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Respect for privacy underlies many aspects of British life. It is not just privacy in your own home which is important. Just as important is the individual's right to keep information about himself or herself private. Despite the, increase in informality, it is still seen as rude to ask people what are called `personal' questions (for example, about how much money they earn or about their family or sex life) unless you know them very well. Notice that the conventional formula on being introduced to someone in Britain, 'how do you doT, is not interpreted as a real request for information at all; the conventional reply is not to 'answer the question' but to reply by saying 'how do you do? too.

The modern British attitude to sex is an example of how, while moral attitudes have changed, the habit of keeping things private is still deeply ingrained. British (like American) public life has a reputation for demanding puritanical standards of behaviour. Revelations about extra-marital affairs or other deviations from what is considered normal in private life have, in the past, ruined the careers of many public figures. This would seem to indicate a lack of respect for privacy and that the British do not allow their politicians a private life. However, appearances in this matter can be misleading. In most of these cases, the disgrace of the politician concerned has not been because of his sexual activity. It has happened because this activity was mixed up with a matter of national security, or involved breaking the law or indicated hypocrisy (in acting against the stated policy of the politician's party). In other words, the private sexual activity had a direct relevance to the politician's public role. The scandal was that in these cases, the politicians had not kept their private lives and public roles separate enough. When no such connections are involved, there are no negative consequences for the politicians.





Task 1. BEFORE WATCHING. In pairs (small groups) find oat who knows the answers to the questions from (1) to (27) and write down the person's name in the section 'Name'.

Task 2, WHILE WATCHING (1). Watch the videofilm and fill in the correct information comparing with your (your partners') guesses.

1. Where W.Shakespeare was born ___ 2. What the extreme temperatures are in summer _______________ 3. What the extreme temperatures are in winter ________________ 4. What part of the population live in cities or towns ______________ 5. The population of Greater London ___ 6. What part of population are Black or Indian or Chinese (mln/%)___________ 7. What the most famous traditional English food is____________ 8. How many people in Britain go to church regularly _____________ 9. What percentage of the British population own their house (%) _________ 10. When Elizabeth II was crowned ____________ 11. Who has the power to rule in Britain ___________________ 12. When (approximate time) British Constitution was written ___ 13. Whom the Power in the British Parliament belongs to ________ 14. When Oxford and Cambridge boat race takes place____________ 15. When the Normans invaded Britain__________ 16. What the reminders of Scottish independence are _________ 17. When Ireland entered the United Kingdom ______________ 18. How big the British Empire around the Globe used to be ______________ 19. What the last British colony was _______________________ 20. The name of the ship which first carried the English to the New World _________________ 21. How many people in the world speak English these days ___ 22. Who discovered penicillin ______ 23. What "NHS" in Britain means ____________________ 24. What percentage of pupils go to state schools (.%) ___________ 25. Till what age children in Britain go to a primary school ____ 26. How many universities there are in Britain_______________ 27. How many member states there are in European Union ______   1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 498. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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