Resubmit your revised report
See the marking criteria below.
Marking Criterion for Individual Report (S5) Resit
| Criteria
| Below pass level
(0– 39%)
20 point scale (17-19)
| Pass level
(40 – 59%)
20 point scale (9-16)
| Merit Level
(60 – 69%)
20 point scale (5-8)
| Distinction level
(70 – 100%)
20 point scale (1-4)
Literature Review (15%)
| Background Study (5%)
| q Poor relevance and support of research topic
q Poor range of literature used
| q Limited relevance and support of research topic
q Limited range of literature used
| q Good relevance and support of research topic
q Good range of literature used
| q Excellent relevance and support of research topic
q Excellent range of literature used
Case Study (10%)
| q Poor relevance of case study to the assessment topic
q Poor analysis of case study in context of topic
| q Limited relevance of case study to the assessment topic
q Limited analysis of case study in context of topic
| q Case Study mostly relevant to the assessment topic
q Good analysis of case study in context of topic
| q Case study completely relevant to the assessment topic
q Excellent analysis of case study in context of topic
Primary Research
| Questionnaire Design
| q Poor Overall quality of questionnaire
q Poor Clarity of questions
q Mostly Irrelevant questions
| q Average Overall quality of questionnaire
q Limited Clarity of questions
q Some Irrelevant questions
| q Good Overall quality of questionnaire
q Good Clarity of questions
q Mostly Relevant questions
| q Excellent Overall quality of questionnaire
q Excellent Clarity of questions
q All Relevant questions
Data Analysis and communication of results
| q No real analysis of the data
q Poor or missing interpretation of results.
q Poor communication of results.
q Poor Use of Graphs and Charts with poor labelling
| q Limited analysis of data.
q Limited interpretation of basis statistics.
q Limited or confused communication of results.
q Limited Use of Graphs and Charts with poor labelling
| q A good attempt at data analysis
q A good attempt at interpretation of basis statistics.
q Good clear communication of results.
q Good Use of Graphs and Charts with good labelling
| q An excellent attempt at data analysis
q An excellent attempt at interpretation of basis statistics.
q Excellent communication of results.
q Excellent Use of Graphs and Charts with excellent labelling
Strategy Draft (15%)
| Discussion and development of strategy (15%)
| q Poor relevance to the conclusions drawn from research.
q Poor use of underpinning theory/ context.
q poor Quality of strategy
| q Limited relevance to the conclusions drawn from research.
q Limited use of underpinning theory/ context.
q Average overall Quality of strategy
| q Mostly relevant to the conclusions drawn from research.
q Good use of underpinning theory/ context.
q Good overall Quality of strategy
| q Fully relevant to the conclusions drawn from research.
q Excellent use of underpinning theory/ context.
q Excellent overall Quality of strategy
Report structure and referencing (25%)
| Design (5)
| q Poor font/ layout
q Poor general Appearance
q Poor/missing cover Page
| q Average font/ layout
q Average general Appearance
q Cover Page with limited details
| q Good font/ layout
q Good general Appearance
q Good cover Page with most details
| q Excellent font/ layout
q Excellent general Appearance
q Excellent cover Page
Structure (8)
| q Report poorly structured or missing sections.
| q Report has some structure but sections missing
| q Report has good structure with use of tables and diagrams.
| q Excellent report structure.
Use of Language (8)
| q Poor use of language and grammar
| q Average use of language and grammar
| q Good use of language and grammar
| q Excellent use of language and grammar
Referencing (4)
| q Poor citation / referencing.
| q Use of citation / referencing – could be improved.
| q Good use of citation / referencing.
| q Excellent citation / referencing.
Reflective Task
| q Lack of submission
q Flippant or irrelevant work
| q Reasonable reflection
q OR bears some relationship to the specified assignment
| q Reasonable reflection content and bears some relationship to the specified assignment
| q Excellent reflection which shows evidence of substantial engagement with the subject area and is relevant to the specific assignment
| | | | | | | | | |
Теоретические вопросы
1. Понятие производной. Производная функции
2. Геометрический смысл производной. Уравнения касательной и нормали к графику функции.
3. Понятие дифференцируемости функции и дифференциала. Условие дифференцируемости. Связь дифференциала с производной.
4. Геометрический смысл дифференциала.
5. Непрерывность дифференцируемой функции.
6. Дифференцирование постоянной и суммы, произведения и частного.
7. Производная сложной функции.
8. Инвариантность формы дифференциала.
9. Производная обратной функции.
10. Производные обратных тригонометрических функций.
11. Гиперболические функции, их производные.
12. Производные высших порядков, формула Лейбница.
13. Дифференциалы высших порядков. Неинвариантность дифференциалов порядка выше первого.
14. Дифференцирование функций, заданных параметрически.