TASK 3. Express your agreement or disagreement with the narrator’s statements given below. Explain why you agree or disagree.
Примеры альбомов своими руками (скрапбукинг) TASK 2. Explain how you understand the following sentences taken from the book. Pay special attention to the underlined phrases. Remember that in some cases you have to refer to the original as most of the ideas can be understood only in broader context. 1. “… and a General without an army is but the tame hero of a market town. ” (p. 21) 2. “His faults are accepted as the necessary complement to his merits. ” (p. 21) 3. “… but custom stales one’s admiration for him:…” (p. 21) 4. “Maurice Huret in his famous article gave an outline of Charles Strickland’s life which was well calculated to whet the appetites of the enquiring. (p. 23) 5. “Charles Strickland lived obscurely. ” (p. 23) 6. “The modern clergyman …” (up to the end of the sentence) (p. 24) 7. “… the son’s well-meaning efforts threw a singular chill upon the father’s admirers. ” (p. 24) 8. “… when it was bought by a distinguished collector whose sudden death had brought it once more under the hammer. ” (p. 25) 9. “Dr. Weitbrecht-Rotholz was an enthusiastic admirer of Charles Strickland, and there was no danger that he would whitewash him. ” (p. 26) 10. “The mystic sees the ineffable and the psycho-pathologist the unspeakable. (p. 26) 11. “I cannot stomach the heartiness with which they slap me on the back or the emotion with which they hurl themselves on my bosom; …” (p. 28) 12. “ I am on the shelf. ” (p. 29) 13. “I do not believe that there was in that genteel Bohemia an intensive culture of chastity, but I do not remember so crude a promiscuity as seems to be practised in the present day.” (p. 29) 14. “ The spade was not invariably called a bloody shovel. Woman had not yet altogether come into her own. ” (p. 29) 15. “You’ve only got to roar a little, and she’ll ask you.” (p. 32) 16. She held their weaknesses for lions in good-humoured contempt, but played for them her part of a distinguished woman of letters with decorum. ” (p. 32) 17. “The Army and Navy Stores are a bond of union between all who dwell between the river and St. James’s Park.” (p. 32) 18. “…I think that Mrs. Strickland was the most harmless of all the lion-hunters …” (p. 33) 19. “Milk is very nice, especially with a drop of brandy in it, but the domestic cow is only too glad to be rid of it. A swollen udder is very uncomfortable. ” (p. 35) 20. “Oh, yes; he’s something in the city.” (p. 34) 21. “The women were too nice to be well dressed, and too sure of their position to be amusing.” (p. 37)
TASK 3. Express your agreement or disagreement with the narrator’s statements given below. Explain why you agree or disagree. 1. “A painter’s monument is his work.” 2. “The moral I drew is that the writer should seek his reward in the pleasure of his work and release from the burden of his thought; and indifferent to aught else, care nothing for praise or censure, failure or success.” 3. “… intelligent men won’t marry nice women.” 4. … it was a wise man who recommended men for their soul’s good to do each day two things they disliked…