Explain the meanings of the following words illustrating each with your own example:
a) business; b) case; c) trouble; d) treament. (Cf.: “She was treated for bronchitis.” “He treats her cruelly. The poor thing deserves better treatment.”)
4 Explain what kind of specialist one should consult in case of this or that complaint.
§ “If you have a toothache, you should go to your dentist. He’ll examine your teeth, and if the aching tooth is not too far gone, he’ll stop it. If it’s too bad, he’ll take it out… § If you don’t feel well, you should consult a doctor. … He’ll ask you to describe to him the symptoms of your illness. Then he’ll feel your pulse, look at your tongue, and examine you thoroughly. Finally, he’ll prescribe the treatment and write out a prescription.
5. What do we call? A family doctor - g…………….. p……………. someone who looks after sick people in hospital – n…………….. a sick person who has to stay in hospital – i…………….. a sick person who has lo visit hospital regularly for treatment – o………………
someone who operates on sick people – s…………………. a person badly injured in an accident, fire, war – c…………………… a person who helps at the birth of a baby – m……………….. a person who specializes in one area of medicine – s……………………….
SPECIALISTS. Some of these words look so much alike (hat we often confuse them. See if you can get them straight. Here are some specialists with brief descriptions of their specialties. Check the one correct title that fits the description in each case. 1) He treats children's diseases. a, He is an orthopaedist. b, He is a pediatrician. c, He is a pathologist. 2) He corrects deformities of the body. a. He is a gynaecologist. b. He is an orthopaedist. c. He is a pathologist. 3) He straightens crooked teeth. a. He is an orthodontist. b. He is an orthopaedist. c. He is a pathologist. 4) He is a medical doctor who specializes in diseases of the eye. a. He is an oculist. b. He is an optician. c. He is an orthopaedist. 5) He makes your eyeglasses. a. He is an oculist. b. He is an orthopaedist. c. He is an optician. 6. He specializes in disorders of the mind. a, He is an intern. b, He is a psychiatrist. c, He is a physiotherapist. 7) He treats diseases by electricity. a. He is a pathologist. b. He is a physiotherapist. c. He is a psychologist. 8) His specialty is taking and interpreting X rays. a. He is a gynaecologist. b. He is a neurologist. c. He is a radiologist.
a. He is a cardiologist. b. He is a dermatologist. c. He is a neurologist. 10) He treats diseases of old age. a. He is a cardiologist. b. He is a geriatrician. c. He is a pediatrician. 11) He specializes in skin diseases. a. He is a dermatologist. b. He is a geriatrician. c. He is a pathologist. 12) He treats women's diseases. a. He is a dermatologist. b. He is a geriatrician. c. He is a gynaecologist. 13) He brings children into the world. a. He is a gynaecologist. b. He is an obstetrician. c. He is a pediatrician.
6. Reproduce the dialogue by heart: - What’s the matter with you, Mr.Evan? - I am not feeling very well, doctor. - What exactly is the trouble? - I feel uncomfortable after meals. - You’ve been working very hard lately, - Yes, I have. haven’t you? - And I expect you’ve been worrying too. - The work has been rather tiresome. - You smoke rather heavily, I notice. - I am afraid I do. - Well, I think I can soon put you right. - I suppose you’ll say “Work less, smoke less and eat less.”
7. Explain whether the doctor had every reason to sound optimistic or whether he should have asked more questions before giving his opinion.
8. Very often we have only ourselves to blame if we don’t feel well. Reproach your imaginary listener for having ignored his/her health. Explain how he/she should or shouldn’t have behaved. Comfort your listener and give advice.
The aim of the lesson is to learn to explain the functions of some things connected with medicine.