Труды международных форумов СОВНЕТ 476. Сборник трудов международного симпозиума "Управление проектами в СССР." - Моек 477. Сборник трудов международного симпозиума: "Проекты и Управление проектами в Рос 478. Сборник трудов международного симпозиума "Современное Управление проектами: 479. Сборник трудов международного симпозиума "Управление проектами в переходной эко 480. Сборник трудов международного симпозиума: "Управление проектами: Восток-Запад - ЛИТЕРАТУРА Труды зарубежных международных форумов по УП 481. Proceedings of the 7th INTERNET WORLD CONGRESS on Project Management: "Project 482. Proceedings of the 9th INTERNET WORLD CONGRESS on Project Management: "From 483. Proceedings of the 10th INTERNET WORLD CONGRESS on Project Management: "Man 484. Proceedings of 1 lth INTERNET World Congress on Project Management: "Project Manage 485. Proceedings of the 12th INTERNET WORLD CONGRESS on Project Management: "Dynamic p.630, v.2 p.625. 486. Proceedings of the IPMA'96 WORLD CONGRESS on Project Management & 12th AFITEP 487. Proceedings of the 14th INTERNET WORLD CONGRESS on Project Management: "Strategy 488. "Managing Business by Projects". - Helsinki: Project Management Association Finland and 489. Proceedings of the 15th WORLD CONGRESS on Project Management: "Universal Project 490. Proceedings of the Project Management Institute Symposium in Pittsburg: "Environment 90s." - 491. Proceedings of 24th Annual Seminar/Symposium РМГ93: "Smooth Sailing with Project 492. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Seminar/Symposium Project Management Institute: "Leader 493. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Seminar/Symposium Project Management Institute: "Commu- 494. The Global Project Management Forum: "The Global Status of the Project Management Profes 495. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Seminar/Symposium Project Management Institute: "Revolu 496. The Global Project Management Forum: "Experience, Cooperation and the Future. The Global 497. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Seminar/Symposium Project Management Institute: "Project 498. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Seminar/Symposium Project Management Institute: "Tides of ЛИТЕРАТУРА 499. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Seminar/Symposium Project Management Institute: "Learning, 500. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Construction Project Management: "Inno