile factory. 5. Many birds fly to the south in autumn. 6. Her parents live in a village. 7. My school-mates go to the theatre in the evening. 8. They read newspapers in the reading-room. Exercise 11. Put questions to the italicized words. 1. The children go to bed at ten o'clock. 2. His son knows English welt. 3. My father reads newspapers in the evening. 4. Her aunt lives in Lutsk. 5. Our parents grow wheat. 6.This man works at a machine-building plant. 7. It snows in winter. 8. We buy bread at this shop. 9. My sister learns many poems by heart. 10. Ann helps her mother about the house. 11. At the lessons we read and speak English. Exercise 12. Answer the following questions. 1. At what time do you get up? 2. What do you do in the morning? 3. Do you do your morning exercises every morning? 4. Do you go to school in the morning or in the afternoon? 5. At what time do classes begin at your school? 6. At what time do you come home from school? 7. When do you usually do your homework? 8. When do you help your mother about the house? 9. Do you go shopping every day? 10. What do you do in the evening? Exercise 13. Make up dialogues using the substitution table.
A: Do you play chess play the piano watch television drink coffee eat ice-cream buy chocolate go to the cinema go to the theatre B: No, I don't. A: Why not? B: Because I haven't enough time. am very busy. am tired. don't like it. am not interested in it. haven't enough money. Exercise 14. Translate into English 1. Я вивчаю англійську мову.2 Мій друг також вивчає англійську мову. 3. Де ти живеш? 4.Де живе твій товариш?Ми не працюємо на заводі. Ми ходимо до школи.3. Моя сестра не вивчає англійської мови. Вона вивчає французьку мову 5. Твій брат працює в лікарні. 6- Де працюють твої батьки? 7. В якій школі вчиться цей хлопець? 8. Ви читаєте французькі книжки? 9. Що ви робите після уроків? 10. Де працює цей інженер? 11. Коли ви граєте в шахи? 12. Мені не подобається ця книжка.13. Моєму товаришеві не подобається це оповідання. її батько викладає математику в нашій школіЧому ти пропускаєш уроки? 16. Ця дівчина працює на фабриці і вчиться у вечірній школі. 17. О котрій годині ви встаєте? 18. О котрій годині ваш син лягає спати? 19. У суботу ми ходимо в театр або в кіно. 20. Хто живе в цьому будинку? 21. Хто викладає англійську мову в вашій школі? 22. Як вчиться її син? 23. Чия сестра знає іспанську мову? 24. Хлопчик хоче іти в ліс? 25. Хіба ви не вивчаєте фізики? 26. Хіба твій брат не ходить до школи 27. Ця дівчина дуже добре співає. 28. Хто допомагає тобі вивчати англійську мову? 29. Скільки водіїв працює тут? ЗО. Як учні проводять літні канікули? Exercise 15. Make the following interrogative and negative l. You are an engineer.2. His little brother is a schoolboy. 3. Her parents are at home. 4. Our teacher is at the library. 5. The cars are in the street. 6. The theatre is in the centre of the town. 7. My cousin is at school. 8. They are good sportsmen. 9. His father is a worker. 10. The street is narrow. Exercise 16. Translate the following into English, 1. Мій батько — тракторист. 2. Наш учитель зараз у Києві. 3. Твоя сестра дома? 4. Петро не хворий. 5. Де твій брат? Його нема в кімнаті. 6. Ми в школі. 7. Трактори в полі. 8. Ольга вдома? 9. Його батько зараз дуже стомлений. 10. Хто твоя сестра? Вона лікар. 11. її дочка в Києві? Ні, вона не в Києві, вона у Львові. 12. Учні в залі? Ні, їх нема в залі, бонн в класах. 13. Де твоя ручка? Вона в портфелі. 14. Де твої книжки? Вони в портфелі. 15. Де географічна карта? Вона на стіні. 16. Газети на столі. 17. Якого кольору твоя ручка? Моя ручка червона. 18. Якого кольору парти? Вони білі. 19. Де ти? Я в кухні. 20. Чому тут нема Петра? Він у школі. Exercise 17. Fill in the blanks with have or has. . 1. We... a good flat. 2. My neighbour... a car. 3. They... a TV set. 4. I... eight English books. 5. She... a new dress. 6. You... a good dictionary. 7. Our room... two windows. 8. Many collective farmers... motor cycles. Exercise 18. Make up five sentences from each table.
a bicycle. any dictionaries. much free time. your textbook. two textbooks for the sixth form. Exercise 19. Translate the following into English, 1. Мій батько — тракторист. 2. Наш учитель зараз у Києві. 3. Твоя сестра дома? 4. Петро не хворий. 5. Де твій брат? Його нема в кімнаті. 6. Ми в школі. 7. Трактори в полі. 8. Ольга вдома? 9. Його батько зараз дуже стомлений. 10. Хто твоя сестра? Вона лікар. 11. її дочка в Києві? Ні, вона не в Києві, вона у Львові. 12. Учні в залі? Ні, їх нема в залі, бонн в класах. 13. Де твоя ручка? Вона в портфелі. 14. Де твої книжки? Вони в портфелі. 15. Де географічна карта? Вона на стіні. 16. Газети на столі. 17. Якого кольору твоя ручка? Моя ручка червона. 18. Якого кольору парти? Вони білі. 19. Де ти? Я в кухні. 20. Чому тут нема Петра? Він у школі. Exercise 20. Fill in the blanks with have or has. . 1. We... a good flat. 2. My neighbour... a car. 3. They... a TV set. 4. I... eight English books. 5. She... a new dress. 6. You... a good dictionary. 7. Our room... two windows. 8. Many collective farmers... motor cycles. Exercise 21. Make up five sentences from each table.
a bicycle. any dictionaries. much free time. your textbook. two textbooks for the sixth form.
Exercise 22. Make the following interrogative and negative. 1. Peter has a tape recorder. 2. You have many relatives there. 3. My sister has music lessons once a week. 4. The children have many toys. 5. We have coffee in the afternoon. 6. Her daughter has a piano. 7. The children have lunch at eleven. 8. Jane has a book-shelf. 9. I have a bath once a week. 10. I have his textbook on physics. 1!. We have much snow this winter. 12. They have breakfast at half past seven. 13. His uncle has a garden. 14. I have enough paper to write three letters.