Дешёвый…Мощный…Иногда взрывается прямо у Вас в руках… А что Вы ещё от него хотите?
Внимание: При осечке\заклинивании может взорваться с 10% вероятностью; тогда он нанесёт руке стрелка повреждение 2D6. [Cyberpunk 2020]
CCMMC CYF-11: 650eb
P +3 J P 3D6 (11mm cased) 12 1 ST
While its true that the Chinese police and military rarely have need for any handgun larger than 9mm on their own soil, it became apparent fast that in order to combat the west China would have to equip their soldiers with something with a little more punch. The Chinese developed the CYF-11, an 11mm handgun that comes complete with integral laser sight, and removable IR scope and tac light. A suppressor is also available, making the weapon ideal for chinese special forces. Not quite as attractive or well built as the SOCOM 2020, but a fine weapon none the less.