Exercise 1. Before you watch a video about how to make London more sustainable with Siemens try to predict the answers to these questions.
1) How does traffic influence the quality of life in London? 2) What does Siemens do to improve the situation?
Exercise 2. Watch the video. Clap your hands when listen the following words. environment, environmental, traffic, train, emission Exercise 3. Watch again. In the following script differentiate logical parts and put punctuation marks. Trafficaloneproduces10milliontonsofCO2ayearinLondonaccountingfor20%ofalltheCarboneDioxideimmediatelyintheBritishcapitalLondoncityplannersarepartneringwithSiemenstorisetothechallengeofmanagingmassivevolumesoftrafficandenhancingmobilitywhileminimizingenvironmentalimpactSiemens’answeriscompletemobilityandintegratedtransportationconceptthatprovideshighlyefficientmobilitysolutionsbyelevatingandintelligentrecombiningthespecificadvantagesofrailbuscarandairtravel. Exercise 4. Check what you remember. Put the statements below in the correct order. 1) Statistics confirms the success of Siemens’ complete mobility concept. Just a few months after the conjunction charge was launched, traffic in the city center had been reduced by 20 %. 2) Traffic alone produces 10 million tons of CO2 a year in London. 3) In the first step to implement incomplete mobility, London collaborates with Siemens to offer commuters and attractive alternative to driving. 4) London is also a transportation center: five airports, serving 210 million passengers each year, an underground network with lines extending of more that than 400 km, some 8,000 public buses, and thousands and thousands of cars and tracks. 5) Traffic is now flowing faster with average commuting time having been cut by 1/6. 6) A fleet of 1,200 new comfortable commuter trains from the UK-Roman family head their way for a network linking regional transportation and the mass transit system. Exercise 5. Look at the visuals that Larry West, a professional writer and editor who has written many articles about environmental issues, uses to support his ideas. Can you name them? What other visuals do you know? A. The Rising Environmental Cost of Driving Alone (U.S.)
B. C.