Образование глаголов путем присоединения суффиксов
1. Образуйте глаголы от данных существительных путем a) конверсии, b) изменения места ударения или чередования звуков и дайте их русский эквивалент.
a) change, lecture, access, dust, head, finger, act, work, winter, smile, smoke, snow, start, step, study, visit, air, cover, handle, cause, brush, wave, lift, place, plan;
b) 'present, 'increase, 'absent, 'abstract, 'compound, 'concert, 'conduct, 'conflict, 'contest, 'contract, 'decrease, 'detail, 'essay, 'export, 'forecast, 'frequent, 'impact, 'impress, 'object, 'overcharge, 'present, 'produce, 'progress, 'record, 'retail, 'subject;
c) advice, device, use, excuse, advice, belief, life, proof, choice, loss, food, bath, breath.
2. Образуйте глаголы с противоположным значением. Дайте их русский эквивалент. dis -:to close, to agree, to appear, to approve, to cover, to like, to allow, to arm, to assemble, to believe, to charge, to colour, to connect, to continue, to locate, to prove, to joint;
de -:to moralize, to activate, to allocate, to assign, to camp, to code, to colourise, to compose, to compress, to construct, to contaminate, to focus, to form, to freeze, to install, to magnetize;
un -:to address, to balance, to belt, to bend, to block, to build, to button, to check, to close, to cover, to hang, to link, to load, to lock, to mark, to select.
3. Образуйте глаголы с помощью словообразующих префиксов. Дайте их русский эквивалент.
mis -:to apply, to become, to understand, to call, to direct, to guide, to inform, to place;
re -:to tell, to appear, to arm, to arrange, to calculate, to check, to construct, to copy, to cover, to form, to locate;
over -: to built, to buy, to cool, to design, to fly, to load, to play;
pre -:to assemble, to cut, to heat, to scan, to select;
en -:cage, circle, close, code, frame, large, rich, slave.
4. Образуйте глаголы при помощи данных суффиксов. Дайте их русский эквивалент.
-ate: active, reactive, chlorine, vaccine, granule, circular, local;
-ify: simple, sign, intense, clear, electric, pure, beauty, solid, false, specific, diverse;
-en:length, broad, wide, red, dark, short, fast, tight, soft, deep, bright, weak, black, white, sweet, sharp;
-ize: character, special, revolution, national, crystal, energy, economy, apology, sympathy, magnet.
5. Определите, какие из данных слов – глаголы. Дайте их русский эквивалент.
Beautiful, realize, misbehave, character, sympathy, rewrite, theory, badly, communicate, organize, advise, useful, lose, energy, basic, dislike, reread, criticize, heartless, economic, accelerate, electrify, specialist, transform, deepen, discontinue, experiment, special, enlarge, method, movement, complex, mispronounce, emphasize, decontrol, height, greatness, regulate, thicken, wide, unimportant, television, disconnect, reproduce, different, overwork, development.