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Exercise 1. Insert the verb to be in Past Indefinite.

1. He... a pupil.2. She... not a doctor, she a teacher.3. They... workers.4. He... ill last week. He... not at work. 5. We... at home on Sunday.6. The weather... not cold yesterday. It... fine. 7.... he at school yesterday? No. he... not. He... ill.8.... they students last year? No, they... pupils.9. There... a lot of books in his room.10.When... you at home yesterday?11. There... newspapers on the table.12. Why... not you at work last Friday?13. There... a pencil in my pencil - box.14. Where... his sister last week? - She... not at home. She... in country.

Exercise 2.Translate the sentences using Present or Past Simple. (Перекладіть англійською мовою, вживаючи діє­слова в Present або Past Simple).

І.Він водій. 2. Ма школярі. 3. Вони були в театрі. 4. Він був робітником. Зараз він інженер. 5. Мої батьки вдома. 6..Мій брат не був у школі вчора.7. Його мати молода. Вона студентка.8. Моя бабуся вчителька. Вона не на роботі. Вона зараз вдома.9. Мій дядько був льотчиком.10. Ви були у театрі вчора? - Ні, не були.11. Його сестра була студенткою минулого року. Зараз вона лікар.12. Він хворий? - Так, він зараз хворіє.13. Погода сьогодні ясна, але вчора погода була поганою.14. Де ти був? - Я був на роботі.Ї5. Вона в театрі? - Ні, в кіно.16. Це парк. Парк дуже старий.17. Минулого місяця ми були в театрі.18. Де вони були? — На робот19. Мій дідусь старий.20. Його сестри немає в школі.21. Він не хворий.22. Де мої речі? - Вони були на столі.23. Вона була вчителькою.24..Ви були льотчиком? - Ні, я був водієм.25.Ці хлопці моряки?

Exercise 3. Form the Past Indefinite of the following regular verbs.

to look, to seem, to dress, to love, to cry, to jump, to profit, to enjoy, to hurry, to clear, to regret, to carry, to cook, to repair, to shout, to scatter, to rob, to stir, to compel, to peel.

Exercise 4. Make up five sentences from each table.

yesterday, last year, in September, in 1980. three days ago. on Monday.
I He She We You They

began to learn English left for Kiev read that novel returned finished school discussed the film


Did I he she we you they go to -he cinema work there play volley-ball receive the telegram go to the Caucasus arrive yesterday? last month? last summer? on Saturday?


I He She We You They did not (didn't) play the piano go to the theatre live here invite them help him write a composition yesterday. last night. last year. in July. last week.

Exercise 5. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. The teacher repeated the question. 2. The boys played football in the afternoon. 3. The girl caught cold. 4. Mother turned off the gas. 5. They slept in the open air. 6. The pupils answered at once. 7. They boy broke the window. 8. The woman changed her clothes. 9. The tourists reached the village before dark. 10. The clock struck five. 11. Our team won the match. 12. The doctor allowed you to go out.

Exercise 6. Change the following into the Past Indefinite.

I. His Гаї her works at a plant. 2 I often see them in the park, 3. Do your pupils read English books? 4. Her mother teaches chemistry at school. 5. We don't know his address. 6. He gets up, washes, dresses, has breakfast and goes to school. 7. Does the doctor speak English? 8. We understand the rule. 9. My friend doesn't like such films. 10. In summer we pick berries and mushrooms. 11. They don't change trains there. 12, This worker repairs his car himself.

Exercise 7. Ask questions as in (he mode!

Mode 1: Ask me if I got up at six. — Did you get up at six?

Ask me:

1. if I slept in the open air; 2. if I played chess that night; 3. whether I studied chemistry at the institute; 4. if my friend called on me last week; 5. whether my sister spent her holidays in the Caucasus; 6. if I took a bus this morn­ing; 7. if I enjoyed the performance; 8. whether I saw you yesterday.

Exercise 8. Make up five sentences from each table.


When Where did I he she we you they begin to learn English? buy the bicycle? learn Spanish? meet them? gather mushrooms? work with him?


What did I he she we you they do read write eat buy learn yesterday? last night? in the morning? in the evening? at school? there?
Who Which of them Whose son

saw him yesterday?

translated this story?

worked at this factory at that time?

set a record in the long jump?

lived here before the war?

came first?

Exercise 9. Ask questions as in the models.

Models: Ask me when I saw him. — When did you see him?

Ask me who broke the cup,— Who broke the cup?

Ask me:

1. when I received the letter; 2. where I worked five years ago; 3, what foreign language 1 studied at school; 4. at what time I got up this morning; 5. what I did yesterday; 6. where my parents lived; 7. when I finished the secondary school; 8. what my friends did last night; 9. how I spent my summer holidays; 10. how I lost my way; 11. which of my pupils made no mistake in the last dictation; 12. who gave me this magazine; 13. which of my friends came to see me yesterday; 14. why I decided to become a teacher; 15. who told me about it; 16. when they told me about it.


Was Were I he she we you they at the cinema in the country in the forest at the doctor's here there last summer? last night? two days ago? on Saturday? yesterday?

Exercise 10. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. Nick was at home at that time. 2. You were angry with me. 3. The little girl was afraid of the dog. 4. We were ready to have a test in English. 5. The baby was asleep, 6. The boys were at the stadium yesterday. 7. You were glad to hear this news. 8. Her parents were at the theatre last night.

Exercise 11. Make up five sentences from the table.


When     Where was were I he she we you they   in the country? at the theatre last time? in Moscow? at the library? yesterday? at ten o'clock? on Wednesday? in June? the day before yesterday?

Exercise 12. Ask questions as in the models.

Models: Ask me if I was at home at ten. — Were you at home at ten?

Ask me when I was at home. — When were you at home?

Ask me:

1. if I was at the doctor's on Thursday; 2. when I was at the doctor's; 3. whether I was in Siberia last year; 4. when I was in my native village; 5. if I was busy yesterday; 6. where I was yesterday; 7. whether I was at home last night; 8. where I was last night; 9. if my daughter was at the theatre last night; 10. when I was in Minsk; 11. if I was ill the day before yesterday; 12. when my brother was in Moscow.

Exercise 13. Translate into English.

1. Діти допомагали батькам. 2. Батько прийшов додому пізно. 3. Що ви робили в неділю? 4. Де ти був учора ввечері? — Я ходив у кіно. Тобі сподобався фільм? — Так, фільм мені дуже сподобався. 5. Що ви робили на уроці англійської мови? — Ми читали новий текст, відповідали на запитання і перекладали речення з української мови на англійську. 6. Коли ви почали вивчати англійську мову? — Ми почали вивчати англійську мову три роки тому. 7. Скільки сторінок ви прочитали минулого тижня? — Минулого тижня я прочитав десять сто­рінок. Мені подобається ця книжка. 8. Де ви були поза­вчора? — Ми їздили на екскурсію на машинобудівний завод. Екскурсія була дуже цікавою. 9. О котрій годині ти звичайно встаєш? — Я встаю о сьомій годині. 10. О котрій годині ти встав учора? — Вчора я встав о восьмій. Я завжди встаю о восьмій у неділю. 11. Коли твої друзі приходили до тебе? Хто приходив до тебе вчора? 12. Я увійшов до кімнати, увімкнув світло і почав виконувати домашні завдання. 13. Вчора ми не послали їй телеграми, бо не знали її адреси. 14. Які іноземні мови ви знаєте? — Я знаю англійську І французьку мови. У школі я вивчав також німецьку мову, але знаю її погано. 15. Де ви купили цей годинник? — Я купив його сім років тому в центральному універмазі.

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