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Vocabulary Practice. Ex. 1. a) Read the international words and guess their meaning

Ex. 1. a) Read the international words and guess their meaning. Mind the stress.

faculty special philosophy
student liberal autonomous
course normal selection
centre modern department
session private finance
popular history material
interview interesting theology
technological university theological
examination institution chemical
innovation education  

b) Pronounce correctly the following geographical names:

England Kent Manchester
Oxford Essex Birgmingham
Cambridge Sussex Nottingham
London York Lancaster
Durham Leeds Stradfordshire

Ex. 2. Complete the list of derivatives. Use a dictionary if necessary.

verb noun (agent) noun (concept)
to found founder foundation
to examine – – – – – –
to govern – – – – – –
to build – – – – – –
to graduate – – – – – –
to approach – – – – – –
to regulate – – – – – –
to research – – – – – –
to innovate – – – – – –

Ex. 3. Pair the words in column B with the ones from column A.

3. education 1. staff
1. appointment 2. curriculum
5. academic 4. technological
2. control 3. liberal
6. grant 5. session
7. job 6. student
4. training 7. summer
8. outside 8. work
9. degree 9. Bachelor’s

Ex. 4. Decide which of the verbs you would use with the noun phrases you have identified in ex. 3.

to give, to provide, to have, to make, to pass, to receive, to take, to do, to get

Ex. 5. Add nouns from the box to the following adjectives to form noun phrases.

faculties, council, university, institution, approach, eminence, session, grant, authority, support

special, modern, private, independent, governing, various, financial, local, personal, academic

Ex. 6. How are the following ideas expressed in the text?

8. a place of education at the highest level (university)

9. part of the year when teaching is given at a university (session)

10. a curse of study offered in a college, university (curriculum)

11. the ability, power or right, to control and command (authority)

12. a spoken or written test of knowledge (exam)

13. a title given by a university (degree)

14. to be in charge of some work (to run)

Ex. 7. Match English and Russian equivalents.

1. higher education a) частные учебные заведения
2. academic session b) сдавать экзамены
3. research center c) местные власти
4. private institution d) получить техническую подготовку
5. university curriculum e) современный подход
6. to receive grants f) получить финансовую помощь
7. local authority g) руководить факультетом
8. to pass exams h) получать стипендию
9. to provide liberal education i) учебный план университета
10. to give technological training j) высшее образование
11. modern approach k) сессия, учебный год
12. to receive financial support l) научный центр
13. to run the department m) обеспечить гуманитарное образование

Ex. 8. Choose the best alternative to complete the following sentences.

There are forty/fifty universities in Britain.

The division between universities is sharp/vague.

The schools/universities became popular because of their modern approach to university plans/curriculum.

Every university is autonomous/subordinate.

The number and type of faculties differ/are the same from university to university.

The admission to universities is by examination/free.

Every student may receive from the local authority/state authority of the place where he lives/studies a personal grant.

Ex. 9. Complete the following sentences by adding the phrases given in part B.


Among the English universities Oxford and Cambridge have a special eminence and …

The division between Oxford and Redbrick is sharp and …

Redbrick universities were built to provide …

“The new universities” quickly became popular …

Every university is independent …

Each university decides …

The Department of Education and Science has no control …

Students who pass examinations at the end of three or four years of study …

Universities are centers of research and …

Almost all British universities are similar to Russian ones with …


central administration in the main building.

many postgraduates are engaged in research for higher degree.

get Bachelor’s degree.

over their regulations, curriculum, examinations of staff or the way they spend money.

how many students it supposes to admit.

and responsible only to its own governing council.

because of their modern approach to university courses.

a liberal education for the poorer boys and to give technological training.

essentially a class one.

they are different from the others.

Ex. 10. Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

· The two … universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge.

a) oldest b) youngest c) biggest

· Redbrick universities were built … a liberal education.

a) to provide b) to give c) to improve

· The universities which were … after the second World War are called “the new universities”.

a) to call b) to find c) to build

· All British Universities are … institutions.

a) financial b) state c) private

· The … to the Universities is by examination or selection.

a) admission b) regulation c) innovation

· Some universities are popular for their … approach to university courses.

a) classical b) modern c) conservative

· Most students take … in summer for about six weeks.

a) exams b) job c) accommodation

· The students … grants.

a) spend b) receive c) pay

· The British government doesn’t think … more new universities.

a) to build b) to reconstruct c) to find

· Professors in Russian universities … the departments.

a) form b) govern c) run

Ex. 11. Mark the statements which are “true”.

1. All British Universities are state institutions.

2. The admission to the University is by selection.

3. The Department of Education and Science controls the curriculum.

4. The number and type of faculties is the same at all British universities.

5. The British government does not think to build new universities.

6. Students never work in summer.

7. Students have to pay fees and living costs.

8. The first postgraduate degree is that of Master.

9. All Russian universities re similar to British ones.

10. Councils help the Rector to govern the University.

Ex. 12. Answer the following questions.

− What types of institutions of higher education in Great Britain do you know?

− What faculties are there in a British university?

− The University grants its own degree, doesn’t it?

− What was the main task of London University after its foundation?

− What is the normal duration of a first degree course?

− What is B.A.? When is it awarded?

− What is M.A.? When is it awarded?

− What id the difference between an undergraduate and a graduate?

− Who is teaching in the university provided by?

− What is the difference between a residential and non-residential college?

− What is the Doctor of Philosophy awarded for?

− What system are the oldest universities of Great Britain based on?

− What does the tutorial system mean?

− What does the tutor require his students to do?

− What is the role of Oxbridge in the country?

− Why did “redbrick” and “modern” universities appear in the country?

− I wonder if the students get scholarships in Great Britain?

− What does a student grant depend on?

− Who can become a student of Oxbridge as a rule?

− Why do the students prefer to study far from their homes?

Ex. 13. Ask questions for the following answers.

Oxford and Cambridge.

Tutorial system.

Once or twice a week.


The Doctor of Philosophy.


The tutor.

In the 19th century.

They want to be independent.

As a rule full grant is enough to cover tuition fees and some of the living expenses.

90 universities.

To satisfy the needs of working people.

Four ancient universities.

There are TV ands radio broadcasts for them.

Ex. 14. Choose someone to act as a guide and answer the visitors’ questions.

What are (is) Could you explain to me Can you tell me more about Could you explain… What do you mean by … Where are (were) … the oldest British universities Redbrick Universities “the new universities” private institutions university degree universities as centers of research government support to universities the admission to university the history of British universities the university governor in Russian universities

Ex. 15. Speak on the universities in Great Britain. Include the following points.

1) Types of universities in Great Britain:

Oxford, Cambridge, to be founded, to be known, to date from, to have special eminence, to be different from, the University of London, Redbrick universities, to provide, to give technological training.

2) The governing council:

private institutions, independent and autonomous, to be responsible to, to control, regulations, curriculum, examinations, appointment of staff, the number and type of faculties, to suppose, to admit.

3) Students’ life:

to receive grants, to pay fees and living costs, a personal grant, to take jobs, to pass examinations, to get Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, to be engaged in research.

4 ) The system of government:

to build new universities, a tendency, to expand, an interesting innovation, administration, professors, rector, deans, to run the university, council.

Ex. 16. Discuss the following:

1) Would you say that people in your country are more or less enthusiastic about university education than they are in Britain?

2) In what ways has the pursuit of equality for all affected the development of the educational system in Britain? Would you say that there is equality of opportunity in the present system?

3) What would you say are the successes and failures of the British educational system? What things, if any, does it appear to do well, and what areas does it seem to neglect or do badly in?

4) In 1989 the Government produced a scheme for a change in the system of financial help to students in higher education. The money value of the grant would in future not be increased to take account of inflation but students will be able to receive loans from state funds to make up the difference. Each student’s repayment of a loan would depend on the student’s earnings. Taking account of the cost of administering this scheme, is it a good idea? Or would it be better to continue with grants big enough to cover the total cost of studying?

5) Relatively few children of manual workers receive higher-level education. What prospect is there of changing this?

6) Oxford and Cambridge Universities and their difference from the Modern Universities.

7) Your opinion of the tutorial system of Oxford and Cambridge, its advantages and drawbacks if any.

8) Compare the course of studies at your faculty with the studies in one of the faculties at Oxbridge or any other British university.

9) Imagine that you are speaking to a foreign student who is interested in the students’ life in Belarus. What would you tell him about your studies and life, and what would you like to ask him about?





Test 1


Ex. 1 Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct space in the passage below.


state private grant fees   terms primary academic secondary   seminar tutorial lecture   degree graduate breakup   co-educational nursery school compulsory  


When children are two or three years old. they sometimes go to a (a) where they learn simple games and songs. Their first real school is called a (b) ____ school. In Britain children start this school at the age of five. The (c) ____ year in Britain begins in September and is divided into three (d) ____. Schools (e) ____ for the summer holiday in July. (f) ____ education begins at the age of about eleven, and most schools at this level are (g) ____, which means boys and girls study together in the same classes. In Britain education is (h) ____ from five to 16 years of age, but many children choose to remain at school for another two or three years after 16 to take higher exams. Most children go to (i) ____ schools, which are maintained by the government or local education authorities, but some children go to (j) ____ schools, which can be very expensive. University courses normally last three years and then students (k) ____, which means they receive their (l) ____. At university, teaching is by (m) ____ (an individual lesson between a teacher and one or two students), (n) ____ (a class of students discussing a subject with a teacher), (o) ____ (when a teacher gives a prepared talk to a number of students) and of course private study. Most people who receive a university place are given a (p) ____ by the government to help pay their (q) ____ and living expenses.


Ex. 2 What do you call:


1 the money some Students receive if they get a place at university?

2 the qualification you get at the end of university?

3 the name we give students during this period at university?

4 teachers at university?

5 students when they have completed their first degree?

6 students studying for a second degree?

7 the study of one subject in great depth and detail, often to get new information?

8 the talks that students go co-while they are at university?


Ex. 3 Replace the underlined verbs with different verbs that have the same meaning in the context.


1 Who is giving the lecture today?

2 Did she receive a grant for her course?

3 Is it more difficult to obtain a place at university?

4 You have to pass the exams before you can enter university.

5 He's studying physics, I think.

6 I think they're carrying out some research into the cause of asthma.

7 I didn't take any notes in the lecture yesterday.

8 The course goes on for three years.


Ex. 4 Put one of the following words in each space in the sentences below.

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