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Chlamydiosis, ureaplasmosis

During pregnancy, the treatment of urogenital chlamydiosis now is preferably carried out by:


+ Azithromycin




The medicine of choice in the presence of atypical pathogens (mycoplasma, chlamydia) is:

+ Erythromycin





Mainly sexual way of transmission is typical:

For Chlamydia

For the herpes simplex virus

For Trichomonas

+ For chlamydia and trichomonas

For the herpes simplex virus and Trichomonas

What complications happen during pregnancy and labor during chlamydial infection:

Spontaneous abortions

Premature discharge of amniotic fluid

Premature birth

The birth of children with low birth weight

+ All complications

A newborn baby admitted to the hospital with suspicion on intrauterine chlamydia. What research needs to be done to him:

Throat swab to determine chlamydia

+ Blood for chlamydial antibodies of classes M and G

Bacterial stool cultures

Blood cultures for chlamydia

A study of cerebrospinal liquor

Chlamydial conjunctivitis is diagnosed in the newborn. What groups of lymph nodes are enlarged:

Generalized lymphadenopathy

The increase in anterior cervical lymph nodes

The increase in occipital lymph nodes

+ The increase in parotid lymph nodes

The increase in posterior cervical lymph nodes

Child was born by a woman which is sick with urogenital chlamydiosis. To prevent the development of chlamydiosis he needs:

Emergency vaccination of newborn with antichlamydial vaccine

Preventive gentamicin therapy

+ Treatment of the mother, hygiene compliance

Prescription to the child Cycloferonum

Any preventive action shouldn't be carried out

What are the clinical features of genital chlamydiosis:

The tendency to chronic and recurrent course

The primary lesion of the fallopian tubes and cervix

The high frequency of reproductive disorders

Resistance to antibiotics

+ For genital chlamydia all the features are typical

Mycoplasma is:

+ Bacteria




Occupies an intermediate position between bacteria, viruses and fungi

Newborns mycoplasmosis is manifested in the form of:



Congenital vesicle

Infectious erythema

+ Pneumonia

On radiographs of newborn suffering from mycoplasmosis, specific symptom is:

Double-sided interior lobar pneumonia

Double-sided interior lobar pneumonia

+ Double-sided shallow focal, sometimes confluent pneumonia



Select a drug for the treatment of mycoplasmosis of the newborn from the following list:



+ Erythromycin

Antifungal preparations


What pathology develops at a congenital rubella:

+ Eye Defects

Neural Tube Defects

Urinary tract defects

Defects of the skeletal system

Defects liver

Select a drug for the treatment of congenital rubella:



Antifungal preparations


+ Nonspecific treatment

When it is necessary to do monitoring after treatment of urogenital mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis:

After 1 month

After 2 months

+ After 3 months

After 4 months

After 5 months

The causative agent of a mycoplasma infection is:


+ Bacteria


The simplest


The causative agent of Mycoplasma infection does not sensitive to:



+ Penicillins



Clinical form of mycoplasma infection is:

Acute Respiratory Diseases

Acute pneumonia

Abacterial urethritis

Meningitis form

+ There are all forms

What symptom is accompanied by mycoplasma pneumonia:

Increase of liver

Splenic enlargement

Enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck

Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting in the initial period

+ There are all symptoms

What symptom isn't typical for a respiratory mycoplasma:

Obsessive unproductive cough

Moderate intoxication


+ Prolonged high fever

The lengthy manifestation of bronchial obstruction


Дата добавления: 2015-03-11; просмотров: 476. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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