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Task 1 Read the text and make the list of points to remember while making enquiries.

In an email reply, the RE: abbreviation in the subject line automatically shows that you are replying to a message. Therefore it is not necessary to use a salutation.

However letters are different. In salutations use the customer’s name rather than Dear Sir/Madame, e.g. Dear Mr Green.

Thank the writer for his or her enquiry. Mention the date of his or her letter and quote any references. Let the customer know early in the letter if you have the product or can provide the service he or she is asking about. It’s irritating to read a long letter only to find that the sender cannot help.

Encourage your prospective customer to do business with you. A simple answer that you have the goods in stock is not enough. Mention one or two selling points of your product, including any guaranties, special offers and discounts.

If you do not have what the enquirer has asked for, but have an alternative, offer that. But do not criticize the product he or she originally asked for. You may not be able to handle the order or answer the enquiry. If this is the case, tell the enquirer and, if possible, refer them to another company which can help them.

Make sure that you have supplied all the information you think will be useful for your customer including catalogues, price lists and samples. Certain products, e.g. heavy equipment machinery, and computer installations, may need demonstrating. In these cases the supplier will either send a representative or adviser, or suggest that the customer should visit their showroom.

When giving a customer a quotation, in addition to the price quote transport and insurance costs, any discounts, method of payment and delivery dates. Do not promise a delivery date that you cannot keep.

Always thank the customer for contacting you. If you haven’t done so at the beginning of the letter or email, you can do so at the end. You should also encourage further enquiries.



Task 2 Read the sample letters and answer the questions about them.

Letter 1

P. Gerard wrote to R.G. Electronics to enquire about CDs. He implied that his store was a large one, that he was only interested in high-quality products, and that he might place a substantial order. This is the reply.


1. What references does Herr Gerlach quote?

2. Why are the CDs being sold cheaply?

3. Does he offer any discounts on the advertised goods?

4. What other material has he sent to Disc S.A.?

5. Can Disc.S.A. order whenever they want to?


R.G. Electronics AG Havmart 601 D – 50000 Berlin 1   Telephone(+49)221 32 42 98 Email gerlachr@rge.co.de www.rge.de     Your ref. PG/AL   14 May 20__  
P. Gerard Manager Disc S.A. 251 rue des Raimonieres F-86000 Poitiers Cedex   Dear Mr Gerard   Thank you for your enquiry of 12 May in which you asked about the CDs we advertised in this month’s edition of ‘Lectron’.   I can confirm that they are of high quality, and suitable for domestic recording. They are ‘Kolby’ products, a brand name you will certainly recognize, and the reason their prices are so competitive is that they are part of a consignment of bankrupt stock that was offered to us.   Because of their low price, and the small profit margin, we will not be offering any trade discounts on this consignment. But we sell a wide range of electronic and computer products and have enclosed a price list giving you details of trade, quantity, and cash discounts.   We have sent by separate post, samples of the advertised CDs and other brands we stock, and would urge you to place an order as soon as possible as there has been huge response to our advertisement. Thank you for your interest.   Yours sincerely   R. Gerlach   (Herr) R. Gerlach Sales Director   Enc. Price-list  


Letter 2

1. What is Mme Charcot’s problem?

2. How does she show her customer that she is concerned about safety?

3. Is Mme Charcot relying on her customer to contact her again?


To……. Pedro Monteiro Subject RE: Enquiry (K153, K157 units)   Dear Sr Monteiro   Thank you for your email. I regret to say that we are out of stock of K153 and K157 units, and do not expect another delivery until later this month.   We are currently testing a consignment from Taiwan, but these do not have a Belgian Standards Institute stamp of approval and we would like to complete our tests before putting them on the market. We will contact you again as soon as our testing is completed, or when the units you requested are available, whichever date is earlier.   Diane Charcot (Mme) Manager D&S Charcot S.A.R.L. Tel. (+32) 49-16592 Email: d.charcot@dscharcot.co.be

Task 3 Study the set of sample phrases and write a reply to the letter from page 16 (Unit 3).


1. Thank you for your enquiry of June 20__ in which you asked about …

2. I would like to thank you for you enquiry of 10 May 20__, and am pleased to tell you that we would be able to supply you with the…

3. We were pleased to learn from your letter of 10 December that you are impressed with our selection of…

4. Thank you for the letter, NJ 1692, which we received this morning.


Confirming that you can help

1. We have a wide selection of sweaters that will appeal to the market you specified.

2. Our factory would have no problem in producing the 6,000 you asked for in your enquiry.

3. We can supply from stock and will have no trouble in meeting your delivery date.

4. I am pleased to say that we will be able to supply the transport facilities you require.


‘Selling’ your product

1. When you have had the opportunity to see the samples for yourself, we feel sure you will agree that they are of the highest quality; and to see a wide selection online, go to www.betaware.co.uk

2. Once you have seen the Delta 800 in operation we know you will be impressed by its trouble-free performance.

3. We can assure you that the Alpha 2000 is one of the most outstanding machines on the market, and our confidence in it is supported by our five-year guarantee.


Suggesting alternatives

1. …and while this engine has all the qualities of the model you asked for, the ‘Powerdrive’ has the added advantage of fewer moving parts, so reducing maintenance costs. It also saves on oil as it…

2. The model has now been improved.

3. I regret to say that we no longer produce the type of stapler you refer to as there is no longer sufficient demand for it. I am sorry we cannot help you.

4. The book you mention is not published by us, but by Greenhill Education Ltd. Their address is…

5. We no longer manufacture pure cotton shirts as their retail prices tend only to attract the upper end of the market. All our garments are now polycotton, which is stronger and needs little ironing. However, if you are only interested in pure cotton garments, we advise you to contact Luis Fashions Ltd at…

6. We manufacture the product you require, but we only deal with wholesalers, not retailers. Therefore I suggest you to contact our agent …


Sending catalogues, pricelists and samples

1. Please find enclosed our current catalogue and pricelist. The units you referred to in your letter are featured on pp.31-34 under catalogue numbers Y32-Y37…

2. We enclose our booklet on the Omega 2000 and are sure you will agree that it is one of the finest machines of this kind. It can be adapted to your specifications.

3. We enclose our summer catalogue, which unfortunately is only published in English. However, we have included a German translation for the relevant pages (41-45) and hope this will prove helpful.

4. …and we have enclosed our pricelist, but should point out that prices are subject to change as the market for raw materials is very unstable at present.


Arranging demonstrations and visits

1. We have enclosed full details of the Laren welder, but a demonstration would be necessary to show you its full capabilities. We therefore suggest that you visit our centre in Birmingham, where the equipment is set up, so that you can see the machine in action.

2. As the enclosed booklet cannot really show the efficiency of this system, we would be happy to arrange for our representative to visit you and give demonstration. If you are interested in a visit, please fill in the enclosed pre-paid card and return it to us.

3. The enclosed catalogue will give you an idea of the type of sound equipment we produce, but may we suggest that you also visit our agent’s showrooms in Rotterdam where you can see a wide range of units? The address is…

4. Before installing the equipment, we would like to send our Chief Engineer to look over your plant and prepare a report on the installation, taking your particular requirements into account. We suggest you contact us to arrange a convenient date.


Discounts, deliveries and methods of payment

1. We allow a 3% cash discount for payment within one month.

2. We do not normally give discounts to private customers, but because of your long association with our company we can offer you a 12% off the retail price.

3. We can offer a further 10% discount off net prices for orders of more than 2,000 units.

4. On receipt of a cheque for the amount quoted, we will send the article by registered mail.

5. Payment for initial orders should be made by sight draft.

6. We are willing to consider open account facilities if you can provide the necessary bank reference.

7. …and we are pleased to say that we can deliver by November1, so you will have stock for the Christmas sales period.

8. We have materials in stock and will ship them immediately we receive your order.

9. We wouldn’t be able to deliver within two weeks, as we would need time to prepare the materials. However, we could guarantee delivery within four weeks.



1. Once again we would like to thank you for writing. We would welcome any further questions you might have.

2. Please contact us again if you have any questions, using the above telephone number or email address.

3. I am sorry we don’t have the model you asked for, but can assure you that the alternative I gave suggested will meet your requirements. Please remember that we offer a full three-year guarantee.

4. We hope to hear from you again soon, and can assure you that your order will be dealt with promptly.



Unit 5

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