Труды международных форумов СОВНЕТ
476. Сборник трудов международного симпозиума "Управление проектами в СССР." - Моек
ва, 22-31 мая, 1991 / СОВНЕТ. - М.: ЦНИИЭУС, 1992. -Т.1. (с.192), Т.2 (с.252).
477. Сборник трудов международного симпозиума: "Проекты и Управление проектами в Рос
сии и в Восточной Европе." Москва, 7-10 сентябрь, 1993 / СОВНЕТ. - М.: Алане, 1993. -
478. Сборник трудов международного симпозиума "Современное Управление проектами:
объединение профессионалов для достижения индивидуального успеха." С.-Петербург,
14-16 сентябрь, 1995/ СОВНЕТ. - М.: Алане, 1995. - С.726.
479. Сборник трудов международного симпозиума "Управление проектами в переходной эко
номике: инвестиции, инновации, менеджмент." Москва, 4-6 июня, 1997 / СОВНЕТ. - М.:
Интурреклама. Полиграф-сервис, 1997. - T.I, T.2, С.728.
480. Сборник трудов международного симпозиума: "Управление проектами: Восток-Запад -
Грань Тысячелетий." Москва, 1-4 декабрь, 1999 / СОВНЕТ. - М.: СОВНЕТ, 1999. -Т.1,
Т.2, С.800.
Труды зарубежных международных форумов по УП
481. Proceedings of the 7th INTERNET WORLD CONGRESS on Project Management: "Project
Management Tools and Vision." IPMA. - Copenhagen, September 12th-17th, 1982. - v.l, v.2,
482. Proceedings of the 9th INTERNET WORLD CONGRESS on Project Management: "From
Conception to Completion." IPMA. - Glasgow, September 4th-9th, 1988. - v. 1, v.2, v.3.
483. Proceedings of the 10th INTERNET WORLD CONGRESS on Project Management: "Man
agement by Projects." IPMA. - Vienna, June 26th -29th, 1990. - v. 1, v.2.
484. Proceedings of 1 lth INTERNET World Congress on Project Management: "Project Manage
ment Without Boundaries." IPMA. - Florence (Italy), June 16th -19th, 1992. - V. 1 p.802, V.
485. Proceedings of the 12th INTERNET WORLD CONGRESS on Project Management: "Dynamic
Leadership Through Project Management." IPMA. - Oslo, June 9th-l 1 th, 1994. IPMA. - v.
p.630, v.2 p.625.
486. Proceedings of the IPMA'96 WORLD CONGRESS on Project Management & 12th AFITEP
Annual Meeting: "Challendge of the 21st Century: balancing Team & Task". - Paris, June 24th-
26th, 1996, CNIT. - v. 1 (Team), v.2(Task), p.906.
487. Proceedings of the 14th INTERNET WORLD CONGRESS on Project Management: "Strategy
Start Up." IPMA. - Ljubljana, June 10th-13th, 1998. - v. 1, v.2, p.880.
488. "Managing Business by Projects". - Helsinki: Project Management Association Finland and
NORDNET, 1999,-v.l, v.2, p. 1298.
489. Proceedings of the 15th WORLD CONGRESS on Project Management: "Universal Project
Management." - London, May 22th-25th, 2000.
490. Proceedings of the Project Management Institute Symposium in Pittsburg: "Environment 90s." -
Drexel Hill, PA: PMI, 1992.
491. Proceedings of 24th Annual Seminar/Symposium РМГ93: "Smooth Sailing with Project
Management." - San-Diego, October 1-7, 1993. - Drexel Hill, PA: PMI, 1993. -p.758.
492. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Seminar/Symposium Project Management Institute: "Leader
ship in a World of Change." - Vancouver, October 17th-19th, 1994. - Upper Darby, PA: PMI,
1994.-p. 1116.
493. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Seminar/Symposium Project Management Institute: "Commu-
nicationg with Jazz." - New Orleans, October 16th-18th, 1995. - Upper Darby, PA: PMI, 1995.
494. The Global Project Management Forum: "The Global Status of the Project Management Profes
sion." - New Orleans, 15th October. - Upper Darby, PA: PMI, 1995. - p. 182
495. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Seminar/Symposium Project Management Institute: "Revolu
tions, Evalutions, Project Solutions." - Boston, October 4th-10th, 1996. - Upper Darby, PA:
PMI, 1996.
496. The Global Project Management Forum: "Experience, Cooperation and the Future. The Global
Status of the Project Management Profession." - Boston, October 9th-10th, 1996. PMI. - Upper
Darby, PA: PMI, 1996. -p.216.
497. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Seminar/Symposium Project Management Institute: "Project
Management: The Next Century." - Chicago, September 26th-October 2nd, 1997. PMI. - Upper
Darby, PA: PMI, 1997. -p.l 195.
498. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Seminar/Symposium Project Management Institute: "Tides of
Change." - Long Beach, October 9th-15th, 1998. - CD-ROM.
Proceedings of the 30th Annual Seminar/Symposium Project Management Institute: "Learning,
Knowledge and Wisdom." - Philadelphia, October 10th-12nd, 1999. - Upper Darby, PA: PMI,
500. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Construction Project Management: "Inno
vation and Dynamism for Future Prosperity." - Singapore, January, 1995. - p.612.