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Task 1 Read the text.

When you receive an application form, always read it through carefully so that you know exactly what information is required. It is a good idea to photocopy it, complete the photocopy, and when you are happy with it, copy the information onto the actual form.

Some companies prefer a Curriculum Vitae, usually called a CV (resuméin American English), which is your personal and working history. Application forms and CVs may be emailed, faxed, or sent by post. If the company has sent an application form, remember to thank them. And if you are enclosing а CV, mention it at the beginning of the letter.

You may need to send a covering letter with an application form or CV. If you do, it should briefly explain points that might not be clear. You could also give further details to stress your suitability for the post. While pointing out important or relevant qualifications keep short as the application form or CV should contain full details.

If you need to explain why you left a job, it is best to sound positive. Never say that you wanted a better salary or conditions. You should not say you were bored with your job and never criticize the company you worked for, their products or services, or your colleagues. Concentrate instead on you suitability for the post, what you can offer your new employer in terms of experience or expertise, and why you particularly want it.

Most application forms give some space to describe previous work experience, e.g. what your duties and responsibilities were. Here you have a chance to highlight your achievements, e.g. any special responsibilities or projects you undertook, changes you made, or schemes you introduced.

All prospective employers will want to know why you are applying for a specific job. This not only means explaining why you want the job, but why you think your particular skills and experience would be valuable to the company.

At the end of the letter, offer to supply more information if necessary.


Here are the phrases the might be helpful for you while filling in an application form or writing a covering letter:

1. Thank you for your letter of … and the application form for the post of….

2. I enclose the completed form / my CV.

3. You will see that I graduated from … University / College in 2009 where I gained a degree /diploma /certificate in… (Mention any parts of your studies relevant to the post.)

4. During my employment with … _my work was specifically concerned with … (Mention work relevant to the post you are applying for.)

5. I left (old employer) because … (new employer) offered me a chance to use my … (languages, it training, etc.).

6. I was offered a chance to join (company) where there was an opportunity for further training and experience in…

7. I was offered the post of Senior Technician by … (company) in (date), and therefore left … (company) in order to...

8. I joined … (company) in … (date) as part of their new Eastern Europe sales team. This was an excellent opportunity to...

9. While I was a Team Leader at … (company), I supervised a team of six technicians and introduced new quality control procedures which resulted in...

10. During my time at … (company), I was responsible for marketing software services. A large part of this role involved successfully implementing change in the...

11. During my time at … (company), I studied part-time for an MBA, which I completed in 2008. Since then I have gained more management
experience in...

12. As part of my degree course in Business Studies, I worked for three months in the Data Processing Department of a large computer corporation where I gained experience in...

13. I am particularly interested in the post as I could apply my previous experience in … (area of work).

14. I am sure I would be successful in this post as I have the skills and experience you describe, as well as …

15. I believe my background in … (area of work) equips me for the post you advertise, especially my recent experience of … (specialist area, e.g. project management, website development).

16. I have some experience of … (area of work), and am enthusiastic about developing a career in this field.

17. I look forward to hearing from you. However, if there is any further information you require in the meantime, please let me know.

18. Please let me know if there are any other details you need. Meanwhile, I look forward to hearing from you.

19. I would be happy to discuss with you at interview how my skills and expertise could be used to your advantage.


Task 2 Read the body of the covering letter below and discuss it. Use the following phrases that will help you to speak of it:

The applicant starts by… She then goes on to expand on… … give other information that is relevant to the post. She explains why…


Dear Mrs Hastings  
  I would like to apply for the vacancy advertised in the Guardian on 16 June for a Personal Assistant to the Sales Director.   As you will see from my CV, I am currently Personal Assistant to the Sales Manager of a small engineering company. In addition to the day-to-day administration work, I represent the Sales Manager on some occasions and I am delegated to take certain policy decisions in his absence.   I speak good French and Italian, and use both languages in the course of my work.   I am particularly interested in this post as I would like to become more involved with an IT organization and am very familiar with many of your software products.   If there is any further information you require, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.   Yours sincerely   Carol Brice   Carol Brice  


Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 825. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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