Студопедия — TELEVISION
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Task 1. Study the given vocabulary.

1. Television:TV; telly (colloq.), the box (BE); the tube (AE), portable television (set); colour television (set); video; video tape-recorder (VT/VTR); cable television; satellite television; network; viewer; viewing; peak viewing hours; prime time (8-11 p.m.); theme tunes; TV addict; compulsive viewing.

2. Operating TV set: to switch on/off; to turn on/off; to turn the sound up/down; to switch (over)/ change to another programme/channel; to watch television; to see smth on televi­sion; a test card; to correct the picture; to have the TV set fixed.

3. Personnel/ People in television: to be in television; an­nouncer; newsreader/newscaster; anchorman/woman (AE); presenter; TV reporter/correspondent; commentator; inter­viewer; speaker; quizmaster; cameraman; editor; pro­ducer; technician; soundman; a film crew; a programme crew.

4. Programmes: programme; show; daily; weekly; monthly; the news; current affairs programme; special report; factual reportage; live footage (AE), talk (chat) show; discussion, panel discussion; interview; documentary; magazine programme; children's programme; cartoon; educational programme; wild/ nature life programme; sports programme; the weather report/ forecast; variety show; musical variety; game show; quiz pro­gramme; feature film, movie (AE); television play/film; tele­vision version of a play (adapted for television); thriller; Western; serial (a play broadcast in parts, e. g. a three-part serial); instalment (a part of a serial); sitcom (situational come­dy); soap opera; commercial; video clip; a regular character of the programme; a regular feature of the programme.

5. Television techniques: to broadcast; to telecast (AE); a live broadcast/show programme; to do a live broadcast; to be on the air; to go on the air; a broadcast speech/interview/discussion; to be on TV (What's on TV tonight?); to appear on the programme; to show on television; to cover smth; news cover­age; television coverage; to record/tape/videotape; recorded/ taped/videotaped programme; to do a television show; sound track; sound effects; test card; picture; general view; close-up; caption; still; library film/pictures (= archives material); location (= geographical position of an event); microphone, mike, neck mike; monitor; screen time.


Task 2. Guess a word or phrase from Task 1 by its definition.

1) television programmes that are broadcast using satellites in space, and which you need a special piece of equipment to be able to watch;

2) the time in the evening when the largest number of people are watching television;

3) to be in the business of making and broadcasting programmes on television;

4) someone who reads news or information on the television or radio;

5) someone who introduces the different parts of a television or radio show;

6) a television or radio programme or a performance that consists of many different shorter performances, especially musical and humorous ones;

7) a competition or game broadcast on TV in which people have to answer questions;

8) a full-length film that has a story and is acted by professional actors, and which is usually shown in a cinema;

9) a film that tells an exciting story about murder or crime;

10) a funny television programme in which the same characters appear in different situations each week;

11) an advertisement on television or radio;

12) to send out radio or television programmes;

13) to be broadcasting on the radio or television at the present moment;

14) when a subject or event is reported on television or radio, or in newspapers;

15) a photograph or part of a film in which the camera seems to have been very close to the picture it took.


Task 3. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage below.

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