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Canada, Australia, New Zealand

1. Canada is …

a. the largest country in the world

b. the second largest country in the world

c. the third largest country in the world.

2. The capital of Canada is …

a. Montreal b. Toronto c. Ottawa


3. Canada has two official languages. They are

a. English and German b. English and French

c. English and Canadian


4. The national currency of Canada is …

a. the Canadian franc b. the Canadian dollar

c. the Canadian pound


5. The official colours of Canada are …

a. red and blue b. white and red c. red and gold


6. Canadians have a special celebration in honour of this sweet drink. What is it?

a. Cola b. lemonade c. maple syrup


7. The world-famous waterfall situated in Canada is …

a. Victoria b. Niagara c. Sutherland


8. Canada’s national sport is …

a. baseball b. football c. ice hockey


9. The Canadian head of state is …

a. the Queen b. the President c. the Prime Minister


10. A snow house built by the Inuit (Eskimos) is called …

a. an igloo b. a cabin c. a hut


11. What are the official languages in Canada?

a. English and Spanish b. English and French

c. English and German


12. What are the official languages in New Zealand?

a. English and Maori b. English and French

c. English and Spanish


13. Which country between the Indian Ocean and the southern Pacific Ocean is both a continent and an island?

a. New Zealand b. Papua New Guinea c. Australia


14. Where is New Zealand situated?

a. in the Atlantic Ocean b. in the Pacific Ocean

c. in the Indian Ocean


15. What is the capital of Australia?

a. Sidney b. Canberra c. Adelaide


16. What is the capital of New Zealand?

a. Wellington b. Christchurch c. Dunedin


17. What is the floral symbol of Canada?

a. the maple leaf b. the thistle c. the oak leaf


18. What is the floral symbol of New Zealand?

a. the rose b. the kowhai c. the daffodil


19. What animals can be seen on Australia’s coat of arms?

a. the koala and parrot b. the dingo and kookaburra

c. the kangaroo and emu


20. What is the state system of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand?

a. a republic b. a constitutional monarchy

c. a limited monarchy


21. What houses does the New Zealand Parliament comprise?

a. two: the House of Representatives and the Senate

b. one: the House of Representatives

c. the House of Commons and the House of Lords


22. What is the Canadian national currency?

a. the Canadian pound b. the Canadian dollar

c. the American dollar


23. What is the Australian national currency?

a. the American dollar b. the Australian pound

c. the Australian dollar


24. What is New Zealand’s national currency?

a. the American dollar b. the New Zealand dollar

c. the New Zealand pound


25. Which street is called Wall Street of Canada?

a. Sussex Drive in Ottawa b. Bay Street in Toronto

c. Main Street in Montreal


Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 828. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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