Questions for discussion
1. Where can our school-leavers be trained to be teachers? 2. How is teaching practice in our educational institutions arranged? 3. What qualities must an entrant to teaching possess to make a good teacher? 4. What is your ideal of a teacher? 5. Do you think it necessary for all people to have higher education? Justify your opinion. 5. Find English equivalents for the following: А. высшее образование; классическое обучение; профессионально направленное образование; учебное заведение; иметь тенденцию; сосредоточиваться на ч-л.; получить статус университета; территория университетского городка; средства обслуживания; студенческое жилье; лекционная аудитория; условия поступления; продвинутый уровень; отбор; конкурсный; зачисление (в университет); собеседование; методы преподавания; самостоятельные занятия; исследования; обязательное и дополнительное чтение; практика; средства обучения; виды учебной деятельности; методика оценки знаний; дипломная работа; курсовая работа. В. система подготовки учителей; базовое педагогическое образование; усовершенствование учителей; педагогическое отделение университета; педагогический факультет; педагогическая квалификация; степень бакалавра педагогики; местные органы образования; специализироваться в; колледж высшего образования; учителя, не имеющие университетской степени; педпрактика; замкнутая телевизионная сеть; базовая школа; бригадный метод обучения; пассивная практика; методика микропреподавания; учитель, работающий в школе; руководитель педпрактики; длительный период прохождения педпрактики.
6. Give Russian equivalents for the following: A. centres of academic learning; in contrast to; to focus on; educational institution; to be awarded a university status; to concentrate on; campus university; entrance requirements; challenge; to apply for (courses etc); to fill in an application form; interview in person; to guide students; essay; work experience; to present students with smth; to be available; assessment; finals; fieldwork B. teaching qualification; graduates; non-graduates; subject teacher; primary school; initial teacher training; comprehensive school; professional teacliing skills; teaching competence; college supervisory teachers; microteacliing techniques.
7. Insert prepositions or adverbs: 1. Universities tend to focus... academic learning. 2. Stop making such a noise! I cannot concentrate... my essay. 3.... campus there are various academic and social amenities. 4. British schoolchildren... 16 have to sit... the GCSE exams. 5. Entry... universities is based... competition, selection and interview in person. 6. A lecture is a talk... certain subject. 7.... the end... each course or term students take their finals.
8. Give the appropriate educational terms to the following definitions: 1. Equipmentand materials like tape-recorders, films, radio and television. 2. Finding out how well a person is doing at school or university through exams and the marking or grading. 3. The range of subjects or areas of study taught at school or university. 4. A plan or chart showing what subjects students are doing at different times of the day. 5. A written work ranging from a short essay to a report on the results of the laboratory work. 9. Use articles where necessary, then sum up the information about the system of degree qualifications in educational institutions of Great Britain. There are three degree courses qualifications... university graduate can obtain:... Bachelor's degree,... Master's degree and... doctorate (or... doctor's degree). First-degree studies are called... undergraduate courses. They normally last three or four years but some courses such as... medicine,... dentistry and... architecture can take up to seven years to complete. The first degree may be... Bachelor of... Arts (BA),... Science (BSc),... Engineering (B Eng), etc. Some students may try to qualify for... bachelor's degree with... Honours, then they spend... additional year at advanced level courses. For those who wish to major in... particular professional area there are thousands of postgraduate courses providing Master's and Doctor's / PhD degrees. Postgraduate courses at a master's degree level usually last for... full year and include... lectures,... seminars,... tutorials and sometimes... practical work.... doctorate can take three or more years. It includes in-depth research and... presentation and... defense of the thesis.