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Способы выражения модального сказуемого

Модальные глаголы не называют действие или состояние, а показывают лишь отношение действующего лица (подлежащего) к действию или состоянию, выраженному инфинитивом, т. е. имеют значение возможности, вероятности или необходимости совершения этого действия или данного состояния.

Модальные глаголы отличаются от других глаголов следующими особенностями:

1) они не имеют форм инфинитива, причастия, герундия;

2) они не изменяются по лицам и числам;

3) эти глаголы не употребляются в повелительном наклонении;

4) вопросительную и отрицательную формы они образуют без вспомогательных глаголов.

Наиболее употребительные модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты

Перевод Значение Present Past Future
могу, умею 1) физическая либо умственная способность; 2) возможность can Modern computers can multiply two numbers in one microsecond. Современные вычислительные машины могут умножать два числа в течение одной микросе-кунды. could You could use these data in your research work. Вы могли использовать эти данные в вашей научной работе.  
be able to
cмог, сумел возможность совершения конкретного действия в определенный момент am(is,are) able to He is able to cope with the testing of this device. Он можетсправиться с испытанием этого прибора. was(were)able to He was able to cope with the testing of this device. Он смогсправиться с испытанием этого прибора. shall(will)be able to He will be able to cope with the testing of this device. Он сможет справиться с испытанием этого прибора.
должен, нужно 1) приказ; 2) личное решение must The atom must be used for the good of mankind. Атом долженслужить человеку.    
должно быть, вероятно предположение с уверенностью must He mustbe very experienced engineer. Он должно быть очень опытный инженер.    
have to
должен, вынужден приходится по обстоятель-ствам have(has)to The engineer has to examine this device. Инженер долженосмотреть этот прибор. had to The engineer had to examine this device. Инженер должен был осмотреть этот прибор. shall(will)have to The engineer will have to examine this device. Инженер должен будет осмотреть этот прибор.
be to
должен план, инструкция am(is,are)to We are to begin our experiment this week. Мы должныначать эксперимент на этой неделе. was(were)to We were to begin our experiment last week. Мы должны были начать эксперимент на прошлой неделе.  
можно разрешение may The engineers may examine this device. Инженеры могут осмотреть это устройство. might (в косв. р., сослаг. н.) The engineers might have examined this device. Инженеры моглиосмотреть это устройство.  
может быть, возможно предположение с небольшой долей уверенности may Не may finish his work today. Он, может быть (возможно), окончит работу сегодня.    
to be allowed to
разрешено разрешение am(is,are)allowed to The engineers are allowed toexamine this device. Инженерам разрешаютосмотреть это устройство. was(were)allowed to The engineers were allowed to examine this device. Инженерам разрешилиосмотреть это устройство. shall(will)be allowed to The engineers will be allowed to examine this device. Инженерам разрешатосмотреть это устройство.
должен совет (мнение говорящего) should Atomshouldserve peaceful purposes. Атом должен служить мирным целям.    
ought to
должен совет, правило, долг ought to You ought to be careful when experimenting with this substance. Вы должны быть осторожны, проведя опыты с этим веществом.    
need/needn’t(так же в вопр. и отр. предложениях)
нужно / не нужно необходимость совершения действия или отсутствие таковой need/needn't Needwe use all of the pseudo-operations? Нужно ли нам использовать все всевдооперации? These question need notbe addressed at all. К этим вопросом вообщене нужно обращаться.    


Глагол may с последующим Perfect Infinitive выражает предположение, относящееся к прошлому и переводится возможно, может быть:

He may have got the capacitor he needed. Он, возможно, достал конденсатор, который был ему нужен.

Глагол must с Perfect Infinitive выражает большую степень вероятности и переводится как должен был, должно быть, вероятно:

Не must have found out about the conference from the newspaper. Он, вероятно, узнал о конференции из газеты.

Перфектный инфинитив в сочетании с модальным глаголами could (возможно, мог, мог бы), might (мог бы), should (следовало бы, должен был бы, надо бы), ought (следовало бы, должен был бы, надо бы) выражают действие, которое могло бы произойти, но не состоялось. В таких предложениях содержится элемент критики и упрека:

I could have goneto the conference. But I was not invited. Я мог бы поехать на конференцию. Но я не был приглашен.
You might have made the experiment more carefully. Вы могли бы провести эксперимент более тщательно.
You should have checked the instrument before you started the work. Вам следовало проверить прибор до того, как вы начали работать.
They ought to have paid more attention to the problem of fuel consumption. Им следовало бы уделить больше внимания проблеме расхода топлива.

Глаголы cаn и could в отрицательной форме в сочетании с Perfect Infinitive выражают сомнение в возможности совершения действия в прошлом и обычно переводятся не может быть, чтобы + глагол в прошедшем времени, не мог + неопределенная форма глагола.

Не could not have used this device, it was out of order. He может быть, чтобы он использовал этот прибор, он был неисправен


1. Дайте русский эквивалент речевых отрезков, модальный глагол которых имеет значение:

a) могу, мог, сможет;

b) должен (должно);

c) можно (может быть, возможно).


1. the amount must be reached; 2. the task is to be executed in time; 3. the scientist may choose; 4. the results can be reprocessed; 5. the information had to be distributed equally; 6. the fact cannot be denied; 7. the magnetic field may be defined; 8. there must be a close relation; 9. the matter is to be considered; 10. he could calculate the intensity; 11. the measurement should be accurate; 12. the students were able to observe; 13. they may have discussed the problem; 14. you should be careful with acids; 15. the participants of the conference will be able to make their reports.


2. Найдите модальные глаголы в предложениях и дайте их русские эквиваленты:


1. You should remember the names of the scientists who have made a great contribution to the study of semiconductor physics.

2. You may use carbon steel in the construction of this building.

3. She cannot explain the properties of this group of alloys.

4. The students needed to study the influence of temperature on the strength of plastics.

5. I can do research on semiconductors now.

6. I want to become a materials engineer but I don’t know what I must study.

7. You may apply alloy steels for various engineering purposes.

8. The engineers can use copper for electrical conductors.

9. They could do research on copper alloys last term.

10. Students mustn’t be late for their classes.

11. Alex must perform all the experiments according to the instructions.

12. You ought to be more attentive in the laboratory.


3. Найдите предложения, в которых глагол «to be» переводится как «должен», «должен был», «должен будет».


1. The main task of this article was to show the results of the research.

2. The analogue systems of television are to be replaced by digital systems in the near future.

3. The lecture was to begin at 9 o’clock.

4. Our aim is to study well.

5. The participants of the conference are to arrive tomorrow.

6. This personal computer has been constructed at our lab.

7. It was Faraday who discovered the electromagnetic induction.

8. The next logical step is to apply electronic methods.

9. The machine was to be tested by the workers two hours ago.

10. Measuring temperature is necessary in many experiments.

11. The professor is to make a report at the conference.

12. The scientists are carrying on an important research.

13. For many centuries men were interested in obtaining new sources of energy.

14. The quality of these metal parts is to be very high


4. Найдите предложения, в которых глагол «to have» переводится как «должен», «должен был», «должен будет».


1. You have to remember the names of the scientists who have made a great contribution to the study of semiconductor physics.

2. Optical computers will have two important advantages over the electronic machines in use today.

3. Efficient long-distance communication had to wait for the discovery of electricity.

4. Most research has been done on crystalline semiconductors such as silicon and germanium.

5. I had my laptop repaired yesterday.

6. The computer will have to do a great deal of work to analyze the data.

7. Very few of the robots we have talked about up to now have looked like men.

8. Robots have shown scientists many of the things they will have to watch out for.

9. Many businessmen have to write a great many letters which are very much the same.

10. A rocket will have specially designed seats to protect its passengers.


5. Сравните сказуемые по форме и дайте их русский эквивалент.


1. He should help you.

2. He should have helped you.

3. You should do your homework properly.

4. You shouldn’t have done that.

5. You ought to help her.

6. The experiment ought to be finished today.

7. You ought to have helped her yesterday.

8. He needn’t have done it.

9. Need I come at 8 o’clock?

10. You may take part in the research work.

11. He may have come to the University.

12. He may have forgotten about it.

13. She must take these books.

14. She must have taken these books.

15. This work must be done later.

16. You can find him here.

17. He cannot have done it.

18. This device cannot be repaired today.


6. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих предложений, учитывая особенности перевода модальных глаголов:


1. First we should consider the arrangement of atoms in metals, i. e., in substances having thermal and electrical conductivities.

2. This field of force might be a simple static electric or a simple magnetic field.

3. Electronic devices must be built to fine limits if they are to function in the predicted manner.

4. A stream of electrons may be regarded as a large number of small bodies all moving in the same direction.

5. Electrons can be removed by the application of a very high electric field.

6. The fields might be very complicated ones.

7. From the purely physical point of view, electronics could be defined as the study of the motion of electrons in, or the interaction of electrons with, a field of force.

8. Matter may exist in any of its states: solid, liquid, gaseous.

9. We have to find another form of energy.

10. Several methods exist whereby sufficient energy may be supplied to the electrons in a metal in order that some of them may leave the metal.

11. You won’t be able to speak to him before the conference.

12. Electrons may be released from a gas in several different ways.

13. One of the requirements of an ideal optical system is that the magnification is to be constant.

14. We were not allowed to use our notes at the exam.

15. If there is a force between any pair of objects, we ought to be able to measure the force between them.

16. No further mention need be made of this elementary phenomenon, except to notice that excitation may be caused by any form of energy.

17. Efficient long-distance communication had to wait for the discovery of electricity.

18. It should be kept in mind that the initial electrons may be supplied by any of the methods discussed above.

19. We were to share the room with foreigners.

20. You shouldn’t have forgotten to leave a message for her.

21. They might have completed the research in that field.


7. A.Просмотрите следующий текст, определите тему текста и озаглавьте его.


Personal computers can imitate the operation of fax machines. Computer-based faxing enables people to transmit electronic computer files as faxes to another computer or to a conventional fax machine.

To send and receive facsimile transmissions, a computer must be equipped with faxing software and a fax modem, and it must be connected to a telephone line. The faxing software prompts the computer user to enter the fax number of the receiving computer or fax machine. The software compresses the file so it can be transmitted more efficiently, and then sends it to the fax modem. The modem converts digital computer files into analog signals so they can travel via telephone lines.

The fax modem of the receiving computer reconverts the analog telephone signal into a digital computer file. The faxing software on the receiving machine decompresses the file, and then notifies the computer user that a fax has been received. The receiver may choose to either view the fax in its electronic format or print it.


B. Прочитайте следующие утверждения и скажите, которые из них являются верными. Исправьте неверные утверждения.


1. Personal computers can imitate the operation of calculating machines.

2. Computer-based faxing enables people to copy electronic computer files.

3. To send and receive facsimile transmissions, a computer must be equipped with faxing software and a fax modem.

4. The software compresses the file so it can be transmitted less efficiently.

5. Digital computer files can’t travel via telephone lines.

6. Fax machine reconverts the analog telephone signal into a digital computer file.

7. The receiver may choose to either view the fax in its electronic format or print it.


8. A. Прочитайте текст. Выберитенаиболее подходящее название.

1. A Spymaster on the Net

2. E-Blaster

3. “Spy” Software in Industry

Parents who worry about what their children are being exposed to on the Internet are turning to E-Blaster for help. E-Blaster is ‘spy’ software that allows you to monitor what is being done on your PC, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by sending a detailed report to your e-mail address as often as every 30 minutes.

Once you have installed E-Blaster, you can check which web sites your children have visited, who they have talked to online and even what they have ‘said’. Monitoring the keystrokes typed by your child is similar to being able to read their mail or listen in on their phone conversations. You can even program E-Blaster to look for keywords such as swear words or other inappropriate language.

Because E-Blaster can be hidden from the PC user, it is also popular with employers, who are not always there to monitor what their employees are doing on their PCs at work.

Concerned parents and employers might get piece of mind from E-Blaster but, if the PC user isn’t informed that they are being ‘spied’ on, it could be considered an invasion of privacy. Personally, I feel that it is a sad reflection on our society today that we feel the need to replace trust and honest communication with ‘spy’ software.


B. Дайте ответы на вопросы:


1. What is E-Blaster?

2. Who prefers using E-Blaster?

3. What can people do with the help of E-Blaster?

4. How can it be possible that a PC user doesn’t know he is being spied on.

5. Why is using E-Blaster considered as an invasion of privacy?

6. What is the author’s opinion of E-Blaster?



1. What do you, personally, think about using “spy” software?

2. When is it necessary?

3. When can it be dishonest towards PC users?



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