Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
Димочка Сысоев (19.10.2013 г.р.) Диагноз: Муковисцидоз тяжелое течение, пострезекционный синдром мальабсорбции. Малыш нуждается в дорогостоящих препаратах, специальном питании и лечении.
79201577433 300 где 300 – сумма перевода в рублях до 5 000
4276 6300 1291 4332 Сысоева Ирина Александровна телефон мамы Ирины: + 7 920 15 77 433
Citi Virtual Trading Competition untill 25th November 2012! Fancy a career in trading? Do you have what it takes? Join us for our Virtual Trading Competition where you will gain a real insight into trading and a chance to test your skills.
You will be competing online with students from all over Europe, Middle East and Africa with the best traders being invited to an online final for a chance to win an all expense paid trip to a Citi Office to experience the trading floor for real!
The Competition is open untill 25th November 2012 and you can play the qual fication round at any time up to this date. After the 25th we will be taking the top traders through Semi Finals and Final rounds. The overall winner will receive an expenses paid trip to a Citi office.
To be part of this exciting competition please visit citi.sherpazz.com today! To learn more about Citi and our opportunities visit www.oncampus.citi.com and citi.eGraduate.ru Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение