Студопедия — After text exercises
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After text exercises

VI. Read the text attentively and put these sentences in right order in accordance to the text:


1) The Lombards did not stay in London long.

2) Lomhard Street is still the centre of British banking.

3) They came from Lombardy, a region in Northern Italy.

4) The Lombards settled down in the part of the City of London.

5) The first bankers in Britain were Italians who came to do business in the City of London a few centuries ago.

6) After a century or so they left London because they were made bankrupt.

7) The Lombards left, but their name is still alive in London.


VII. Complete the following sentences according to the text:


1. The first bankers in Britain were…….

2. The Lombards settled down in the part of the City of London …….

3. This group was called …….

4. After a century or so they left London …….

5. They came from Lombardy а region …….



VIII Match the sentence halves:

1. The first bankers in Britain were Italians...   2. They came from Lombardy, a region in Northern Italy...   3. The Lombards settled down in the part of the City of London...   4. They loaned money to kings… 5. This is the street…   a)… after those Italians, Lombard Street.   b)… where the head offices of the biggest English and foreign banks are located.   c)… who did not repay the loans.   d)… where there was a group of independent cities.   e)… who came to do business in the City of London a few centuries ago.


IX. Are these sentences true or false?


1) The first bankers in Britain were Russians.

2) The first bankers settled down in the center of London.

3) Lombard Street is called after the first customers of British bankers in Lombardy.

4) The Lombards left London because they didn't do good business there.

5) The Lombards were made bankrupt because English kings did not repay their loans to them.


X. Define the number and case of nouns in underlined words.

(see appendix – reference section)

1) The Lombard’s name is still alive in London.

2) Italians came to do business in the City of London.

3) There was a group of independent cities in northern Italy.

4) This is the street where the head offices of the biggest English and foreign banks

are located.

5) The Lombards settled down in the part of the City of London.

6) The Lombards’ banks later were made bankrupt.


XI. Translate the following sentences:


1) The Lomhards settled down in the part of the City of London.

2) They came from Lombardy, a region in Northern Italy.

3) The first bankers in Britain were Italians.

4) The Lombards did not stay in London long.

5) The Lombards left London because they were bankrupt.


XII. Find answers to the following questions in the text:


1) Who were the first bankers in Britain?

2) Why did the Lombards come to London?

3) Whom did the Lombards loan money to?

4) Why did they leave London after a century or so...?

5) What can you say about Lombard street in London?



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