Студопедия — CMV infection
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CMV infection

At postnatal CMV infection the incubation period is:

+ From 3 to 8 weeks

From 1 to 2 weeks

From 2 to 3 weeks

From 1 month. up to 3 months

From 3 months. up to 5 months

What is the percentage of the population infected with CMVI each year:

+ 1-2%





Which week of the life of newborn babies of women suspected to CMV is the virus determined in urine, saliva or secretions from the throat:

+ 1-2 nd week of life

3 weeks of life

1 weeks of life

2 weeks of life

4 weeks of life

What methods of CMV infection threaten to the life and health of the child:

+ Prenatal

Intrapartum (if the mother endocervicitis)

Failure of personal hygiene compliance of an infected mother (hand washing after using lavatory)

By saliva (by kissing of an infected adult)

Through breastfeeding

What group of viruses does cytomegalovirus (CMV) refer to:


+ Herpes viruses




The most informative material for the verification of CMVI in a patient is:



+ Saliva

Sputum, swabs from the throat

Scrapes and discharge from the genital tract

7 days-old child. Cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI) was diagnosed on the basis of clinical and laboratory data. Parents have been examined. A similar infection was revealed in the mother. Child is infected:

During the labor

Immediately after birth

+ During the gestation (in utero)

During the first breastfeeding

In the first days after birth

What congenital disease of the fetus is often caused by CMVI (Ailamazyan, 2007)

+ Disorder of a central nervous system

Vision Impairment


Hip dysplasia

Gonadal dysgenesis in girls and boys

What is Cytotect, which is used for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection in the newborn:


Antiviral drug

+ Immunoglobulin

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug


Indications for termination of pregnancy in the early period of cytomegalovirus infection:

+ Primary CMVI in pregnant

Connection of other viral infections

Media CMVI

The long history of the disease

Immunosuppressive condition of the pregnant

The source of the infection of cytomegalovirus infection can be:

+ Infected with HIV (human)

A sick man during acute phase of illness

The patient with lathen form of CMVI

A sick pet

Pet - a virus carrier

What is the course of CMVI during primary infection of humans with immunosuppression:

Acute Sialoadenit
Acute Bronchitis
Indolent Lymphadenitis

+ Generalized form of inflammation with severe disease

With what disease there is no need to carry out differential diagnostics of CMVI:


+ Chickenpox


Herpes infection

Infectious mononucleosis

What complication of childbirth is most common in women with cytomegalovirus infection:




Diffuse purulent peritonitis


Please rate the result of ELISA for TORCH-infection (toxoplasmosisrubella cytomegalovirusherpes) Jg G-, JgM+:

Acute infection

+ The early phase of acute infection

Acute exacerbation of chronic infection or

The state of immunity

The lack of immunity

Please rate the result of ELISA for TORSN infection (toxoplasmosisrubella cytomegalovirusherpes) Jg G+, JgM -:

Generalised acute infection
The early phase of acute infection
Acute infection or exacerbation of chronic infection

+ State immunity
The lack of immunity

The signs, allowing to suspect a congenital CMV infection, are:

+ Abnormalities in the baby's condition at birth

Combinations of neurological symptoms with hepatosplenomegaly and protracted pneumonia

The wave protracted illness

The presence of atypical in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

The combination of all symptoms


Дата добавления: 2015-03-11; просмотров: 445. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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