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Task 4. Russian broadcasting.

a) Present brief information on Russian broadcasting. Consider the following:

· the main functions of television in this country (informa­tional, educational, entertainment);

· news coverage;

· kinds of programmes.

b) What evening's viewing would you recommend for a foreign visitor who is very interested in learning more about our country and its people?



Task 5. Write a newspaper criticism of a TV programme that you have seen of any of the following types:

a) a news programme, current affairs review, etc.;

b) a documentary;

c) an entertainment programme, show, etc.;

d) a children's programme;

e) a film shown on TV;

f) a sports programme;

g) an educational programme or any other.





You will listen to an interview with Carol, a teacher, who will explain her mixed feeling about the news she watches on TV.

Task 1. Listen to the interview and circle the correct answer for each question.

  1. According to Carol, news on TV
    1. is mostly about health issues.
    2. is mostly international.
    3. is mostly entertainment.
  2. In Carol’s opinion, the evening news
    1. is boring to most people.
    2. tricks people into watching.
    3. is an important source of information.
  3. Carol thinks that political problems
    1. don’t get reported in the way they should be reported.
    2. are not really interesting for most people.
    3. are presented well by TV reporters.
  4. Carol believes that most people
    1. are very interested in war and politics.
    2. want information quickly.
    3. don’t watch the news.
  5. Carol says that if TV news anchors are not physically attractive,
    1. people will not watch TV news.
    2. viewers will complain.
    3. viewers will change channels.
  6. According to Carol, newspapers
    1. have a wider audience than TV.
    2. can be read quickly.
    3. have the same problems as TV.
  7. Carol feels that news on the Internet
    1. is worse than the TV.
    2. is hard to find.
    3. is too general.
  8. Carol
    1. almost never watches the news on TV.
    2. watches TV news even though she doesn’t think it’s good.
    3. avoids the mass media.


Task 2. Recall the words from the listening that mean the following:

a) not showing any understanding of important or serious matters;

b) information or remarks that are spoken on a television programme or film by someone who is not seen on the screen;

c) the process of satisfying a desire, need, etc.;

d) to become involved in a situation, especially a bad situation, when you do not want to.


Task 3. Compare news coverage on TV, radio and the Internet.





Task 1. Read the text and translate it in the written form.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 1011. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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