Complexes with the gerund.
Действие, выраженное герундием, может относиться также к лицу или предмету, который не является подлежащим или дополнением предложения. В этом случае лицо или предмет, к которому относится действие герундия, выражается существительным в притяжательном падеже или притяжательным местоимением, которые стоят перед герундием. (The student’s knowing French well helped him greatly in learning English. We insisted on their delivering the goods immediately.)
Если существительное, к которому относится действие, выраженное герундием, является неодушевлённым, то оно ставится перед герундием в общем падеже, поскольку такое существительное не может употребляться в притяжательном падеже. (We insisted on the contract being signed immediately.) Герундий и предшествующее ему существительное или местоимение тесно связаны по смыслу и представляют собой сложный член предложения – сложное подлежащее, дополнение, определение или обстоятельство. Такие герундиальные обороты равны по значению придаточным предложениям. (There was no hope of our getting the tickets. –cложное определение. Не было надежды, что мы получим билеты. He insisted on my returning soon. – сложное дополнение. Он настаивал на том, чтобы я вернулся скоро. On the lecturer’s appearing in the hall, there was loud applause – сложное обстоятельство. Когда лектор появился в зале, раздались громкие аплодисменты.)
№ 133 Point out complexes with the Gerund and comment on their functions in the following sentences: 1.Do you agree to our taking her up to town and putting her under the best control? 2.His breathing heavily when he greeted her was the result of running up two flights of stairs. 3.Of course I should insist on your accepting the proper professional fee. 4.She was startled by the noise of the outer door being opened. 5.”You know Sven hates your standing down at the door alone,” said Minnie. 6.I can’t bear the thought of the children staying there alone. 7.We knew nothing of his being a humorous writer. 8.Your being so indifferent irritates me a great deal. 9.We’ve got a lot of questions to settle before your leaving. 10.What annoyed me most of all was his accepting their proposal quite readily. 11.Nick was very much excited about his favourite cake being spoiled. 12.I remember in school days he couldn’t answer the teacher’s questions without my prompting him. 13.Don’t think she’ll approve of your telling me this. 14.His having failed at the entrance examination was a great disappointment to his mother. 15.Uncle Julius insists on my coming to keep him company.
№ 134 Change the following sentences so as to use the Gerund Constructions: 1.That he is a teacher is known to everybody. 2.The teacher is angry with them because they talk at the lessons. 3.When the boy saw that the performance was over he went home. 4.His friends try to do their best that he may study with them. 5.It has already been settled that you are going there. 6.Do you mind if I close the window? 7.The doctor insisted that I should stay at home. 8.Will you object if I smoke here? 9.There is a probability that he will be appointed chief engineer of our plant. 10.There is no chance that they will call on us tonight. 11.There is no possibility that we shall see him this week. 12.There is no hope that you will receive a letter from him soon. 13.We were informed that the ship had arrived at the port. 14.You will excuse me if I ask you again. 15.We insisted that he should come with us. 16.Would you mind if he came to your lecture? 17.There is no fear that I shall forget. № 135 Use the Gerund instead of the subordinate clauses. Insert prepositions if necessary. 1. I remember Mother reprimanded me when I spoiled her favourite fish-dish. 2.We recommended that work should start at once. 3.Thank you that you reminded me. 4.Nick suggested that we should dine at a restaurant to celebrate this little event. 5.He doesn’t like when you interfere. 6.He prevents when I help him. 7.Nobody knew that they had agreed to take part in the expedition. 8.I insist that everything should be said in plain words so that there can’t be any misunderstanding. 9.She dislikes when the children prompt one another and always gets very angry. 10.He wrote he would stay in Paris another week and did not explain why he was obliged to do so. 11.I can’t recollect that they ever invited me to stay a weekend with them. 12.He was afraid that the news might cause excitement among the girls. 13.She disliked that he was so stubborn and would never listen to her reasons. 14.Nell denies that he is a bore. 15.Nobody objects that Peter lives with us. 16.We decided that we should join them in Glasgow. 17.I prefer that we should make use of tape-recording before we read the text.
№ 136 Use the gerundial constructions instead of the subclauses. 1. Do you mind if I shut the window? 2.The doctor insisted that I should stay in bed. 3.Will you object if I leave at once. 4.Would you mind if my son comes to your concert? 5.There is no doubt that he will forget about the lecture. 6. There is a probability that he will be appointed chief manager this year. 7. When the girl entered the room, she saw the man in white sitting on a coach. 8.He felt much better after he had read a letter from his family. 9. While he was writing a book, he remembered much thatoccurred during the war. 10. He was not only a gifted actor, he was a brilliant playwright. 11.Once he gets in to his head an idea of doing something, it is impossible to talk him out of it.
№ 137 Translate the sentences given in the brackets in to English. 1. He was proud (что первым увидел Гагарина). 2.He believed (что застанем его на месте). 3.She couldn’t recall (что видела эту женщину раньше). 4.He couldn’t get used (что его называли дедушкой). 5.The children denied (что мачеха к ним плохо относится). 6.Her daughter felt ashamed (что она так долго не писала родителям). 7.I insist (чтобы вы мне это рассказали). 8.Do you suspect (что я лгу)? 9.I don’t like (когда ты так говоришь). 10.I don’t mind (чтобы ты сделала всё завтра). 11.There is no hope (что они достанут билеты). 12.I’m so grateful to you (за то,что вы мне это объяснили). № 138 Translate into English: 1. Нелли предложила пойти в Исторический музей. 2.Эту проблему стоит обсудить. 3.Я припоминаю, что видела эту же фотографию Британского музея в другом журнале. 4.Хотя мы были в Лондоне всего три дня, я полу- чила большое удовольствие от осмотра достопримечательностей этого огромного города. 5.Она боится одна оставаться с детьми. Она не знает, что с ними делать, как их забавлять. 6.Чтение книг по истории Англии – приятное и полезное занятие. 7.Вы можете улучшить произношение, слушая магнитофонные записи, а также чтением вслух. 8.При виде жареной индейки он сказал, что это наилучшее угощение, какое только можно себе представить. 9.После того как он просмотрел все фотографии, Джон долго улыбался. 10.Я сожалею, что приходится покидать вас так скоро. 11.Он избегает встречи со мной после нашей ссоры. 12.Она предпочитает всё делать сама без чьей-либо помощи.13.Нет никакого другого способа попасть туда до захода солнца. 14.Мы провели много времени за написанием пригласительных билетов на наш вечер выпускникам факультета. 15.Я не люблю занимать деньги. Это довольно неприятно. 16.Я помню, что видела письмо на столе. 17.Твоё пальто нужно почистить щёткой. 18.Извините, что я вмешиваюсь, но у меня очень важная новость для вас.19.Они не могли не опоздать, их поезд задержался из-за тумана. 20.Доктор настаивает на том, чтобы всем детям было дано это лекарство.
№ 139 Translate into English: 1. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы вы меня послушали. 2.У меня нет надежды увидеть Соню скоро. 3.Идея провести весенние каникулы в Лондоне принадлежит моему отцу. 4.Я не смогу перевести это предложение, не посмотрев слова в словаре. 5.Я думаю поехать в Тверь осенью. 6.Доктора велели девочке избегать сидеть на солнце. 7.Он не способен сделать другу больно. 8.Он вошёл в дом, не постучав. 9.Нет смысла делать эту работу сейчас. 10.Мы не могли не рассмеяться, когда увидели маленького смешного котёнка. № 140 Translate into English: 1. Мэри настаивала на том, чтобы отец ответил ей немедленно. 2.Извините, что не позвонил вам вчера. 3.Дэн был очень разочарован, что Нина отказалась помочь ему. 4.У него плохая привычка курить перед завтраком. 5.Партнёры настаивали, чтобы мы начали переговоры немедленно. 6.Бесполезно разговаривать с ним сейчас. 7.Мы не могли не рассмеяться, когда услышали анекдот. 8.У нас не было надежды закончить картину до вечера. 9.Доктор настаивал, чтобы мы провели отпуск на море. 10.Мы не возражали, чтобы мальчик прочитал свои сочинения вслух. 11.Она помнила, что Джон говорил ей несколько дней назад. 12.Анна рассчитывала, что Таня даст ей точную информацию, но напрасно. № 141 Translate into English: 1. Мне не хочется об этом говорить. 2.Твоим делом будет водить ребят гулять. 3.Он был против того, чтобы оставаться на ночь в лесу. 4.Почему ты против того, чтобы продолжить опыты? 5.Мама была за то, чтобы купить машину. 6.Моим делом было обучить их английскому языку. 7.Главное было сдать экзамены. 8.Никому не хотелось ей об этом рассказывать. 9.Если тебе хотелось уйти, почему ты не ушёл? 10.Кто за то, чтобы сделать это сегодня?
№ 142 Translate into English: 1. Когда она в таком состоянии, с ней не поговоришь. 2. Там не разрешалось курить. 3. Бесполезно разговаривать с ней сейчас. 4. Разговорами делу не поможешь. 5. Бесполезно было идти туда так поздно. 6.Слушать музыку было её единственным удовольствием. 7. Этого нельзя было отрицать. 8. Её слабостью было покупать обувь. 9. Мне не хочется спорить. 10. Он продолжал слушать, не говоря ни слова. 11. Станьте, пожалуйста, в сторону. 12. Я была против поездки туда с самого начала. 13. План нуждается в доработке. 14. Теперь назад уже не повернуть.
№ 143 Translate into English: 1. Терпеть не могу ждать. 2. Вы не возражаете, если я закрою дверь? 3. Стоит это читать? 4. Я не могу себе позволить тратить столько времени зря. 5. За молоком надо присмотреть. 6. Она ничего не имела против того, чтобы зайти ещё раз. 7. Она не могла себе позволить покупать новую пару туфель каждый месяц. 8. Он избегал выражать своё мнение. 9. Я не могла не улыбнуться. 10. Он не мог не попытаться объяснить, как это делается.
Let’s speak up: № 144 a). Read the poem On Sunday afternoons in the middle of July I like sitting in the sun just looking at the sky. I like listening to the birds singing in the trees – in July. I hate going to work when the sun shines Or standing in the rain. I hate queueing at a bus stop, Or trying to read a newspaper on a train. On cold December mornings I like walking through the snow I like watching all the people as off to work they go. I like dozing (дремать) in a chair, without care – in December. On rainy April days I just like staying at home. I like reading a book or just being alone. I like thinking of you, and all the things that you do – in April But most of all I like loving you. You’re a Sunday afternoon, a December morning too. You’re an April day, sunshine in June - You’re you. (Ray Kingsbury and Patrick O’Shea) b). Ask your partner whether he/she likes (hates) doing all these things. c). Ask and answer. Find out your friend’s likes and dislikes. Then sum up his / her answers and tell the class about his / her preferances. spending money, collecting things, flying, going by coach, travelling, taking photographs of yourself, Do you enjoy of other people, of picturesque places, meeting people, travelling in groups, going on excursions, Do you hate staying in hotels, staying with your friends, staying at home during your holiday, reading guide-books, eating in restaurants? d). Speak about your likes and dislikes № 145 a). Read the following: Holidays and how to spend them. I believe that holiday must be a change. Most people like a change of place; if they live in the country they like to go to a big town and spend their time looking at the shop windows and visiting cinemas, museums and art galleries, and having relaxing merry evenings at hotels and dances; if they live in a city they like a quiet holiday in the hills or by the sea, doing nothing but walking, bathing and lying in the sun. When on holiday most people avoid doing things they have to do all year round. b). Work in pairs. Ask your friend the following questions: What do people who live in the country enjoy / hate doing on holiday? What do people who live in a city enjoy / hate doing on holiday? № 146 Answer the following questions, using the Gerund. 1. Why do some people avoid driving in the rush hours? 2. Why do some people avoid travelling? 3. When must you avoid taking a swim – before or after a meal? 4.Do you find it easy to avoid making mistakes while speaking English? 5. Do you avoid giving advice on personal matters to people? Why? 6. Some people try to avoid speaking in public. Why? 7. Why do some people avoid eating cakes?
№ 147 Using the situations below give sets of instructions to a person as to what he / she must avoid doing. e. g. Grandmother: Avoid lying in the sun all day long, etc. Situation 1: You are a grandmother of a teenage girl who is leaving for a holiday at the seaside. You’ve come to the railway station to see her off. Tell her what she must avoid doing while on holiday.
Situation 2: You are a mother / father of a boy of 12 who is going to a children’s camp in the mountains. Tell him what he must avoid doing while up in the mountains.
№ 148 Test yourself! The way one spends a holiday can tell us a lot about a person’s character. If you want to find out more about yourself answer the following questions: I.Where do you like spending your holidays? 1). in the country 2). at the seaside 3). in the mountains 4). at a students’ camp II. Who do you like going out with? 1). your best friend 2). a group of friends 3). on your own 4). with your family III. What do you hate doing on holiday? 1). being alone all the time 2). being in a crowd all the time 3). meeting new people every day 4). being with just your family IV. How do you like having your meals on holiday? 1). cooking your own meals 2). having all the meals in the same cafe every day 3). eating in different places every day 4). going without regular meals V. What things do you enjoy doing in the afternoon? 1). lying in the sun all day long 2). bathing 3). walking 4). lying in bed reading VI. What things do you enjoy doing in the evenings? 1). going to a disco 2). listening to music on the radio 3). going to symphony concerts 4). having parties What’s your score? I. 1-a 2-b 3-c 4-d II. 1-d 2-a 3-c 4-b III. 1-c 2-d 3-b 4-a IV. 1-d 2-b 3-c 4-a V. 1-c 2-d 3-b 4-a VI. 1-a 2-b 3-c 4-d Add up the number of times your score a, b, c, or d. If you get mainly a – You are shy. You find it difficult to have a lot of friends. You can enjoy the arts. b – You are serious, a master of your feelings. Your head rules your heart, but you have a friendly nature. c – You are romantic and imaginative. You are kind and generous., but you find it difficult to make a lot of friends. d – You are a relaxed and happy person. You’re impatient, enjoy life and pleasures. You like to be in the center of attention.
№ 149 a).Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Give full answers, please. Do you mind getting up early, having a cold breakfast, walking in the rain to the bus / underground station, travelling in crowded buses at the rush hours, going without regular meals, working with TV on, cooking your own meals, walking the dog in the morning in all sorts of weather,...? b). Group work. You’re going to be teachers, lawyers, journalists, economists, psychologists, etc. Find out whether your friends are fit for the job. Do you mind meeting different people every day, meeting the same people every day, listening to people for many hours, reading documents all day long, staying in the office after working hours, writing articles, advising people on personal matters, travelling a lot, following instructions, working at odd hours,...? c). Think about the qualities which are necessary for a good journalist, lawyer, etc. e.g. A good journalist doesn’t mind travelling a lot,... d). Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions and find out if he / she is the right person for different jobs. Make use of the following table and “doesn’t mind”. e.g.: a driver Do you mind working long hours? Do you mind working on your own? Do you like travelling/ etc. A stewardess putting your job before your personal life, travelling, A militiaman doing all routine work, correcting other people mistakes, A driver working at night, working outside, wearing a uniform, working A teacher on your own, working in an office, seeing different places all A doctor the time, meeting new interesting people, working with A clerk children, telling people what to do, looking after people, doing paper work,...
№ 150 Think about your child hood. What did you enjoy, hate, like, not like, mind, not mind … doing? What have you given up doing since then?
№ 151 Read the story.(Pay attention to the use of the gerunds) Render it. A young lady liked dressing in the latest fashion, that’s why she was always short of money. And when an old millionaire fell in love with her she was quite happy. The lady enjoyed greatly being with such a rich man. She was quite sure that he was worth spending time with. She didn’t mind marrying him though she was aware of his being too old for her. But he was a millionaire and had a reputation of being generous, and she set her mind on winning his heart. But one day he shocked her by asking: “I say, darling, would you still love me if I were poor?” The young lady put her arms around his neck and avoided giving a direct answer. “Oh, darling, that is worth thinking about!” “But would you love me or wouldn’t you?!” insisted the man. “Of course, I would,” replied the lady without looking at him, “and I would miss you terribly.”
The Infinitive, the Participle, the Gerund. Revision exercises: № 152
№ 153 Choose the Infinitive or Participle: 1. The traffic warden made the driver (stop/stopping) the car. 2. The children watched the clown (make/making) different tricks. 3. When I was a child my parents didn’t let me (have, having) ice-cream. 4. In the forest we saw some birds (build/building) their nests. 5. They’ve never heard him (say/saying) a rude word to his mother. 6. Has she ever heard him (tell/telling) lies? 7. She watched the cake (be baked/ being baked). 8. The old couple watched the gardener (cut/cutting) grass in their garden. 9. Nobody will make me (change/changing) my mind. 10. I can often hear her (type/typing) some papers.
№ 154 Choose the alternative that fits the sentence. 1. I shall not waste time (to reply, reply, replying) to his letter. 2. It’s high time (we go, we went, to go). 3. I’d rather (stay, staying, to stay) in tonight. 4. There is no point (to argue, in arguing, you argue) with him. 5. I think we had better (go, going, to go). 6. Hadn’t we better (leave, leaving, to leave) soon? 7. I’m longing (see, to see, to seeing) you again. 8. We had to stand up (to get, getting, to getting) a better view of the game. 9. I will agree (help, helping, to help) you as long as you behave yourself. 10. Would you care (to have, have, having) a look at my latest effort. 11. It’s nearly lunch time. Why don’t we stop (to have, having, to having) a snack? 12. The car needs (to service, being serviced, servicing). 13. What’s the use (to worry, you worry, of worrying)? 14. If you need anything, please do not hesitate (to ask, asking, ask). 15. I daren’t (go, to go, going) out after dark. 16. Isn’t it about time (you started, you start, starting) taking life seriously? 17. It’s no use (you complain, to complain, complaining), nobody will take any notice of you. 18. He seems (feel, feeling, to be feeling) better today.
№ 155 -ing / to-Infinitive? 1. Is there anything in that new magazine worth...? a. to read b. reading 2. Although I was in a hurry, I didn’t stop... to him. a. to talk b. talking 3. Do you enjoy...? a. to teach b. teaching 4. You should remember... him. He’ll be at home. a. to phone b. phoning 5. Would you mind... the front door? a. to close b. closing 6. I really must stop.... a. to smoke b. smoking 7. All parts of London seem... to different towns and epochs. a. to belong b. belonging 8. Why have you stopped? Go on.... a. to read b. reading 9. Avoid... and you’ll feel better soon. a. to overeat b. overeating 10. The Brains want... Boston this week. a. to leave for b. leaving for 11. I can’t help... about that awful accident. a. to think b. thinking 12. When he had finished..., the waiter brought the bill. a. to eat b. eating 13. I’ll always remember... you for the first time. a. to meet b. meeting 14. My car needs a service badly, and Tom offered... me with it. a. to help b. helping 15. My elder brother went to college, and I hope... there too. a. to go b. going 16. The teachers asked us some questions and went on... us about the climate of England. a. to tell b. telling
№ 156 -ing / to-Infinitive / Infinitive Tom and Linda are planning their holidays. Linda: I decided (spend)___1___ our holidays in France. I enjoy (travel) ___2___ very much. We might manage (visit) ___3___ a lot of interesting places there. Let’s go by car.
Tom: Sorry, dear, but I dislike (tour) ___4___ around in the car.
Linda: But you promised (go) ___5___ anywhere with me.
Tom: I offered (go) ___6___ by bus or by train. And I didn’t plan (go) ___7___ abroad. We can’t afford)spend) ___8___to much money. By the way, something is wrong with our car. It keep (make) ___9___ some noise.
Linda: Did they help you at the repair shop?
Tom: They agreed (repair) ___10___ it as quickly as possible. I hope (get) ___11___ it back soon.
Linda: Oh, I’m not sure they’ll finish (do) ___12___ it in time.
№ 157 Gerund, Infinitive or Participle? 1. I can’t afford … a new car. a). buy; b). buying; c). to buy; d). in buying. 2. When will he finish …? a). speak; b). to speak; c). speaking; d). of speaking. 3. How did he manage … tickets for the opera? a). buy; b). to buy; c). buying; d). in buying. 4. John can’t fail … us when he sees us. a). to recognize; b). recognizing; c). recognize; d). in recognizing. 5. Why do you keep on … the same question? a). ask; b). to ask; c). asking; d). in asking. 6. Take your time. I don’t mind …. a). wait; b). to wait; c). in waiting; d). waiting. 7. I never enjoy … in the rain. a).to walk; b). walk; c). walking; d). of walking. 8. We offered … him, but he refused. a). help; b). to help; c). helping; d). in helping. 9. Don’t be afraid … mistakes while speaking a foreign language. a). make; b). to make; c). making; d). of making. 10. I’ve decided … to Florida next summer. a). go; b). to go; c). going; d). on going. 11. Are children allowed … to this club? a). come; b). coming; c). to come; d). to coming. 12. The company used … one factory in this region, but now it has two. a). have; b). to have; c). to having; d). in having. 13. She hates … to the park alone. a). go; b). to go; c). going; d). goes. 14. Who made Ann … for all the tickets? a). pay; b). to pay; c). paying; d). for paying. 15. She couldn’t imagine … all her life in her present job. a). for working; b). to work; c). work; d). working. 16. There was no one capable … the puncture. a). repair; b). to repair; c). for repairing; d). of repairing. 17. How did you manage to avoid … caught. a). be; b). being; c).to be; d). from being. 18. I have always dreamed … Greece. a). visit; b). to visit; c). of visiting; d). in visiting. 19. The workers at Bicycle Company are not used … shifts. a). work; b). to work; c).working; d). to working. 20. They were glad … their son back safely. a). have; b). in having; c). to have; d). for having. 21. I look forward … from you soon. a). hear; b). to hear; c). hearing; d). to hearing. 22. Several people insisted … the old man to cross the road. a). to help; b). helping; c). on helping; d). help. 23. You needn’t … about me. a). to worry; b). worrying; c). worry; d). worried. 24. The small boy’s parents wouldn’t let him … TV late at night. a). watch; b). to watch; c). watching; d). in watching. № 158 Gerund, Infinitive or Participle? 1. Avoid … mistakes! a). make; b). making; c). of making; d). to make. 2. You’d better … the house quickly. a). to leave; b). leave; c). leaving; d). in leaving. 3. Can I help you … that heavy case? a). carrying; b). in carrying; c). to carry; d). carry. 4. Several people had difficulty … him. a). understand; b). to understand; c) in understanding; d). for unders-ing. 5. I have invited them … team with us. a). having; b). for having; c). have; d). to have. 6. Who discouraged Tom … to drive? a). from learning; b). against learning; c). to learn; d). learn. 7. Don’t forget … me tomorrow. a). telephone; b). to telephone; c).telephoning; d). for telephoning. 8. There is no need … him the truth. a). telling; b). tell; c). to tell; d).in telling. 9. He never minds … me the car whenever I want it. a). to borrow; b). borrow; c). borrowing; d). for borrowing. 10. In spite … very generous to other people, he is strict with me. a). being; b). of being; c). for being; d). he has been. 11. I made up my mind … my father as soon as I returned home. a). telling; b). to telling; c). to tell; d). tell. 12. I am not accustomed … anyone behave in this way. a). to see; b). seeing; c). see; d). to seeing. 13. She is taking singing lessons with the aim … an opera singer. a). to become; b). in becoming; c). to becoming; d). of becoming. 14. You cannot afford … such a wonderful opportunity. a). to miss; b). missing; c). miss; d). for missing. 15. Even the police were prohibited … guns. a). carry; b). to carry; c). in carrying; d). carrying. 16. He regrets … so rude to us. a). be; b). to be; c). being; d). of being. 17. No one reminded me … the station to check on the time of the train. a). to phone; b). phoning; c). of phoning; d). for phoning. 18. Mike stopped … six months ago. a). to smoke; b). smoking; c). smoke; d). in smoking. 19. It’s worth … the film. a). to see; b). see; c). seeing; d). of seeing. 20. Mum made me … my medicine. a). taking; b). to take; c). take; d). of taking. 21. She is clever enough … everything. a). in understanding; b). understand; c). to understand; d). understanding. 22. He has a habit … at the people. a). to joke; b). joking; c). of joking; d). in joking. 23. It’s no use … over the broken vase. a). to cry; b). cry; c). crying; d). of crying. 24. I want … a new pair of jeans, but I haven’t got enough money. a). buy; b). to buy; c). buying; d). on buying.
№ 159 Gerund, Infinitive or Participle? 1. I heard my wife …. a). to come; b). to have come; c). coming. 2. Joseph couldn’t help … the man. a). being admired; b). to admire; c). admiring. 3. There is no chance … that man again. a). to see; b). of seeing; c). seeing. 4. After … in Paris, Van Gohg moved to Arles. a). lived; b). having lived; c). living; d). live. 5. We expected her … on time. a). come; b). coming; c). on coming; d). to come. 6. He is too young …. a). drive; b). to drive; c). in driving. 7. I’m very, very tired …. a). to row; b). rowing; c). of rowing; d). being rowed. 8. The best thing for you … is to stop … with her. a). do, quarreling; b). to do, to quarrel; c). to do; quarreling. 9. He is sure … her. a). marrying; b). have married; c). to marry; d). marry. 10. Little Abraham was made … his clothes. a). put on; b). putting on; c). to put on; d). have put on. 11. It’s no use … ourselves. a). to deceive; b). deceive; c). deceiving; d). in deceiving. 12. They were trying to find the way … directly to their opponents. a). to talk; b). in talking; c). of talking; d). of being talked. 13. I’m having the car … on Friday. a). serviced; b). servicing; c). being serviced; d). to be serviced. 14. The shoes need …. a). being repaired; b). repairing; c). to be repaired; d). repair. 15. We think … to Italy in summer. a). to go; b). about going; c). of going; d). going. 16. He entered the room …. a). without noticing; b). without having noticed; c). without being noticed. 17. Edith is said … after her father. a).to take after; b). taking after; c). have taken after. 18. I used … poetry myself when I was his age. a). writing; b). to write; c). to writing; d). have written. 19. Before … to London you should get a visa. a). to go; b). go; c). going; d). having gone. 20. He asked for the letter … by air mail. a). being sent; b). be sent; c). to be sent; d). been sent. 21. I would rather … by train. a). go; b). to go; c). to have gone; d). going. 22. He stepped aside …. a). for me passing; b).for me to pass; c). for my pass. 23. They were heard … together. a). talk; b). talking; c). have talked; d). being talked. 24. If possible, give up …, at least for a time. a). smoking; b). to smoke; c). of smoking; d). smoke.
№ 160 Choose the correct variant. 1.A business letter should... on one side of the paper only. a. have written c. be written b. being written d. write 2. Must you be so terribly restless, dear! You make me... quite jumpy! – Sorry, Mum. a. felt c. feel b. to feel d. feeling 3. Look, this is a secret. Come to the garden where we can’t.... a. overhear c. have been overhearing b. be overheard d. be overhearing 4. She had always disliked.... a. to have being organizing c. being organized b. organize d. having organized 5. I’m going to the hairdresser.... a. to have my hairs cut c. to cut mine hair b. to cut my hairs d. to have my hair cut 6..... the film before, I decided... at home. a. have seen, staying c. seen, staying b. having seen, to stay d. seeing, stay 7. We’d better... early. We don’t want to risk... in a traffic jam. a. start, getting caught c. to start, catching b. starting, to get caught d. start, to catch 8. She likes... and needs... care of. a. look at, take c. to look at, to be taken b. looking at, be taken d. being looked at, to be taken 9.... over $ 100 on repairs, she wasn’t expecting any more problems. a. Having spent c. Spent b. Spending d. Having been spent 10. If they had money to spare, it should... on facilities for parents, not on making the front look of the hospital pretty for the Minister. a. spend c. have been spent b. be spending d. have spent 11. My cat loves having its head.... a. scratched c. being scratched b. scratching d. scratch 12.... a doctor means...long hours. a. Being, working c. Having been, working b. To have been, working d. To be, work 13. I don’t like... about behind my back. a. being spoken c. speaking b. to be speaking d. been spoken 14. He knew who would do most to prevent the duke... his cousin. a. marrying c. from marrying b. to marry d. married 15. The window was covered so that it was not possible... inside. a. to have seen c. being seen b. to see d. having seen 16. Your money could... to good use instead of... idle in the bank. a. be put, being left c. to be put, being left b. put, to be left d. have put, to be left 17. The captain handed me his binoculars. Through... I could see three small boats... and.. on the long Pacific swells. a. it, to rise, to fall c. them, rising, falling b. them, to rise, to fall d. it, rise, fall 18. He liked..., to be petted and..., to be well fed and caressed. a. to be kindly treated, praised c. to kindly treat, to praise b. being kindly treated, praising d. be kindly treated, praised 19. She remembered... that she would try, so she did not regret... his offer. a. promising, accepting c. to promise, to accept b. promising, to accept d. to promise, accepting 20. It is no good... a car in such nasty weather. a. to use c. using b. to have used d. use 21. Do you see a woman... the street? She is said... a famous actress in... 1950s. a. having crossed, to be, --- c. crossing, to have been, the b. to cross, to have been, the d. cross, to be 22. This computer is capable... sophisticated graphics. This fact is worth.... a. to produce, to mention c. produce, to have mentioned b. of producing, mentioning d. producing, mention 23. I don’t mind... you, but I object to... disturbed when I am busy. a. helping, be c. to help, have been b. helping, being d. helping, have been 24. She cursed herself for not...... a visiting card. a. thinking, to have brought c. been thought of, bringing b. being thought, to be bringing d. having thought, to bring 25. He didn’t care to make public announcements about his plan for fear of.... a. criticising c. being criticised b. having been criticised d. having to criticise
№ 161 Choose the correct variant.
A. to see, to meet C. to see, meeting B. seeing, meeting D. seeing, to meet
8. Let her... it herself. She is considered... a careful researcher and can’t stand.... A. do, being, to be helped C. doing, being, helping B. to do, to be, to help D. do, to be, being helped
9. On... that she had just come in, he sent a maid to her room... her to go down though he realized that it was no use... to her again.
10.... her speak that way he felt...: she always expected more than he was able to give. A. Listening, being annoyed B. On hearing, annoying C. Having listened, to be annoyed D. Hearing, annoyed
11.... a foot step below he rose and went to the top of the stairs. A. Listening B. Hearing C. Having listened D. Having been heard
12. I am... you liked the film. I thought it was rather.... A. surprising, disappointing B. surprised, disappointed C. surprising, disappointed D. surprised, disappointing 13. He seemed... all about influenza and said there was nothing... about. It took him five minutes... me... his words. A. know, worrying, to make, to believe B. as knowing, worried, make, believing C. knowing, to worry, make, to believe D. to know, to worry, to make, believe 14. Before... I phoned Sarah to find out what she was going to do after... the office and to ask if she was ready to meet with me without... a rest after her working day. A. having gone out, leaving, to have B. to go out, to leave, having C. going out, leaving, having D. going out, leaving, to have 15. When she was a young girl, she used to... she were a princess. A. wish C. wishing B. be wished D. to have wished 16. The earth is said... originally part of the sun. A. being C. to be B. to have been D. having been 17.... twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we... our dog up. A. having bitten, have chained C. being bitten, would chain B. having been bitten, chained D. bit, will chain 18.... his small fortune, he preferred... on the generosity of others rather than work. A. wasting, living C. having wasted, to live B. wasted, live D. wasting, to live 19. The salesmen started to put pressure... her... the agreement straightaway. A. at, to be signing C. on, to sign B. to, to have signed D. in, sign 20. He couldn’t help... this book. A. to read C. reading B. to be read D. to be reading
№ 162 Choose the correct variant: 1.She suggested... go skating and... take Henry with them as he had nothing to do at the moment. A. to, to C. -, - B. that they should, - D. that they will, to 2. I like to stand on the quay and watch the steamers... their landing. A. make C. to have made B. to make D. made 3.... the news he hurried... home. A. Listening, - C. Having heard, at B. Hearing, - D. On hearing, into 4. He... to our place every Sunday, rain or shine. A. was used to come C. used to come B. used to coming D. was used to come 5.... I stood hesitating, I saw a fishing boat... slowly into the little bay below me. A. As, come C. When, to come B. During, coming D. While, to have come 6. The building in the middle of the village is a supermarket, but it... a cinema. A. used to being C. was used to be B. used to be D. was used being 7. “Before we start... the plan, I want... our position.” A. discussion of, you understand C. discuss, understanding of B. discussing, you to understand D. to discuss, we understand 8. I suppose one thing that made you... him was that he was so small and frail. You felt that he... hurt a fly. A. to like, could not C. to accept, did not B. liking, will not D. like, would not 9. Remember... carefully. If you... him, he will fly into a passion. A. speaking, contradict C. having spoken, have contradicted B. to speak, contradict D. to speak, will contradict 10. He... to country life,... twenty years in town. A. did not used, after spending C. is not using, spending B. is not used, having been spent D. was not used, having spent 11...., she said to her brother in a loud whisper: ”You...!” A. Irritating, are always showing off B. Having irritated, mustn’t show off C. Feeling irritated, shouldn’t to show off D. Irritated, are always showing off 12. The little woman in the gloomy passage seemed... her. A. not hearing C. to have listened B. did not hear D. not to have heard 13. She saw... leave the house with his overcoat and... without it, though the day was chill and raw. A. he, returned C. his, returning B. him, return D. him, to return 14. “Do you hear the dog...? There... a stranger outside the house.” A. to bark, is C. barks, may be B. barking, must be D. to be barking, should be 15. I never saw anyone... his lottery tickets, but now and then I saw... offered a drink. A. to buy, him C. buy, him B. buying, his D. has been bought, he 16.There seems... a fight here some time ago. Everything is smashed to bits. A. to be C. to have been B. being D. has been 17. She was talkative, but since she seemed... to talk about my novel I was prepared to be... attentive listener. A. inclining, a C. to incline, the B. inclined, an D. being inclined, - 18. Then I saw a dark box which he... on the deck. One look at it was enough to make me... to my feet in horror. A. laid, to jump C. laid, jump B. lay, jumping D. lain, to have jumped 19. Minnie,... the door..., ran in alarm to the window. A. listening, slamming C. heard, to slam B. hearing, slam D. listening, to be slammed 20.... to accept his sister’s... Marcellus was anxious to perform his unpleasant duty. A. On deciding, advices C. After decided, piece of advice B. Having decided, advice D. While deciding, piece of advices 21. I won’t give her a penny more. She always... from me and never remembers... me back. A. is borrowing, paying C. lends, to pay B. borrows, to pay D. takes money, paying 22.... other novelists, Walter Streeter... to getting letters from strangers. A. Like, used C. Unlike, didn’t use B. As, was accustomed D. Like, was used 23. We suggested... in hotels but the children were anxious... out. A. to sleep, to camp C. to stay, camping B. sleeping, to camp D. staying, camping 24. Miss Lemon said: “The letter is from a man who wants... the disappearance of his... Pekinese dog.” A. you investigate, wife’s C. you to investigate, wife’s B. investigation of, wife D. your investigating, wives 25. After a long time we eventually succeeded... a flat. A. of being found C. in finding B. find D. at having found
№ 163 Choose the correct variant: 1.He was made... his exam once more. A. take C. taking B. to take D. have 2. The question is too difficult... without... consultations. A. settled, some C. to be settled, further B. settling, any D. being settled, farther 3. In spite of... his leg he managed... the race. A. hurting, winning C. hurt, win B. hurting, to win D. hurt, winning 4. I had my suitcase... corner of the carriage. A. to put to a C. put in the B. putting at the D. have put for a 5. She seems... a lot of weight recently, but otherwise I think she’s all right. A. to have lost C. be losing B. to loose D. having lost 6. We used... to bed rather early, so I couldn’t get used... to sleep with the light on when I had to live at my aunt’s. A. go, to go C. going, going B. going, go D. to go, to going 7. I’d rather... for a walk in the rain than... nothing at all. A. go, do C. going, doing B. to go, do D. go, to do 8. The secretary was the first... this question. A. to raise C. rising B. being raised D. rise 9. When friends insist on... expensive gifts, it makes most Americans uncomfortable. A. them to accept C. they accepting B. their accepting D. they accept 10. If you go on... your dog... cars he’ll end by... run over. A. letting, chase, being C. letting, to chase, to be B. to let, being chased, being D. to let, chased, to be 11. He couldn’t help... a small flat in London. A. to dream to have C. dreaming for have had B. dream in having had D. dreaming of having 12.... man was suspected... into a house. A. arresting, of having broken C. being arrested, of having broken B. the arrested, of breaking D. arrested, to break 13. I rely... you to remind me... Jack for the books he bought for me. A. to, paying C. on, to pay B. for, to have paid D. upon, to be paying 14.... so little of the country I’m afraid I cannot give exhaustive answer to all questions. A. Being seen C. Having seen B. Having been seen D. Seen 15. I am not used... this kind of letters. I used... only business letters. A. writing, write C. to writing, to write B. to write, to writing D. written, to writing 16. Suddenly,... rather... she rushed out of the room. A. being looked, alarming C. looking, alarmed B. looked, alarmed D. having looked, being alarmed 17. I remember... aloud and the laugh... by the wind away from me. A. laughing, being carried C. to be laughed, carried B. to laugh, carrying D. being laughed, been carried 18. We asked him to stop... but he seemed... us. A. to shout, not to hear C. shout, not to have heard B. shouting, not hearing D. shouting, not to hear 19. Steve used... a racing driver but he had to stop... because of an injury. A. to be, to race C. to be, racing B. to being, to race D. being, racing 20. I saw the shoplifter... the necklace and... it to his friend. It’s high time you called the police. A. to steal, to pass C. stealing, passed B. steal, pass D. to steal, pass 21. He dropped back so as to let me... on a level with him. A. to have got C. to get B. get D. getting 22. He appeared... ideal home man. A. being C. to be an B. having been the D. be an 23. My brother has just come back from Paris. He seems... his trip to France. A. to enjoy C. to have enjoyed B. enjoying D. enjoyed 24. He remembered... the door before he went to bed. But he couldn’t find the key in the morning. Somebody... it. A. lock, ought to have taken C. to be locked, must take B. to lock, should take D. locking, must have taken 25.Later in the day she couldn’t help... Mrs. Spark to find out the details of the tragedy. A. call C. to call B. balling D. having called
№ 164 Point out the verbals and comment on them. 1.She often took care of my little sister Polly giving me a possibility to play with other boys in the neighbourhood. 2. Having bathed her face in cold water, she came up to the window and burst it open. 3. Renton Heath is a charming village, situated in the loveliest part of the West of England. 4. “ I’m leaving for South America and have come to say good-bye,” Jim said staring into her eyes. 5. She seemed to be asking not him but herself. 6. I seated myself at the table and was on the point of filling my cup from the teapot when the sound of the door opening made me look up. 7. After spending the night in the farm, the weather remaining fine,they set out again on their journey in the same way. 8. He had to stand aside for the maid to carry in the luncheon. 9. I’m afraid I never seem to get any time for reading. 10. He began moving away down the drive, keeping his eyes on Dixon. 11. It’s no use trying to argue with me. 12. Looking in Ferrand’s face he saw to his dismay tears rolling down his cheeks. 13. He said it bending forward to be out of hearing of the girl. 14. Douglas sat down again, having evidently changed his mind about going. 15.When we had lain on the bank for some time without speaking I saw a man approaching from the far end of the field. 16. I know why I make you laugh. 17. It was past two o’clock when she heard the car return. 18. Get a blanket spread and make them hold it tight. 19. The darkness found him occupied with these thoughts. 20. Were it not for his having asked me to spend a week with him in the country, I should certainly be very glad to go with you to Madrid.
№ 165 State whether the ing-form is a participle, a gerund or a verbal noun. 1. To my mind the setting of the scene was beautiful. 2. I found him in exactly t the position I had left him, staring still at the foot of the bed. 3. If possible, give up smoking, at least for a time. 4. As to his stooping, it was natural when dancing with a small person like myself, so much shorter than he. 5. There you can see the Fire of London with the flames coming out of the windows of the houses. 6. Having finished the work, he seemed more pleased with himself than usual. 7. Pausing in his story, Burton turned to me. 8. I admired the grounds and the trees surrounding the house. 9. I saw there wooden cabins with beds, electric light, running water. 10. Colleges give a specialized training. 11. I want you to give my hair a good brushing. 12. The boys could not go without asking permission. 13. I am much pleased with my surroundings. 14. The evening meal goes under various names: tea, “high tea”, dinner or supper depending upon its size and also social standing of people eating it. 15. Most Englishmen are not overfond of soup, remarking that it fills them without leaving enough room for more important meat course.
№ 166 State where you have the Participle, the Gerund and the Verbal Noun. 1. There was a rustling that seemed like a bustling Of merry crowds justling and pitching and hustling; Small feet were pattering, wooden shoes clattering, Little hands clapping, and little tongues chattering, And like fowls in a farm-yard where barley is scattering, Out came the children running, All the little boys and girls, With rosy cheeks, and flaxen curls, And sparkling eyes, and teeth like pearls, Tripping and skipping ran merrily after The wonderful music with shouting and laughter. (R. Browning) 2. The balloon, shooting swiftly into the clouds, was soon lost to sight. 3. Next to being a great poet is the power of understanding people. 4. Pete’s father watches with great interest the increasing of the boy’s knowledge. 5. The city lies sleeping.
№ 167 Use the Gerund or the Infinitive of the verbs in brackets. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: 1. He was so young, so gay, he laughedso merrily at other people’s jokes that no one could help (like) him. 2. Yalta is a nice town (live) …. 3. He was on the point … (quarrel) with her. 4. I want you (help) me (pack) this suitcase. 5. I should love (go) to the party with you; I hate (go) out alone. 6. Don’t forget (put) the book in the right place. 7. I forgot (put) the book on the top shelf and spent half an hour or so … (look) for it. 8. She told me how (make) Jeff (agree) to our proposal. 9. … (do) the exercise you should carefully study the examples. 10. Bob was greatly ashamed … (beat) in class by a smaller boy. 11. I looked around me, but there was no chair (sit) …. 12. She could not bear the thought … (he, stay) alone. 13. Are you going (keep) me (wait) all day? 14. I should have gone (fetch) the doctor instead … (remain) where I was. 15. Oh, Robert, dearest, it’s not a thing (joke) about. I’ve so loved (be) with you. I’ll miss you more than anyone. 16. His first impulse was (turn) back, but he suppressed it and walked in boldly. 17. “ I’m sorry Margaret,” he said, “ I’m too old (start) (play) hide-and-see