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B. Delivering the news

A rag is an informal word for a newspaper and it suggests that it is not of very high quality. The gutter press is a disapproving term used about the kind of newspapers and magazines that are more interested in crime and sex than serious news. A glossy is an expensive magazine printed on good quality paper.

Journalists produce copy, which has to be ready for a deadline. When everything is ready the newspaper goes to press. A very important story that comes in after going to press may find its way into a stop press column. A very new newspaper or story can be said to be hot off the press.

A story that is only to be found in one newspaper is an exclusive. A scoop is a story discovered and published by one newspaper before all the others. A major story can be said to hit the headlines on the day it is published. At that time the story breaks or becomes public knowledge. If it is an important story it will receive a lot of coverage or space in the press. A newspaper may be taken to court for libel or defamation of character if it publishes an untrue story that harms a person's reputation. If you are doing research into a news event, you may want to get hold of some previous issues of newspapers, or back copies, and you may wish to make a folder of cuttings from the papers about the event.


Task 4. Match the two parts of the collocations used in the text in A, Task 3.

  air groups
  issue conference
  muck bite
  press season
  pressure raking
  silly sources
  sound a statement
  tap your views


Task 5. Fill the gaps with words from B in Task 3.

I started my career as a journalist working as a reporter on the local................................................... (1) in my home town. The first thing I had to do was to take over the role of agony aunt. This was quite difficult for an eighteen-year-old boy straight out of school! Still, I managed to produce enough................................................... (2) and in time for my first................................................... (3). When that first column of mine................................................... (4) to press, I felt extremely relieved and was so proud that I stayed up all night so that I could get half a dozen copies................................................... (5) off the press for all the members of my family! I still have a copy of that first article of mine in a folder where I keep................................................... (6) of all the work that I am especially proud of.


Task 6. Answer these questions about the language in the text in B, Task 3.

1. Would you write to a chief editor asking for a job on 'his rag'? Why / Why not?

2. What do you think about newspapers if you refer to them as the gutter press?

3. What is it very important for journalists not to miss?

4. Can you give an example of a famous fashion glossy?

5. What two words might describe the kind of story that a journalist dreams of getting?

6. What two expressions refer to the moment of publication of a big story?

7. Which two crimes are mentioned in the text and what do they consist of?

8. What might a film star keep in her scrapbook of press cuttings?


Task 7. Rewrite these sentences so that they mean the same thing, using the word in brackets.

1. Every newspaper inevitably gives its own particular view of events. (spin)

2. I have to find some articles from some previous editions of The Times. (back)

3. Read all about the royal divorce! Only just published. (hot)

4. The floods took up more space in the papers than any other story this week. (column)

5. Politicians are always ready and willing to give their opinions to the press. (air)

6. The story about the scandal surrounding her uncle broke on her wedding day. (hit)

7. Any newspaper does all it can to prevent being sued for libel. (character)

8. Muck-raking is a characteristic activity of an inferior kind of newspaper. (press)



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