Сосудистый шов
4. Rather often "should" weakens its meaning. It is observed in the following cases: a) in subordinate subject clauses after impersonal principal clauses with "it". It is necessary you should do it. It is important you should do it. It is desirable you should do it.
b) in subordinate clauses after the words expressing order, suggestion, fear.
He suggested that the meeting should beat 5. His order was (is) that we should do it.
c) in subordinate clauses of real condition with reference to the future to make the
Should you meet him tell him about it. Should you be in M. again we’ll be happy to see you.
It corresponds to the Russian "если случайно", "случись так, что,.. " "если все же... ", "в случае если..."
d) in subordinate clause of purpose after the conjunction "lest" (чтобы не, как бы не).
I remind you of it lest you should forget. I fear lest he should be late. "WILL" "Will" is not a purely modal verb. It generally combines its modal meaning with the function of an auxiliary verb expressing futurity. It is mostly used with the first person though it may occur with any person. "Will" has two forms: "will" for the present and "would" for the past tense. "Will" and "would" are forms of the same verb although in a few cases their meanings differ. The modal verb "will" expresses: 1. Will, intention, volition. It is often rendered into Russian by "непременно", "обязательно", охотно". Now I will speak. I can and I will learn it. I will write as soon as I can. I will never agree to that. If you will wait for me I will be very glad 2. A polite request or an offer (only in questions). Will you sit down? 3. Resistance when speaking about lifeless thing or a refusal to do something when speaking about people. It occurs in negative sentences. The door will not open. It is no use trying. The orange will not peel. The engine won’t start. They won't go with us.
"WOULD" When the action expressed by the notional verb refers to the past "would" is used instead of "will".
"Would" is used to express: 1. Absence of wish to do smth. or resistance (отсутствие желания - о Людях, сопротивление - о вещах) - in negative sentences. I tried to persuade him but he wouldn't listen. We waited till afternoon but the rain wouldn't stop. The motor wouldn't start. 2. A polite request (a greater degree of politeness) - in questions. Would you be so kind as to open the door? "Would" is used in the Subjunctive Mood here. 3. A repeated past action. He would call on us in the evening. 4. A future action in object clauses after "wish" if the subjects of the two clauses are I wish you would do it yourself. I wish he would stop smoking.
Истечение крови постоянной струей -Истечение алой крови пульсирующей струей -Медленное истечение крови (каплями) -Кровоточит вся раневая поверхность Истечение темной крови постоянной струей
# Больная С., 29 лет, в результате бытовой травмы получила резаную рану по передней поверхности области левого локтевого сустава. Рана обильно кровоточит. Вопрос: Укажите метод окончательной остановки венозного кровотечения? Пальцевое прижатие -Максимальное сгибание конечности -Максимальное поднятие конечности -Давящая повязка Наложение зажима в ране
# Больная С., 29 лет, в результате бытовой травмы получила резаную рану по передней поверхности области левого локтевого сустава. Рана обильно кровоточит. Вопрос: Укажите метод временной остановки артериального кровотечения? Пальцевое прижатие -Перевязка сосуда в ране -Максимальное поднятие конечности -Давящая повязка Сосудистый шов
# Больной К., 52 лет, получил резаную рану. С целью остановки кровотечения сотрудником скорой помощи наложен жгут. Вопрос: На какие области тела целесообразно наложение жгута? -Нижняя треть предплечья -Средняя часть голени -Нижняя часть голени -Средняя треть предплечья -Средняя треть бедра
# Больная С., 29 лет, в результате бытовой травмы получила колото-резаную рану левой половины живота. Доставлена в хирургический стационар. Установлено, что ранение проникающее, заподозрено наличие внутреннего кровотечения. Вопрос: Укажите общие симптомы кровотечения в полости тела?