In the short term, as we know, the changes in the manufacturing sector, the service sector leads to the fact that the industries that benefit from trade, industry and export-related, have a greater flow of capital and skilled labor. At the same time, a number of industries significantly lose from globalization processes, losing their competitive edge because of the increased openness of the market. Such industries are forced to make additional efforts to adapt to changing is not in their favor economic conditions.
The spread of information technology poses a threat to service industries (financial, computer, transportation, engineering and other services), as increases the probability of that work in countries with cheaper labor.
It should be recognized that these changes pose a serious threat to the existing economic structure, and the government must take the burden of social costs associated with the payment of compensation, retraining, payment of unemployment benefits, providing support to low-income families
The second threat, many believe de-industrialization of the economy as the global openness is associated with a reduction in employment in the manufacturing sector, both in Europe and in the United States. Actually, however, this process is not a consequence of globalization, although runs parallel to it. De-industrialization - a normal phenomenon generated by technological progress and economic development. Indeed, the share of manufacturing sector in the economies of industrialized countries drastically reduced, but this reduction is balanced by the rapid growth of the share of the service sector, including the financial sector.
Consider the issue of capital flows in the context of globalization. It is clear that in today's world capital flows have increased dramatically over the last fifteen years. Foreign capital in the form of direct or portfolio investment has in itself a threat to the national economy, as the country could disappear as quickly as it had appeared. In this regard, the leaders are concerned about a number of countries in different parts of the world, noting the extensive damage caused by the departure of import of capital raised.
Accelerating technological progress associated with a marked increase in the gap in the wages of skilled and less-skilled workers, as well as rising unemployment among the latter. This is due to the fact that competition from labor-intensive goods produced in low-wage and low skilled workers, leads to a reduction in prices for the same products of European firms and reduce their profits. In such circumstances, European companies cease production of unprofitable products and go to the production of goods that require highly skilled personnel. As a result, workers with lower qualifications are not in demand, their incomes fall
Note the translation of firms with high labor costs of its production facilities to countries with low wages. Export jobs can be detrimental to the economy of a number of states.
Threat associated with the mobility of the workforce. Today much is said about the free exchange of goods, services and capital, and much less - about the freedom of movement of labor. However, too high mobility of labor in a market economy can be a source of instability.
In this regard, the question is raised about the impact of globalization on employment. In the absence of adequate measures, the problem of unemployment could be a potential source of global instability. Careless waste of human resources in the form of unemployment or underemployment - a major loss of the international community in general, and particularly in some countries that spend more on education.
An important source of tension and conflict can also be a massive urbanization associated with global demographic, technological and structural changes. Cities have become key elements in the scale of society and the world at large, as well as key distribution channels, the impact of globalization on a number of reasons. Supplies to the cities with food and energy dependent in many countries from local sources, and the imported resources. Often the growth of mega-cities associated with the deterioration of the environmental situation.
You can name a few sources of future conflicts that may arise in connection with the use of the ecosystem. Competition for water is likely to result in acute regional conflicts. The future of tropical forests and the consequences of deforestation have become a matter of deep discord between the states because of differences in interests and political purposes. In general, the world can no longer afford to mindlessly consume resources, causing irreparable harm to the environment.
The downside of globalization is a threat to cultural identity and system of value orientations. The gradual pace of global integration will make it possible to find a more traditional structures of adequate responses to the challenges, paving the way for globalization with a human face.