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Teст 13. The Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. The US has a ……… domestic market than Portugal.

a) bigger b) more big

2. If one company has a much ………. share than any other, it can affect price.

a) the largest b) larger

3. There are companies which need a lot of money to set up but much ……..

money to run.

a) little b) less

4. An increase in demand can make a company push its prices even ………

than necessary.

a) higher b) the highest

5. Adam Smith is one of …… economists.

a) great b) the greatest

6. A house is one of the ……… things that people buy.

a) more expensive b) most expensive

7. China and India are now making ………. Contributions to global growth.

a) the largest b) larger

8. From 2004 to the present world growth has been ……… than at any

time since the early 1970s.

a) more rapid b) rapider

9. Unfortunately, ……….. volatility does not rule out occasional recessions.

a) more low b) lower

10. Output stabilization in developing countries was ………..

a) more gradual b) gradualer


Тест 14.There is /are, there was /were, there have/has been, there will be


Выберите нужную форму глагола to be:

1. There ……….. five people in my family.

a) are b) is


2. ………. there much mail on the desk?

a) are b) is


3. There ………… no contracts on the desk.

a) are b) is


4. There …………… much new equipment at the plant.

a) are b) is


5. There ………… a big rise in the cost of living.

a) has been b) have been


6. …………… there a flight to Paris this evening?

a) are b) is


7. There ………… nobody in the office.

a) are b) is


8. There ………….. a lot of people in the shops.

a) were b) was


9. The manager of the company is leaving, so there ……….. a new manager soon.

a) will be b) is


10. There ………… 5, 000 employees in our company.

a) are b) is


Teст 15. The Present Simple / The Present Continuous Tense

Выберите нужную форму глагола в настоящем простом или в настоящем продолженном времени:


1. Our manager …………. in the office all day.

a) stay b) stays c) is staying


2. As a rule I ………… customers in the evening.

a) meet b) meets c) am meeting


3. We usually ………… … our work at 6.

a) finishes b) finish c) are finishing


4. He often ………… to London.

a) go b) goes c) is going


5. They ………….. customers in different cities.

a) have got b) has got c) are having


6. We don’t ………. out at weekends.

a) goes b) go c) are going


7. After lunch the secretary …………. letters to different companies.

a) write b) is writing c) writes


8. I ……….. my chief tomorrow.

a) meet b) am meeting c) meets


9. My boss ……………. with your enquiry now but you won’t get a rapid answer.

a) is dealing b) deals c) deal


10. The office ………… at 6 p.m. on weekdays.

a) is closing b) closes c) close



Teст 16. The Present Simple / The Present Continuous Tense

Выберите нужную форму глагола в настоящем простом или в настоящем продолженном времени:


1. I sometimes …………… at home because I have a computer.

a) work b) works c) am working


2. He usually ………….. financial control over these projects.

a) take b) takes c) is taking


3. Now he ……………… in Libya on a fixed-term contract.

a) is working b) works c) work


4. I …………….. Can you tell Rosemary I’ll see her tomorrow?

a) am leaving b) leave c) leaves


5. His company ……………… profit every year but it isn’t very big.

a) is making b) make c) makes


6.Nowadays consumers in the industrialized world ……………….. increasingly

concerned with healthy living.

a) are becoming b) becomes c) become


7. It’s not an expensive hotel. It ……………….. much to stay there.

a) doesn’t cost b) don’t cost c) isn’t costing


8. She’s got a new job so she ………………….the firm in October.

a) is leaving b) leaves c) leave


9. Our company …………………. in high quality coffee.

a) is specializing b) specializes c) specialize


10. ‘Can I speak to John?’ – ‘Sorry, he’s out. No, hold on, he ………………… down

the corridor’.

a) come b) comes c) is coming


Teст 17. The Past Simple / The Present Perfect Tense

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 1901. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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